Thursday, 2014-08-21

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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/monasca-agent: Remove hardcoded version
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sandywalshadded some new screencasts to the playlist: Notigen event templates and EOD .exists processing14:20
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sandywalshcindyo: not quite sure of your question? One set of rules per pipeline (triggering criteria), but that one ruleset could be responsible for thousands of active streams15:25
sandywalshcindyo: is one pipeline definition15:27
sandywalshand is the other (for example)15:27
cindyosandywash: db_expiry_check in the inmemory driver vs mongodb_driver has a different number of parms.  Which one should I be using just to see how it works?15:38
cindyoit seems like only mongodb one will work, since the pipeline is the one sending those parms15:39
cindyosandywalsh: thanks for the links, that is helpful.  the integration test was my guide and it was not matching the event request id key15:43
sandywalshcindyo: sorry, I didn't get back to the inmemory driver to fix it up yet.15:46
sandywalshonly mongo right now15:46
sandywalshI'll try and get to that shortly ... working on stackforge headaches :/15:47
cindyocindyo: no problem, I realize it’s in development, so it’s nice of you to help us to understand :)  Good luck on the stackforge integration :)15:48
sandywalshheh, thanks ... I'll need it. Let me know if you run into any more issues15:48
sandywalshthe new screencast might be useful too15:49
cindyowhat is the link for the screencast?15:52
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tongli@sandywalsh, will someone send an agenda out for next week meetings?15:58
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cindyosandywalsh: I get a connection failure to mongo. I guess I have to figure out how to setup a mongdo db16:16
cindyoor can I just change my version of the inmemory db to have the same number of parms?16:18
cindyoi’ll look into that, because i think we want to go the inmemory way16:19
sandywalshcindyo: the big limitation is the workers don't work with in-memory (since it would span N in-memory instances)16:30
sandywalshcindyo: I'd need to change it to use shared memory or something16:31
cindyowas thinking of using the streams (in-memory?) to calculate the amount of time from beginning to end and generate a metric with the delta time.  Not sure how you normally store this stream of data though16:36
cindyowe would have pipeline processing per tenant, so the same worker would always get that tenant data to add to its pipeline16:40
openstackgerritTim Kuhlman proposed a change to stackforge/monasca-thresh: Create a tar.gz file with the package target.
sandywalshcindyo: that's a possibility, key off tenant_id and request_id.16:51
cindyoyeah, then the memory sharing is not a concern16:52
kuhlmantI'm getting an error trying to compile monasca-api.16:56
kuhlmant[ERROR] /Users/kuhlmant/src/monasca/api/src/test/java/com/hpcloud/mon/infrastructure/persistence/mysql/[50,7] error: class AlarmMySqlRepositoryImplTest is public, should be declared in a file named AlarmMySqlRepositoryImplTest.java16:56
kuhlmantAny ideas on what is wrong?16:56
kuhlmantkuhlmant@mac:~/src/monasca/api (master)$ java -version16:57
kuhlmantjava version "1.7.0_25"16:57
kuhlmantJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_25-b15)16:57
kuhlmantJava HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.25-b01, mixed mode)y16:57
sandywalshcindyo: well, the expired, ready and purge workers wouldn't work. Unless we explicitely call those operations in the yagi handler or add_event()16:57
craigbrkuhlmant: You have a capitalization problem16:57
craigbrWeird thing about a mac is filenames are case insenstive16:58
cindyooh those are separate workers, then there is a memory sharing problem16:58
kuhlmantHmm, so what do I do about it?16:59
craigbrI will help you after standup16:59
sandywalshcindyo: but I think there is a hack workaround we can do16:59
cindyoi’m sure we’ll talk about some of this next week, but our goal was per tenant metrics from streams16:59
kuhlmantOh wait Cindy isn't talking about my issues, capitilization I will try and fix.17:00
sandywalshcindyo: I'll try and get some time tomorrow to fix that stuff up. Nearly have stackforge done17:01
cindyohow is the communication between mongo db and the expired, ready, and purge workers implemented?17:03
cindyomongo db streams17:04
openstackgerritTim Kuhlman proposed a change to stackforge/monasca-api: Added a tar ball to the package target
openstackgerritDavid Schroeder proposed a change to stackforge/monasca-agent: Fix detection and operation of Kafka plugin
sandywalshcindyo: they all talk to the same mongodb17:15
sandywalshthe streams are stored there17:15
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cindyosandywalsh: do the workers poll the db?17:34
cindyochecking for ready, etc17:34
sandywalshcindyo: yes17:34
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cindyosandywalsh: what would I pass in for the “chunk” parameter to pipeline calls?19:53
sandywalshanything is fine (like 100)
cindyosandywalsh: thanks, sandbox is a good source i see for examples :) will try using mongodb20:17
cindyosandywalsh: I had 634 streams, it says it checked 100 and none were ready.  Is the chunksize the number of streams it checks?  I want to force them ready but don’t know how. I tried this:  p.process_ready_streams(100,now)20:28
cindyosandywalsh: I think I had the parameters reversed!20:32
cindyohmmm maybe not, the pipeline code has this:  def process_ready_streams(self, chunk, now=None), but sandbox tests have the reverse20:33
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