Friday, 2024-06-07

opendevreviewZhouHeng proposed openstack/neutron master: Improve ACL comparison efficiency
opendevreviewMiguel Lavalle proposed openstack/neutron master: Fix trunk test_subport_delete functional test
opendevreviewIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: DNM: mypy improvements
opendevreviewIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: DNM: mypy improvements
opendevreviewIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: DNM: mypy improvements
opendevreviewIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: DNM: mypy improvements
opendevreviewIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: mypy: enable checks for all files
opendevreviewIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: DNM: mypy improvements
opendevreviewIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: mypy: add type hints to fake_notifier module
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Ensure cr-lrp permanent ip nei entry is added on NB DB driver
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2024.1: [stable only] Fix KeyError in set_gateway_mtu
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Tap Mirror API and scenario tests
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: Add neutron unit test job in check queue
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: [stable only] Fix KeyError in set_gateway_mtu
sebaI'm looking at the extraroutes extension for routers and it looks like I can create routes with an ipv6 subnet that have a ipv4 nexthop, so it's an address family mismatch. Is that a valid construct in vanilla OpenStack? I know linux has some foreign addressy family next hop stuff implemented in the last years, but somehow I'd expect this to not be an acceptable extraroute10:54
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vicentHi, I was asking on the general chat, but maybe it is better here. I am wondering, it is possible to use geneve tenant networks with multiple physnets, so with tunnel endpoint on different NICs?12:14
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2023.1: [stable only] Fix KeyError in set_gateway_mtu
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/networking-sfc master: Handle missing vlan for egress flow setup
opendevreviewJay Jahns proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Announce lrp ip if advertisement method is subnet
opendevreviewJay Jahns proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Announce lrp ip if advertisement method is subnet
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron unmaintained/yoga: [yoga only] Drop 8-stream jobs
farbodI have a question about Nuetron overlay networks.13:22
farbodI deep dived a bit inside Neutron and OVS and the question that came to my mind is that when a VNI on an overlay network comes to the br-tun inside the server, who is responsible for handling this VxLan frame?13:22
farbodI mean at the end the br-tun forwards it to the br-int but why there is multiple VxLan ports in br-tun.13:22
farbodI also wonder how we are not getting limited by mapping each VNI to local VLAN IDs on the server for isolating the networks?13:22
farbodI mean as I understood each VNI tag translates to a corresponding VLAN ID.13:22
farbodAlso what about the MAC addresses in the flow table of the br-tun? What are they used for? 13:22
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas stable/2023.2: Remove devstack-gate requirement
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas stable/2023.1: Remove devstack-gate requirement
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron master: Add policy for create_agent api call
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas unmaintained/zed: Remove devstack-gate requirement
farbodAny info?13:44
racostaHi farbod. Just an advice, avoid using vxlan in your deployment with openvswitch because there is a limitation related to the representation of the VNI! more specifically, in the mapping of the datapaths for each flow created. I mean, in a OVN deplyment, if you use vxlan you will limit the number of ports mapped in the datapath_bindings of the southbound database (I imagine it's similar for the OVS plugin). Use generic 13:45
racostaencapsulation (Geneve) in your configuration and map the vlans of your provider network to the physical interface associated with the ovs bridge mappings in the neutron config file - `bridge_mappings = provider:br-provider`.13:45
farbodSo you mean br-int in OVS can't handle more than VLAN ID limit range tunnel networks?13:47
racostaNo, the problem is not with the br-int interface. The question is the flows mapped to the datapath! each datapath flow receives a tunnel_key and the behavior changes when you use vxlan or geneve.13:50
farbodWhat do you mean by datapath?13:51
racostaThe flow that is created in each network element running openvswitch, to redirect traffic from a VM port to a gateway chassis, for example. So, basically, you need a VM port to be connected to a logical router (which can reside on a remote chassis with a network gateway role), and this flow between chassis needs to be tunneled and identified with the tunnel_key / datapath.13:57
racostaSo, you don't need VXLAN encapsulation to tunnel communication between chassis in your cloud (that's why I suggested using Geneve). And regarding the external interface/provider, you just need to map the VLANs in the neutron config and have the physical interface created on a network node.
farbodDoes internal  connection between br-int and br-tun  happens with VLAN IDs or VxLan VNI tunnels?14:33
farbodFor example in this picture in the doc in self service network in the network node it shows that connection between br-int and br-provider is with VLAN tunnel and connection between br-int and br-tun is with internal tunnel. Is it right?14:36
farbodI mean when I use ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-tun I see that it maps each tunnel ID to a VLAN.14:36
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron master: Bump neutron-lib to 3.13.0
vicentI keep getting this with my OVN neutron:  Invalid input for operation: provider:physical_network specified for geneve network.15:02
vicentIs it possible to configure provider networks with geneve segmentation?15:02
vicentIt should be possible according to
farbodCan anybody guide me?15:15
vicentHi racosta, isn't the link you send for ovs? but you were talking about OVN deployment.15:31
vicentfarbod, if I understand it correctly, if you check the flows on br-tun, you will get vxlan encapsulated as part of the actions15:32
lajoskatonafarbod: Hi, for OVS based deployment there is VLAN between br-int and br-tun and there Neutron pushes the packets to the tunnel15:33
lajoskatonavicent, farbod: vicent is right from br-tun  to br-int there should be a mapping to vlan ids, but the other direction you have to tunnel15:35
vicentI am just trying to find the configuration for provider networks using geneve segmentation for OVN. I can only find for flat and vlan segmentations. Any idea where to get that?15:36
farbodI get it. So what if the number of tenant networks be more than 4096 on a single host? How it will map the VNIs to the VLANs between br-int and br-tun?15:52
vicentracosta, thanks, but that only includes vlan segmentation for provider networks16:06
vicentOr can I set a flat network and then a different provider:physical_network for the tenant networks to go to different interfaces?16:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron unmaintained/zed: [stable only] Fix KeyError in set_gateway_mtu
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit will be restarted at around 17:45 UTC to pick up some small image updates16:45
farbodIs there a limit for it?17:25
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron unmaintained/yoga: [yoga only] Drop 8-stream jobs
opendevreviewMiro Tomaska proposed openstack/neutron master: Revert "Use HasStandardAttributes as parent class for Tags DB model"
farbodWhy like LinuxBridge OVS doesn't use a bridge for each network and uses only one br-int for all the traffic and limits it with VLAN IDs?19:26
opendevreviewMiro Tomaska proposed openstack/neutron stable/2024.1: Revert "Use HasStandardAttributes as parent class for Tags DB model"
opendevreviewMiro Tomaska proposed openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: Revert "Use HasStandardAttributes as parent class for Tags DB model"
opendevreviewMiro Tomaska proposed openstack/neutron stable/2023.1: Revert "Use HasStandardAttributes as parent class for Tags DB model"
opendevreviewMiro Tomaska proposed openstack/neutron stable/zed: Revert "Use HasStandardAttributes as parent class for Tags DB model"
opendevreviewMiro Tomaska proposed openstack/neutron stable/yoga: Revert "Use HasStandardAttributes as parent class for Tags DB model"
opendevreviewMiro Tomaska proposed openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: Revert "Use HasStandardAttributes as parent class for Tags DB model"

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