opendevreview | Ghanshyam proposed openstack/neutron master: Testing doc job on Ubuntu Noble | 05:28 |
sahid | o/ | 08:21 |
sahid | any chance to have review on this one? is uses futuristic I feel like it was good choice to handle pool of thread in ths case espcially | 08:23 |
opendevreview | Lajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: fullstack: use shorter agent_down_time and report_interval | 09:03 |
opendevreview | Lajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: fullstack: use shorter agent_down_time and report_interval | 09:06 |
pabloclsn | hi everyone, I have 3 os connected via an IP fabric, the private subnet are distributed via BGP and all vms in all AZ can ping each other, the problem is that I'm trying to contact the private ip of a ovn loadbalancer (az: par1) from an other az (par2 or par3) | 11:10 |
pabloclsn | and it's not working only the VMs from par1 can contact the private IP of the LB, I checked the flow of the router in front of the LB and I have this match=( && !ct.rel && ip4 && ip4.dst == && tcp && tcp.dst == 9042 && is_chassis_resident("cr-lrp-96937f25-ea2f-4dfc-a5e9-76b0d1e4fca7")) I'm pretty sure that the "is_chassis_resident" if the thing blocking other az to reach the private ip of the LB | 11:10 |
pabloclsn | do you have any idea on how can I open up the private ip | 11:12 |
opendevreview | Slawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron master: [S-RBAC] Fix policies for the SG rules API | 11:13 |
ralonsoh | pabloclsn, how are you distributing a private subnet via BGP? shouldn't be eVPN? | 11:18 |
pabloclsn | ralonsoh: i pretty much followed this : | 11:20 |
pabloclsn | all the vms in all AZ can contact themselve | 11:22 |
ralonsoh | pabloclsn, and where is the LB located? what subnet? Is this subnet on any advertised route? | 11:29 |
opendevreview | Lajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: WIP: Check DHCP agent event handling after eventlet removal | 11:43 |
pabloclsn | ralonsoh: I have three subnets on 3 az par1: VMs and LB are on this subnet par2: same vm and lb etc .... | 11:58 |
pabloclsn | Yes the subnet are advertised to the LEAFs running the ip fabric, as I said all vms on all AZ can contact each others and Lb private ips are on the same subnets as the vms | 12:00 |
opendevreview | Lajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: WIP: Check DHCP agent event handling after eventlet removal | 12:31 |
*** haleyb|out is now known as haleyb | 13:30 | |
haleyb | #startmeeting networking | 14:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Tue Mar 11 14:00:28 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is haleyb. Information about MeetBot at | 14:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'networking' | 14:00 |
haleyb | Ping list: bcafarel, elvira, frickler, mlavalle, mtomaska, obondarev, slaweq, tobias-urdin, ykarel, lajoskatona, jlibosva, averdagu, haleyb, ralonsoh | 14:00 |
mlavalle | \o | 14:00 |
frickler | \o | 14:00 |
ykarel | o/ | 14:00 |
slaweq | o/ | 14:00 |
cbuggy | o/ | 14:00 |
lajoskatona | o/ | 14:01 |
rubasov | o/ | 14:01 |
ralonsoh | hello | 14:01 |
haleyb | hi everyone | 14:01 |
haleyb | #announcements | 14:01 |
haleyb | We are currently in week R-3 of Epoxy | 14:01 |
haleyb | RC1 release proposals have been proposed | 14:02 |
elvira | o/ | 14:02 |
haleyb | i have not looked at any yet | 14:02 |
haleyb | All deliverables released under a cycle-with-rc model should have a first release candidate by the end of the week, from which a stable/2025.1 branch will be cut. This branch will track the 2025.1 Epoxy release. | 14:02 |
haleyb | Once stable/2025.1 has been created, the master branch will be ready to switch to 2025.2 Flamingo development. While the master branch will no longer be feature-frozen, please prioritize any work necessary for completing 2025.1 Epoxy plans. Release-critical bugfixes will need to be merged in the master branch first, then backported to the stable/2025.1 branch before a new release candidate can be proposed. | 14:03 |
haleyb | So we need to take a look at any patches in-flight and get them merged, then update the release patch | 14:03 |
haleyb | RC1 deadline: March 14th, 2025 | 14:04 |
bcafarel | late o/ | 14:04 |
haleyb | Final RC deadline: March 28th, 2025 | 14:04 |
haleyb | Final 2025.1 Epoxy release: April 2nd, 2025 | 14:04 |
haleyb | So please ping me with any patches that should merge, and set priority so they appear in the dashboard | 14:05 |
lajoskatona | +1 | 14:06 |
slaweq | haleyb I think I may have one | 14:06 |
slaweq | | 14:06 |
ralonsoh | let's raise the priority to +2 to those patches that should land this week | 14:07 |
ralonsoh | I have another bug fix too | 14:07 |
haleyb | slaweq: +1, will start watching | 14:07 |
slaweq | thx | 14:07 |
haleyb | ralonsoh: yes, RP +2 is a good idea | 14:07 |
slaweq | I just set it for my patch | 14:08 |
haleyb | Project Teams Gathering (virtual): April 7th-11th, 2025 | 14:08 |
haleyb | #link to sign up | 14:08 |
slaweq | and I will address ralonsoh's comments just after this meeting | 14:08 |
haleyb | April 7-11, 2025, 13:00-17:00 UTC, Full virtual | 14:09 |
haleyb | #link | 14:09 |
ralonsoh | ^ thanks! | 14:09 |
haleyb | please add topics there | 14:09 |
lajoskatona | thanks | 14:09 |
haleyb | like last time, i will sign-up for tue/wed/thur slots, we have not needed friday in a couple of meetings | 14:10 |
haleyb | i'm assuming monday is for TC, etc | 14:10 |
ralonsoh | and operator hours? | 14:10 |
slaweq | monday usually is for the TC & community leaders session | 14:11 |
haleyb | #link | 14:11 |
slaweq | TC meetings are usually Thursday and Friday | 14:11 |
haleyb | not very much there yet | 14:11 |
haleyb | i do see eventlet on tuesday 14:00 and 15:00 UTC so will avoid that time as well | 14:11 |
haleyb | that's all i had on ptg and announcements, any others? | 14:13 |
haleyb | slaweq: i see TC on friday as well now | 14:13 |
haleyb | so monday and friday | 14:13 |
slaweq | could be | 14:14 |
slaweq | I am not in the TC anymore so I am not tracking it closely this time :) | 14:14 |
haleyb | that link ^^ is the source of truth | 14:14 |
haleyb | :) | 14:14 |
haleyb | Reminder: If you have a topic for the drivers meeting on Friday, please add it to the wiki @ | 14:15 |
haleyb | i will look later this week | 14:15 |
haleyb | #topic bugs | 14:16 |
haleyb | rubasov was the deputy last week | 14:16 |
haleyb | #link | 14:16 |
haleyb | there were a number of gate failures reported | 14:16 |
haleyb | #link | 14:17 |
haleyb | test_securitygroup(ovs-openflow) fullstack test random failure with Time out exception | 14:17 |
haleyb | not sure if any were discussed at yesterday's CI meeting | 14:17 |
ralonsoh | yes it was but just to report it | 14:17 |
haleyb | ack | 14:17 |
haleyb | that one needs an owner, comment that it could be similar to | 14:18 |
haleyb | another was | 14:18 |
haleyb | #link | 14:18 |
haleyb | Random failure in test_established_tcp_session_after_re_attachinging_sg | 14:19 |
ralonsoh | yes, this is failing both in ovn and ovs | 14:19 |
ralonsoh | could be a test issue implementation too | 14:19 |
haleyb | ack, that one needs an owner as well | 14:21 |
haleyb | and another gate failure | 14:22 |
haleyb | #link | 14:22 |
haleyb | Random failure in dvr ovs grenade jobs to ping vm post upgrade | 14:22 |
haleyb | that's always in the ovs dvr grenade multinode job | 14:23 |
haleyb | ykarel: were those all discussed in CI meeting or just reported? | 14:24 |
ykarel | haleyb, yes just briefly discussed and reported | 14:25 |
haleyb | ack, would be good to get owners to try and track some of those down, otherwise recheck; recheck; recheck :( | 14:25 |
ralonsoh | I try with the ovs dvr one | 14:26 |
ralonsoh | it seems that we don't have dhcp | 14:26 |
lajoskatona | perhaps this last grenade failure isrealted to | 14:27 |
haleyb | ralonsoh: thanks | 14:27 |
lajoskatona | and perhaps to the eventlet removal | 14:27 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, could be, let's sync after the meeting | 14:27 |
lajoskatona | ack | 14:27 |
haleyb | there was one more gate bug | 14:28 |
haleyb | #link | 14:28 |
haleyb | Intermittent test_batch_notifier failure | 14:28 |
haleyb | i picked this up and proposed a patch | 14:28 |
haleyb | ralonsoh: i was just writing a response before meeting, we can discuss there or i'll ping you after meeting | 14:28 |
ralonsoh | sure, after the meeting. I think we discussed it last week | 14:29 |
haleyb | ralonsoh: right, more discuss about the change, changing the sleeps wasn't as i expected | 14:30 |
haleyb | i'm just checking the rest of the bugs, most have owners | 14:31 |
haleyb | #link | 14:32 |
rubasov | I'll get back to see if I can reproduce this: | 14:32 |
haleyb | neutron-bgp-agent dies with debug log + json | 14:32 |
rubasov | just got some info yesterday | 14:32 |
haleyb | rubasov: ack, thanks | 14:32 |
haleyb | last one is | 14:33 |
haleyb | #link | 14:33 |
haleyb | Severe Packet Loss During Live Migration Due to Premature Route Advertisement in Neutron BGP Dynamic Routing | 14:33 |
haleyb | looks like lajoskatona had some thoughts on that one | 14:34 |
lajoskatona | I just checked the code to tell the truth | 14:34 |
rubasov | that one seems real, I think it cannot be made perfect, but it is likely possible to improve the timing | 14:34 |
rubasov | mostly based on what Lajos looked into | 14:35 |
lajoskatona | but based on that it seems valid bug, and with some extra conditions to the for port_update callback it could be ok | 14:35 |
lajoskatona | yes exact as rubasov said | 14:35 |
lajoskatona | s/exact/exactly/ | 14:35 |
lajoskatona | if the reporter can work on it that would be perfect :-) | 14:37 |
haleyb | ack, is anyone actually doing active development on that repo to take this? it doesn't look like it based on past changes | 14:37 |
haleyb | lajoskatona: yes, that would be best | 14:37 |
haleyb | ok, well make a comment in the bug regarding possible fix if you can, and see if submitter can take | 14:39 |
lajoskatona | +1 | 14:39 |
haleyb | any other bugs people want to discuss? | 14:39 |
haleyb | looking at the calendar, this week mlavalle is deputy, next week is jlibosva | 14:40 |
mlavalle | on it since yesterday | 14:40 |
haleyb | mlavalle: woohoo! :) | 14:40 |
haleyb | ok, moving on | 14:41 |
haleyb | #topic community goals | 14:41 |
haleyb | lajoskatona: i see one of the neutronclient horizon changes was pushed into the gate, don't know if it merged, but progress | 14:41 |
lajoskatona | all merged this morning after few rechecks :-) | 14:41 |
lajoskatona | so I have to go back and do something again :-) | 14:41 |
haleyb | oh, perfect, nice end to the cycle! thanks for doing that work | 14:42 |
ralonsoh | +1 | 14:42 |
haleyb | lajoskatona: if there is any more work we can add to etherpad and plan for flamingo if possible | 14:44 |
lajoskatona | good idea | 14:44 |
lajoskatona | as I remember there was an etherpad for the whole work, I try to find that one also | 14:45 |
haleyb | sure, can just link it | 14:45 |
haleyb | next item is eventlet | 14:45 |
ralonsoh | yes, in bullet points | 14:46 |
ralonsoh | OVS: | 14:46 |
ralonsoh | SR-IOV: | 14:46 |
ralonsoh | L3: nothing yet, stuck in high prio bugs | 14:46 |
ralonsoh | that's all, ^^ please review the open patches | 14:46 |
haleyb | ralonsoh: thanks for that, will review as much as i can today | 14:47 |
haleyb | and there was a bug for macvtap agent, but that needs a new oslo.service | 14:48 |
haleyb | #link | 14:48 |
ralonsoh | right, not urgency for now (and this mech driver is not frequently used) | 14:48 |
haleyb | great to get all that work done this cycle! | 14:49 |
haleyb | #topic on-demand | 14:50 |
haleyb | any other things to discuss? i see nothing in the wiki | 14:50 |
haleyb | ok, thanks for attending, have a good week and remember it is RC1 week | 14:51 |
haleyb | #endmeeting | 14:51 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Tue Mar 11 14:51:33 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 14:51 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 14:51 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 14:51 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 14:51 |
lajoskatona | o/ | 14:51 |
ralonsoh | bye | 14:51 |
mlavalle | \o | 14:51 |
ykarel | bye | 14:52 |
opendevreview | Slawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron master: [S-RBAC] Fix policies for the SG rules API | 14:56 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: WIP == [OVN] Delete a resource provider removed from the agent config | 14:57 |
opendevreview | Slawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron master: [S-RBAC] Fix policies for the SG rules API | 15:16 |
MengyangZhang[m]1 | hi, I have question about the qos, currently neutron supports to create default qos for all new networks created in a project. I was wondering if the community like the idea of applying qos policy to all neutron ports associated with the instances within that project. This may require code changes on both nova and neutron side. Just want to ask if this is something that community is interested in before commit efforts into | 15:22 |
MengyangZhang[m]1 | this to make it happen. Thanks | 15:22 |
lajoskatona | ralonsoh: Hi, regarding | 15:28 |
lajoskatona | I pushed a test patch with some extra logs: | 15:29 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, do we have jobs before merging the dhcp eventlet removal? | 15:30 |
ralonsoh | because I think the number of events is the same | 15:30 |
ralonsoh | we merged on feb 28 | 15:30 |
lajoskatona | good question | 15:30 |
ralonsoh | I'm using neutron-ovs-tempest-with-os-ken-master in zuul | 15:31 |
ralonsoh | | 15:31 |
lajoskatona | the jobs for the test patch the max number of events went to 99 perhaps in one of the jobs so not terribly high | 15:31 |
lajoskatona | I used neutron-ovs-tempest-with-oslo-master | 15:32 |
pabloclsn | ralonsoh: so you have a clue about my problem ? :) | 15:32 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, for example, I see more than 200 in | 15:33 |
ralonsoh | that is before merging the patch | 15:33 |
ralonsoh | let me check older logs | 15:33 |
lajoskatona | ok, cool so that was a red herring or like that | 15:34 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, same for other jobs before merging these patches | 15:34 |
ralonsoh | more than 200 pending events | 15:34 |
ralonsoh | I think this is a red herring | 15:34 |
ralonsoh | and checking the time to process them is the same with eventlet and kernel threads | 15:35 |
ralonsoh | pabloclsn, no, this deployment using octavia and bgp is quite complex | 15:35 |
ralonsoh | I would suggest to write a LP bug with a good description | 15:35 |
ralonsoh | and, if possible, a reproducer | 15:35 |
lajoskatona | ralonsoh: anyway, the log I added can be useful, we have similar for l3-agent | 15:35 |
ralonsoh | MengyangZhang[m]1, please propose a LP RFE. You already asked that here before. This kind of discussions are done during the drivers meeting (fridays at 13UTC) in this channel | 15:37 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, for sure, I'll check the CI logs with his new message | 15:37 |
MengyangZhang[m]1 | what is a LP RFE? Could you point me to the relevant docs? Thanks | 16:27 |
lajoskatona | MengyangZhang[m]1: Neutron uses RFE as a lightweight blueprint, example: | 16:31 |
lajoskatona | add rfe to the bug header ([RFE]), and you can set rfe as tag for your bug | 16:32 |
lajoskatona | shortly describe the topic and the proposed solution, on Fridays we have usually the drivers meeting (1400UTC) to discuss these and accept them or ask for more details or change in direction | 16:33 |
pabloclsn | ralonsoh: Ok thanks :) | 16:48 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-vpnaas-dashboard master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/zed | 18:18 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-vpnaas-dashboard master: Imported Translations from Zanata | 18:25 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-vpnaas-dashboard master: Fix outdated tox minversion | 18:29 |
haleyb | froyo: can you let me know if there are any ovn-octavia-provider changes that will merge before RC1 cutoff, and/or update the release patch accordingly? thanks! | 18:46 |
froyo | haleyb: in my radar, just this one please feel free to review, I will as to some other core reviewer tommorrow morning and as soon it is merge will update the release patch ^ | 18:51 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Use instead of | 18:51 |
opendevreview | Brian Haley proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Do not call ``QoSAddCommand`` without max-bw/DSCP rule | 18:51 |
haleyb | froyo: ack, will look at that and any other quick ones in gerrit | 18:54 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-vpnaas master: Use instead of | 19:17 |
froyo | haleyb++ | 19:17 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-fwaas master: db: add missing primary key in firewall_group_associations_v2 | 19:27 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-vpnaas master: Use consistent regex to validate ovsdb_connection | 19:38 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: Drop unused environment | 19:45 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-vpnaas master: Fix connection status reporting when using LibreSwan 4 | 19:48 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-vpnaas master: Load core neutron.conf in ovn-vpn-agent | 19:50 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: Update default envlist | 20:10 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/zed | 20:10 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-fwaas-dashboard unmaintained/2023.1: Update .gitreview for unmaintained/2023.1 | 20:12 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-vpnaas-dashboard unmaintained/2023.1: Update .gitreview for unmaintained/2023.1 | 20:24 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: Use openvswitch interface driver by default | 20:56 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/tap-as-a-service master: Prohibit installation in too old python versions | 21:03 |
opendevreview | Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas-dashboard master: Update default envlist | 22:09 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/tap-as-a-service master: Squash tass.ini and taas_plugin.ini | 22:36 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the SR-IOV agent | 23:08 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: Add devstack plugin to enable ovs metadata_path | 23:08 |
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