Tuesday, 2025-02-11

opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the Neutron API (2)  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94120206:33
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM - Test "neutron-ovn-tempest-ipv6-only-ovs*" with WSGI  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/93934706:34
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-deprecation] Add a warning message after monkey_patched  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94120707:17
sahidlajoskatona: o/ if you have a moment can you try to repick all the patches related to ovs and see if you have still the issue?07:30
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove "logger" mechanism from ML2/OVN CI jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94121108:09
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [eventlet-removal] Remove "logger" mechanism from ML2/OVN CI jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94121208:10
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the Neutron API (2)  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94120208:10
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM - Test "neutron-ovn-tempest-ipv6-only-ovs*" with WSGI  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/93934708:10
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove "logger" mechanism from ML2/OVN CI jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94121108:33
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the Neutron API (2)  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94120208:33
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM - Test "neutron-ovn-tempest-ipv6-only-ovs*" with WSGI  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/93934708:33
ralonsohykarel, haleyb please check these 2 patches08:35
ralonsoh* https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94121208:35
ralonsoh* https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94121108:35
ralonsoh^ logger, that is a test mech driver, is still calling monkey_patch08:35
ralonsohand is breaking everything...08:35
ralonsohotherwiseguy, tested yesterday just commenting the monkey_patch method and everything worked fine08:36
ralonsohso I think I've lost 1 month trying to re-implement the hash ring manager without any need08:36
lajoskatonasahid: looks ok, let me check in detail your patches, really promising in devstack08:39
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM - Test "neutron-ovn-tempest-ipv6-only-ovs*" with WSGI  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/93934708:57
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Change ``PeriodicWorker`` executor to ``ThreadPoolExecutor``  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94070708:57
sahidlajoskatona: thanks !09:04
ykarelralonsoh, ack09:19
ykarelso that logger not needed? or that has to be also fixed?09:20
ralonsohykarel, it will be fixed once eventlet is removed from the tests09:20
ralonsohbut makes no sense to use it with ovn09:20
ralonsohthis is not used with ovs, for example09:20
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Bagpipe: make neutron-tempest-plugin-bgpvpn-bagpipe non-voting  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94121809:22
sahidlajoskatona: i have rebuilt my devstack and suffering the same issue than you, agent is running but not registered09:24
lajoskatonaI rebuilt the devstack with ./unstack.sh; ./stack.sh, with your latest patches, strange....09:26
sahidI have noticed this error into the log, you may have the same: Feb 11 10:22:46 devstack01 neutron-openvswitch-agent[1570367]: ERROR os_ken.controller.controller [-] Error in the datapath 00002607f5684142 from ('', 59416)09:27
ykarelralonsoh, ack not sure why not used with ovs, is there any reason for that it was used only with ovn?09:27
ykarellooks added very long back09:27
ralonsohykarel, no idea, that's the problem09:27
ralonsohbut why using it?09:27
ykarelthat's what /me trying to understand before removing it09:30
ykarelsomehow i recall this catched some issues in past09:31
ralonsoh_but right now, we can't use logger because if calling eventlet09:32
ykarelyes that's fine to remove but just we should add context and have it's coverage back later09:33
ykareli mean fine to remove to fix CI09:33
ralonsoh_ykarel, I'll update the patches to add this comment09:34
opendevreviewVladimir Prokofev proposed openstack/neutron-specs master: Add spec for random-fully per-FIP feature RFE.  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-specs/+/93265009:34
ykarelk thx will check post lunch09:35
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Use common constants from neutron-lib for agent_mode  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-fwaas/+/94122009:44
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tap-as-a-service master: Prohibit installation in too old python versions  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tap-as-a-service/+/94122109:46
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Create a deterministic hash ring node UUID generator  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94100810:07
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [eventlet-removal] Remove "logger" mechanism from ML2/OVN CI jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94121210:13
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove "logger" mechanism from ML2/OVN CI jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94121110:13
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: [eventlet-removal] Remove "logger" mechanism from ML2/OVN CI jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94122410:14
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: [eventlet-removal] Remove "logger" mechanism from ML2/OVN CI jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ovn-octavia-provider/+/94122510:17
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: Ignore reno artefacts (RELEASENOTES.rst and reno.cache)  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ovn-octavia-provider/+/94122610:18
ralonsoh_ykarel, check this: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/939347 (this testing patch is manually removing the logger mech driver from this job)10:21
ralonsoh_17 jobs finished, all OK (3 still running)10:21
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh10:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2024.2: Catch when the process does not exist when killing it  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94110510:25
opendevreviewSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/os-ken master: hub: implement threads related functions  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-ken/+/93867310:30
opendevreviewSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/os-ken master: hub: add equivalents for eventlet functions using native  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-ken/+/93887510:30
opendevreviewSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/os-ken master: hub: implement listen as native  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-ken/+/93887610:30
opendevreviewSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/os-ken master: hub: use native as default implementation  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-ken/+/93833710:30
bbezakHi, small update on bug I mentioned yesterday - for ml2/ovs users - adding back no_track keepalived flag fixes the L3 HA failover on FIP detach - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/209777010:55
ykarelralonsoh, ok good10:56
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [DNM] Check n-d-r workaround with logger mech_driver removed  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94123011:08
ykarelralonsoh, also triggered ^ to confirm all good with dynamic routing job with logger removed11:08
ralonsohchecking that11:09
opendevreviewSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/os-ken master: hub: implement threads related functions  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-ken/+/93867311:16
opendevreviewSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/os-ken master: hub: add equivalents for eventlet functions using native  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-ken/+/93887511:16
opendevreviewSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/os-ken master: hub: implement listen as native  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-ken/+/93887611:16
opendevreviewSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/os-ken master: hub: use native as default implementation  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-ken/+/93833711:16
ralonsohbbezak, sorry, what does it mean? The default value is true11:18
ralonsohwhat version of keepalived are you using?11:19
ralonsohbbezak, can you post in the LP bug the differences between in the keepalived config?11:25
bbezakthis is keepalived v2.2.8 built with Rocky Linux 9.5 kolla caracal. also confirmed on antelope RL 9.411:30
bbezaksure will do11:30
bbezakralonsoh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2097770/comments/412:07
ralonsohbbezak, I don't think this is a matter of reverting both patches12:13
ralonsohbut this: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/869013/5/neutron/agent/linux/keepalived.py#22712:13
ralonsohin any case, I need to recheck the code again 12:14
bbezakyes, this removes no_track effectively12:14
ralonsohI think this change in L227 is not necessary (actually is inverting the logic)12:14
bbezakthank you12:14
bbezakhowever by the commit message of that change - no track flag removal was on purpose12:20
bbezakmaybe assumption was wrong12:20
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Use centralized constants for [ovn] neutron_sync_mode  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94101813:20
ralonsohbbezak, this is to track the interfaces but not the VIPs13:35
ykarelralonsoh, n-d-r one failed even removing logger , 5/10 failed https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/buildset/43a33fd35a6a472da8e903ecd494a06a so there some another issue13:35
ralonsohykarel, yes, there is indeed another issue 13:36
ralonsohsomething related to the router interface removal13:36
ralonsohbut this is not happening in non n-d-r jobs13:36
ralonsohI'll continue investigating that13:36
ralonsohbut all the patches related to the removal of eventlet in the API are legit13:37
ralonsohI'll comment that today in the team meeting13:37
ykarelack, so those hash rings ones also still valid? i think you mentioned above those not needed with logger removal13:37
ralonsohI'll send today the list of patches13:38
ralonsohone sec13:38
ralonsohI had it prepared for today's meeting13:38
ralonsohI've -W the ones related to the hash ring change13:38
ykarel+1 thx13:39
ykarelralonsoh, in 941202 i see some failures in ovn jobs13:40
ykarelError while executing command: HttpException: 500, : 500 Internal Server Error: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation.13:40
ralonsohyes, I saw it, I'm still investigating it13:41
bbezakralonsoh: right. so FIPs shouldn't be tracked as well - cause when are they detached failover occurs13:41
ykarelack i recall we had a lp for it long back13:41
bbezak* ralonsoh: right. so FIPs shouldn't be tracked as well - cause when they are detached failover occurs13:41
ralonsohbbezak, FIPs are the IP addresses in "virtual_ipaddress_excluded" section13:44
bbezakstill, no_track added there helps13:46
bbezakaccording to that we need no_track surely. as FIP got removed, keepalived by design will do the transition13:50
haleyb#startmeeting networking14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Feb 11 14:00:38 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is haleyb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.14:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'networking'14:00
haleybPing list: bcafarel, elvira, frickler, mlavalle, mtomaska, obondarev, slaweq, tobias-urdin, ykarel, lajoskatona, jlibosva, averdagu, haleyb, ralonsoh14:00
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh14:00
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [L3] Do not track the fixed IP / FIPs in the keepalived configuration  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94124714:01
haleybWe are in week R-7 of Epoxy14:01
haleybE-3 milestone at week R-5 (Feb 24)14:01
haleyb#link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html14:02
haleybSo about 2 weeks until feature freeze14:02
haleybReminder: If you have a topic for the drivers meeting on Friday, please add it to the wiki @ https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers14:03
haleybAnd of course a reminder to use the priorities dashboard for patches in the "ready to merge" state14:03
haleybPlease put reviews there or ping people here14:03
haleybWe previously merged change to remove linuxbridge driver, i've been trying to merge the dibbler removal patch this week but so far the gate has said 'no', will try again after meeting14:04
haleybwas there any progress fixing things that broke due to linuxbridge?14:05
haleybi also proposed n-t-p and devstack changes yesterday14:05
lajoskatonasom with bagpipe14:06
haleyb#link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22remove-linuxbridge-agent%2214:06
lajoskatonaI will change the topic to have all under the same14:06
haleyblajoskatona: thanks, i see that is needed for mine14:06
lajoskatonaI pushed another one to make the job non-voting temporary14:07
haleyblast announcement is it's PTL/TC election season for 2025.2 cycle, please read the ML email for further information14:08
haleybi have no other announcements, anyone else?14:09
lajoskatonatoday will be a meeting with TC and foundation I suppose14:10
lajoskatonaabout merging to/with Linuxfoundation14:10
lajoskatonathere will be another one this week for other timezones, today is 1600UTC14:11
haleyboh, yes, right after this meeting, so i will make sure to end on-time14:11
haleybhopefully everyone saw that email and responses14:12
haleybmoving on14:12
haleyb#topic bugs14:12
haleybbcafarel was the deputy last week, his report is at14:13
haleyb#link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/ST54KVP3RCC5XOZSWBHJ65M3Y3EZFME4/14:13
haleybthe two critical have patches proposed/merged, thanks for that14:13
haleybas do the two high ones14:14
haleyband 2/3 of medium have patches as well14:14
cardoeI was hoping I could get a +1 for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-openstackclient/+/940595 which is a fix for routers.14:15
haleyband ralonsoh picked-up the eventlet-removal one, thanks14:15
haleyb#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/209725714:15
haleyb[eventlet-removal] Use ``ThreadPoolExecutor`` for ``periodics.PeriodicWorker``14:15
ralonsoh^ proposed by otherwiseguy 14:15
lajoskatonacardoe: will check it, thanks14:16
otherwiseguyralonsoh: on that one, I don't know if we need it or not. things seemed to work without it after not monkey patching14:16
haleyback, it didn't have a patch linked in it but i do remember one now that you mention it14:16
ralonsohotherwiseguy, we'll see that in  the CI, checking the periodicity of the method call14:17
ralonsohas you did before14:17
otherwiseguynot sure why the patch changed the frequency of periodic calls while eventlet was still monkeypatching--but only when the api was active. was weird.14:18
otherwiseguyprobably a red herring14:18
haleybok, i will let you two decide on the fate of any change there after testing14:19
haleyblast one was on an older release14:20
haleyb#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/209761014:20
haleybi will add a note about reproducing on somethine 2023.2 or later14:20
haleybany other bugs to discuss?14:22
haleybdeputy this week is elvira, next week is slaweq - that good with both of you?14:22
ralonsohslaweq, is on PTO14:22
ralonsohI'll ping him next day14:22
haleyback, thanks14:23
haleyb#topic community goals14:24
haleyblajoskatona: neutronclient update update14:24
haleyb#link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/1999774%22+status:open14:24
lajoskatonano news this week14:24
lajoskatonathe patches from last week under review, but I had no time to work on this14:25
haleyback, they all at least seem to be green and have reviews14:25
lajoskatonayes quite good attention from Horizon team14:26
haleyband last is eventlet14:26
ralonsohyes I have a list of patches14:26
ralonsohthat should be enough to remove eventlet from the API14:27
lajoskatonasahid also works on ovs-agent patches: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/2087939%2214:27
ralonsohI'm removing logger from the ML2/OVN jobs because (1) this is calling monkey_patch(), (2) this is a testing mech driver class, (3) this is not used in the jobs and (4) no user will call it in a production env14:28
lajoskatonaI try to follow these and help where I can14:28
ralonsohyes, OVS patches are the second part14:28
ralonsohbut is there a CI job running without eventlet?14:28
sahidralonsoh: yes14:29
sahidthe last patch14:29
ralonsohthe CI is not passing14:29
sahidstill working on it14:29
sahidall the previous are passing14:29
ralonsohok, maybe we can merge the os-ken ones14:29
ralonsohand release a new version14:30
sahidi think that will help to make progress14:30
ralonsohok, let's focus on them. If there are further errors, we can release minor versions14:30
haleybok, so start at this one14:31
haleyb#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-ken/+/93832614:31
sahidthank you14:31
haleybthere is a relation change there14:31
haleybsahid: when those are done can you propose os-ken release? or ping me if you need any help14:31
sahidsure I will14:32
sahidand if needed will ping you aswell14:32
sahidthank you14:32
haleyback, thanks for all your work (and rodolfo and everyone else)14:33
haleyb#topic on-demand14:33
haleybany other topics?14:33
haleybnothing on the wiki14:34
lajoskatonanothing from me14:34
haleybok, if nothing else have a good week, lets get some of these eventlet changes merged :)14:35
mlavallenot from me either14:35
MengyangZhang[m]I just a quick question, would the neutron community be interested in supporting applying QoS changes live to VMs14:35
ralonsohthis is already supported14:35
ralonsohyou can change the QoS settings of a port that is attached14:35
cardoeI did have some questions.14:36
MengyangZhang[m]okk, is there a doc for this, want to learn more about it14:36
cardoeI'm an operator looking to use Neutron for managing our bare metal infra.14:36
cardoeAnd specifically networking.14:37
ralonsohMengyangZhang[m], the Neutron API, let me find that14:37
ralonsohMengyangZhang[m], https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/network/v2/index.html#quality-of-service14:37
cardoeYou guys have https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/5SX35AQZ65G6HWQ7WARLJTJK3ASAOWNU/ on your wiki which is what I'm looking to follow up on.14:37
cardoeI'm specifically using L2VNI. There's been some out of tree tweaks around that by Juniper and others. There's also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ovn-bgp-agent/+bug/201789014:39
cardoeI'm just wondering how to best engage on my use case. I'd like to contribute it upstream as best as possible.14:39
ralonsohTo be honest, I think Julia has a better perspective of this topic. I think you should first sync with Julia about what is the Ironic's plan about "decoupling" certain areas from Neutron14:41
haleybyes, i would agree was just trying to read that and look at wiki14:41
ralonsohthe ovn-bgp-agent is for OVN only, I don't think that suits your requirements14:41
cardoeI've been speaking with Julia about it.14:42
cardoeI'm encouraging less of a decoupling and more of a lean in harder. :D14:42
haleybare there specific neutron changes for this effort?14:43
cardoeWell just usage behaviors and maybe I'm understanding the features wrong.14:44
cardoeSo I've got a VXLAN fabric with leafs and edges. But some of my servers can sit on two separate fabrics.14:44
cardoePreviously when we used VLAN, I could use physical_network as the fabric / separation. But VXLAN explicitly disallows physical_network.14:45
cardoeWith L2VNI, we'll have a VLAN mapped to that VXLAN on that switch pair serving the physical server for example as well. It would seem like the segments feature would work to create VLAN segment on a VXLAN network. But things feel more L3VNI. I'm not sure if it'll be a blocker.14:47
haleybso if there is a change required in neutron, it needs to be proposed via our RFE process, I have not seen any request in this area yet14:47
cardoeI'm interested in using OVN with this as well and have it either join the fabric with something like... https://github.com/toreanderson/evpn_agent/14:47
cardoeI'll happily write them up. I just wanted to first ask if this use case was something that would be acceptable.14:48
haleybi am just not super familiar with this effort14:49
cardoeIn some cases there would just be neutron and nothing else. e.g. the BMC / iLO / iDRAC (whatever ya wanna call it) network.14:50
cardoeI'll do a better job of writing this up and explaining it in the future.14:51
cardoeI just was more curious around the acceptability of neutron as a data center network manager.14:51
haleybhmm, i guess i would not try and stretch neutron that far14:52
haleybbut would have to see a proposal14:52
cardoeokay. So basically Ironic runs its own DHCP server for certain cases still. I've been asking why not just use a neutron network with neutron supplied DHCP for the BMC network.14:53
cardoeAs one example.14:53
cardoeI'll refine it better before I bring it up again. Sorry.14:54
cardoeTheJulia: btw ^14:54
haleybwe only have a few minutes left, want to give people time if they wish to attend TC meeting14:55
frickler1600 UTC is 1h away fwiw14:55
haleyboh, i saw 10am ET14:56
haleybi have a hard stop either way14:56
haleybcardoe: thanks for bringing it up, please loop-back once you have more info from ironic team14:57
spatelFolks, I have question related OVN chassis priority. I want to change chassis priority so my external port for SRIOV get schedule on specified chassis - https://paste.opendev.org/show/by6LCZQ8jSCAwlDeWv4K/ 14:57
ralonsohspatel, we can talk after the meeting14:58
spatelI have vlan tenant based networking I am not running any L3 vRouter 14:58
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Feb 11 14:58:10 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)14:58
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/networking/2025/networking.2025-02-11-14.00.html14:58
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/networking/2025/networking.2025-02-11-14.00.txt14:58
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/networking/2025/networking.2025-02-11-14.00.log.html14:58
spatelralonsoh +114:58
haleybhave a good week everyone14:58
ralonsohspatel, so you have several GW chassis, I guess14:58
spatelralonsoh I was on time :) look like meeting just end14:58
ralonsohexternal ports use HA_Chassis_Group to host the port14:59
spatelI have 3 controller not but I want to add 2 more nodes which answer my DHCP request for sriov ports 14:59
ralonsohbut the priority is not selectable14:59
ralonsohyou can change it manually14:59
spatelI am not able to find command to change priority in HA_Chassis_Group14:59
spatelAll doc is discussing about lrp port priority which is related to L3 router (In my case I don't have one)15:00
ralonsohspatel, you need to write it manually on the ha_chassis registers15:01
ralonsoheach ha_chassis_group is a set of ha_chassis registers15:02
spatelDo you have any command example ? 15:02
ralonsoheach one has a decreasing priority15:02
ralonsohone sec15:02
ralonsohspatel, you need to remember that you'll have more than 1 ha_chassis per ha_chassis_group15:05
ralonsohand the priority must be different15:05
ralonsohto change that15:05
spatelSure! 15:05
ralonsohovn-nbctl set ha_chassis e0b19db8-1fa7-448f-865e-bfb1704f26fb priority=200015:05
ralonsohfor example15:05
spatelLet me try! 15:05
spatelThat works :)15:07
spatelLet me see my DHCP request getting answer by that node 15:07
spatelralonsoh hmm! I have changed but it getting revert in few minutes 15:13
spatellook like its re-updating tables15:14
ralonsohNeutron binds the port once and doesn't change it15:14
ralonsohI don't know what is reverting this change15:15
spatelSee here - https://paste.opendev.org/show/bVjxjnjUol5jXnb8rWFw/15:15
opendevreviewElvira García Ruiz proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Fix SGL test multicompute and cleanup  https://review.opendev.org/c/x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94110815:19
spatelralonsoh How many chassis I can be have with external_ids:ovn-cms-options="enable-chassis-as-gw" ?15:26
spatelI have 4 in place and trying to add 5th one 15:26
spatelbut not accepting 15:27
spatelSorry, look like it took some time15:27
ralonsohspatel, as many as you want. The hardcoded limit for ha_chassis_group is 515:28
opendevreviewElvira García Ruiz proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Fix SGL test multicompute and cleanup  https://review.opendev.org/c/x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94110815:28
spatelralonsoh Thank you! 15:30
spatelis this look OK to you? I have so many duplicate chassis after changing priority - https://paste.opendev.org/show/b5QxoTMmaLAQIX2HO6b6/15:30
ralonsohspatel, these ha_chassis register belong to different ha_chassis_group15:37
spatelhmm! 15:38
spatelHelp me understand because my knowledge of OVN is very new - https://paste.opendev.org/show/bnzgOuKn2ZCw2ENpstbD/15:40
spateleach SRIOV port has own chassis group?15:40
spatelI see.. I can see each sriov port has own chassis group and related nodes owning that ports 15:42
ralonsohspatel, no, an external port will be scheduled to a ha_chassis_group, but this is created per network15:44
spatelralonsoh this confusing me here what is neutron-extport-57978c72-9db9-4755-ab07-e1c356be586f ? 15:46
spatelLook into this output - https://paste.opendev.org/show/bqkVsbeTn7M5JSX7N7Wn/15:47
spatelIts matching with one of my sriov port ID15:47
sahidjust two tests are failing https://fd523a58635e77859e01-780831070818942681cb8e09b67e92b7.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/937765/57/check/neutron-ovs-tempest-with-os-ken-master/87e4ca9/testr_results.html16:20
sahidhopefully we will be able to make progress soon16:21
*** elodilles_pto is now known as elodilles16:21
ralonsoheolivare, hi! If you have 1 min: https://review.opendev.org/c/x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94122416:56
ralonsohhaleyb, hello, if you have 1 min, please check16:56
haleybralonsoh: done and done, thanks16:58
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: WIP == [OVN] Router GW port deletion should be done once only  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94126217:26
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the Neutron API (2)  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94120217:48
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Revert "Track all interfaces in Keepalived"  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94128317:52
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Create a deterministic hash ring node UUID generator  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94100817:57
opendevreviewRenjing Xiao proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Cover both enabled and disabled cases in nested snat validation test  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94090618:11
opendevreviewRenjing Xiao proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Cover both enabled and disabled cases in nested snat validation test  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94090618:21
opendevreviewRenjing Xiao proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add nested snat tesin whitebox  https://review.opendev.org/c/x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94090818:52
opendevreviewMerged x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: [eventlet-removal] Remove "logger" mechanism from ML2/OVN CI jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94122418:52
opendevreviewRenjing Xiao proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add nested snat test in whitebox  https://review.opendev.org/c/x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94090818:54
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [eventlet-removal] Remove "logger" mechanism from ML2/OVN CI jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94121219:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove "logger" mechanism from ML2/OVN CI jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94121119:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Remove dibbler code from l3 agent and elsewhere  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/93428321:48
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Use shared constants for [ovn] ovn_l3_scheduler  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/94101922:08
opendevreviewRenjing Xiao proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add nested snat tesin whitebox  https://review.opendev.org/c/x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin/+/94090823:08

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