Monday, 2025-03-10

*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh07:04
EugenMayer440180When deploying a new instance, i get a port binding issues since "no ovn chassis":  and - i'am running 2024.2 (via kolla deployment)07:09
ralonsohEugenMayer440180, the compute node Neutron is looking for is compute307:31
ralonsohbut most probably the hostname defined in the local OVS database is compute3.cluster.kontextwork.net07:31
ralonsohcheck what is in the local ovs07:32
ralonsohovs-vsctl list open . | grep external_ids07:32
ralonsohand the value of "hostname"07:32
EugenMayer440180ralonsoh interesting - i did not change anything here, but i upgraded to 2024.1 / 2024.2 without spawning any new VMs ... and it might be related to those upgrades07:32
ralonsohEugenMayer440180, then you need to check the deployment tool07:33
EugenMayer440180(this is kolla in my case)07:33
EugenMayer440180ralonsoh: ovs-vsctl list open . | grep external_ids07:33
EugenMayer440180external_ids        : {hostname=controller1, ovn-bridge-mappings="physnet1:br-wan", ovn-cms-options=enable-chassis-as-gw, ovn-encap-ip="", ovn-encap-type=geneve, ovn-monitor-all="false", ovn-openflow-probe-interval="60", ovn-remote="tcp:", ovn-remote-probe-interval="60000", system-id=controller1}07:33
ralonsohnot in the controller07:33
ralonsohEugenMayer440180, also check the agents07:34
ralonsohopenstack network agent list07:34
ralonsohthere should be an ovn-controller agent located in the compute407:35
EugenMayer440180ovs-vsctl list open . | grep external_ids07:36
EugenMayer440180external_ids        : {, ovn-chassis-mac-mappings="physnet1:52:54:00:4c:a6:1f", ovn-encap-ip="", ovn-encap-type=geneve, ovn-monitor-all="false", ovn-openflow-probe-interval="60", ovn-remote="tcp:", ovn-remote-probe-interval="60000", system-id=compute3}07:36
ralonsohand the agent?07:36
EugenMayer440180That you know, all computes are affected, it is no matter where the payload is scheduled on07:36
ralonsohthe hostname doesn't match what Neutron is looking for07:36
EugenMayer440180ralonsoh: those are the agent logs:
ralonsohEugenMayer440180, no no07:37
ralonsohthe agent list07:37
ralonsoh$ openstack network agent list07:38
EugenMayer440180sorry, trying my best to follow07:38
EugenMayer440180ralonsoh: i have ran the upgrade steps once again to try to fix the issue and now i seem to have issues connecting via openstack cli07:40
EugenMayer440180fixed, ok network agent list:
ralonsohNova will try to bind to port to a compute name with the list provided in 07:43
ralonsoh$ openstack hypervisor list07:43
EugenMayer440180> the hostname doesn't match what Neutron is looking for07:43
EugenMayer440180i assume this is what you identified as a possible cause from the beginning right?07:43
ralonsohif these names (that I think are compute1, compute2, etc)07:43
ralonsohdoesn't match with the info in the local OVS, it won't be possible07:43
ralonsohwell, not a possible cause but the actual cause07:44
ralonsohthen I don't know what nova is sending, why they are requesting host: compute3 07:45
EugenMayer440180so the issue is that nova requests host "computeX", while the expectation would we the FQDN ""?07:46
ralonsohbecause this is how Neutron is identifying the compute nodes07:46
EugenMayer440180i assume this is what you can not help with. Could you point me at where you found out what nova is requesting - so which was the actual line that was the offender?07:49
ralonsohThis is the port binding request, not sure exactly in Nova where this is done07:50
EugenMayer440180i have found according logs in the nova-conducutor and nova-compute.log logs07:51
ralonsohthis is the nova conductor who makes the request07:52
EugenMayer440180nova-conductor logs are "jsonified", but the compute log reads better in terms
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron stable/2024.2: [OVN] Use the MySQL backend for the ``TestOvnNbSync`` tests (2)
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron stable/2024.1: [OVN] Use the MySQL backend for the ``TestOvnNbSync`` tests (2)
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: [OVN] Use the MySQL backend for the ``TestOvnNbSync`` tests (2)
EugenMayer440180ralonsoh looking at the sb chassi defintions, the hostname is FQDN, but the chassi name is only the hostname
EugenMayer440180but when neutron tries to find the chassi by name, it uses 'compute3' - and looking at the sb output beforehand, it is the right name?
ralonsohEugenMayer440180, Neutron uses what Nova passes in the port binding request, nothing else08:28
ralonsohcheck where is the API call in the Neutron logs (in debug mode)08:29
EugenMayer440180ralonsoh i'am currently trying to understand where openstack is expected to have the hostname and where it expects the host and then trying to understand where the nova request did the wrong thing. Nova tells neutron to use 'compute3' - now this alone is not enough to understand the issues, since either this is now 'the Host' (which would be08:34
EugenMayer440180correct', or the hostname (in terms of the hypervisor), where we have a FQDN. On my compute3, hostname returns 'compute3' and hostname -f returns '' - so the basic resolution here is correct. Looking at they hypervisor hostname is08:34
EugenMayer440180the FQDN, but when using the UI under /admin/hypervisors/ tab 'Compute hosts' the host is 'compute3' - what is nova telling neutron, the 'hypevisor hostname' or the 'compute host'08:34
EugenMayer440180(sorry if i sound confused - i 'am :) ) trying to sort things out08:36
ralonsohEugenMayer440180, I would make this questions in the nova channel. I don't know when Nova uses the fqdn or not08:39
ralonsohit should use it always08:39
EugenMayer440180ralonsoh the reason i try to circle it in is to formulate a proper question there. But I totally agree, it might belong there.08:40
EugenMayer440180ralonsoh the point is, the chassis names are 'compute3', not '' - so looking at what neutron created, there are a couple of places (already) where the host is used08:40
ralonsohEugenMayer440180, the chassis.hostname must match the local OVS external_ids:hostname value08:44
ralonsohif that is not the case, then your upgrade did something wrong08:45
EugenMayer440180and it does AFAICS, right? 08:46
EugenMayer440180external_ids        : {,08:46
EugenMayer440180which matches:
ralonsohthe OVN SB is the system-id08:49
ralonsohthat you manually defined per host08:49
ralonsohthis value, by default, is a uuid OVS creates08:49
ralonsohso you also modified the system-id08:50
EugenMayer440180just to be sure, i did not modify anything manually (I did not fiddle around)08:53
EugenMayer440180the system-id in my case is system-id=compute3 and this fits the chassis name compute308:54
EugenMayer440180currently trying to follow where the convergation / definition failed to I can look backward and find the cause08:54
opendevreviewRenjing Xiao proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add nested snat test
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2024.2: [QoS] QoS rule check also considers the direction
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2024.1: [QoS] QoS rule check also considers the direction
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: [QoS] QoS rule check also considers the direction
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2024.2: [OVN] Use the MySQL backend for the ``TestOvnNbSync`` tests (2)
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2024.1: [OVN] Use the MySQL backend for the ``TestOvnNbSync`` tests (2)
opendevreviewRenjing Xiao proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add nested snat test
EugenMayer440180ralonsoh we found the issue. i think it should be attributed to kolla. The point is, if a compute has 'hostname !== hostname -f', like in our case, compute3 and, the network agent will be registered using the FQDN under host as you have seen in11:23
EugenMayer440180 under the column host. Later, nova will ask neutron to bind the port using the host 'compute3', and neutron will search in the network agents using the 'Host' column, which will not match11:23
EugenMayer440180If we change our computes to resolve to compute3 for hostname -f, and run deploy, then network agents will be redeployed using 'compute3' in Host columen, and scheduling instances/servers will work again11:24
ralonsohEugenMayer440180, perfect then11:39
opendevreviewMaor Blaustein proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Wait in both log start track/retrieve
opendevreviewMaor Blaustein proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Wait in both log start track/retrieve
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: [OVN] Use the MySQL backend for the ``TestOvnNbSync`` tests (2)
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the SR-IOV agent
EugenMayer440180ralonsoh thank you for helping12:39
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Retrieve the HA_Chassis_Group in ``_sync_ha_chassis_group``
opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/neutron master: Update CIDR notation for loopback and multicast address
opendevreviewTerry Wilson proposed openstack/neutron master: Avoid race condition by using persist_uuid
ralonsohykarel, just to be sure, CI meeting is referred to UTC time, right?13:30
ralonsohso is in 1,5 hours13:30
ykarelralonsoh, yes right13:30
ralonsohhehehe thanks!13:30
mlavalleykarel: ++ I was about to ask the same question13:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Drop v1 to v2 migration
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove logger mechanism from functional tests
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [fullstack] Re-implement ``wait_until_true`` with eventlet
ykarel#startmeeting neutron_ci15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Mar 10 15:00:40 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ykarel. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'neutron_ci'15:00
ykarelPing list: bcafarel, lajoskatona, slawek, mlavalle, mtomaska, ralonsoh, ykarel, jlibosva, elvira15:00
ralonsohhello, video or IRC today?15:00
ralonsohI always forget15:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2024.2: [ovn][trivial] Add 'empty_string_filtering' extension to OVN
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2024.1: [ovn][trivial] Add 'empty_string_filtering' extension to OVN
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: [ovn][trivial] Add 'empty_string_filtering' extension to OVN
bcafarellate o/15:03
ykarelk let's start with topics, others can join in meanwhile15:03
ykarel#topic Actions from previous meetings15:03
ykarelralonsoh to check and open bug for privsep related failure in functional job15:03
ralonsohSorry, I didn't open it yet 15:04
ralonsohI was investigating it15:04
ykarelack thx for checking, will readd15:05
ykarel#action ralonsoh to check and open bug for privsep related failure in functional job15:05
ykarelralonsoh to check and open bug for fullstack failures failing at wait_until_true from quite sometime, original suspect was
ralonsohAnd I proposed
ykarelthx ralonsoh 15:06
ykarelohkk so eventlet reintroduced in the test15:07
ralonsohyes only for fullstack tempest15:07
ralonsohuntil we remove it from this FW15:07
lajoskatonaI hope we will have time and compony support in the comming cycles for this eventlet work otherwise Neutron will be like the gordian knot15:08
ralonsohI finshed last week the metadata and I'm working now in the L3 agent15:08
ralonsohbut yes, more hands are welcome15:08
ykarelmoving to next15:09
ykarelykarel to check and open bug for ovs tempest failures15:09
ykarelit's kind of critical now as the ovs jobs failing quite frequently now15:10
ykarelseems related to the eventlet cleanups we have ?15:10
lajoskatonathanks fro checking, I just read your comment in lp, I check it15:10
ralonsohbut the dhcp agent moved out of eventlet some months ago15:10
ykarelfrom logs i see dhcp agents have high number of events to process like 200+15:11
ralonsohright... it received some adaptations15:11
ralonsohbut the complete removal was finished 2 weeks ago15:11
lajoskatonaI check if the eventlet removal is related or not, and check this bug15:13
ykarelthx lajoskatona 15:13
ykarel#action lajoskatona to check
ykarelykarel to open bug for ping failure post upgrade in grenade15:14
ykarelthis also seen in ovs jobs, dvr multinode15:14
ykarelnot much frequent though15:14
ykarel    ykarel to open bug for tempest failure in test_established_tcp_session_after_re_attachinging_sg15:15
ykarelthis also seen mostly in ovs jobs15:15
ykareland i recall seeing similar traces from long15:16
ykareldidn't find an old bug so reported this to track15:16
ykarelthat's it for action items from previous week15:16
ykarel#topic Stable branches15:16
ykarelbcafarel, any update ^15:16
bcafarela few backports last week (and merging), nothing looking bad in the CI runs there15:17
ykarelcouple of patches merged in stable15:17
ykarelyeap merges in both stable and unmaintained went fine15:17
ykarelin periodic i saw some failures but none of them consistent this week15:17
ykarellast was openstacksdk but that got resolved already15:18
ykarelthx bcafarel for the updates15:18
ykarel#topic Stadium projects15:18
ykarelall green in periodic15:18
ykarellajoskatona, anything to add15:18
lajoskatonanothing from my side for stadiums15:18
ykarelk thx15:19
ykarel#topic Rechecks15:19
ykarelwe still have couple of rechecks to get patches merged due to known issues15:19
ykarelbare recheck wise we had 4/3915:20
ykarelout of those 3 in same patch, test patch for pyroute2 master15:20
ykarelso good, let's keep avoiding bare rechecks15:20
ralonsohyes, sorry for that15:20
ralonsohPeter is testing pyroute2 with a branch created only for neutron15:20
ykarelnp those were from Petr15:20
ykarel++ thx for working on that15:21
ykarelNow let's check failures15:21
ykareltest_ovn_nb_sync_repair_delete_ovn_nb_db in stable15:21
ykarelpushed backports
ykarelall merged to stable15:21
ykarelsome randomly failures in functional 15:22
ykarel    -
ykarel    -
ykarelfrom failures could see traces related to sqlite but as seeing mainly in master and logger driver involved15:22
ralonsoh^^ I'll check them 15:22
ykarelwe can check again once this merges15:23
ykareltest_migration failed twice in last periodic runs in 2024.115:23
ykarel    -
ykarel    -
ykarelhave to confirm if next run fails similarly or it was intermittent failure15:24
ykareli can check that tomorrow and report an issue for this in any case if consistent or not15:25
ykarel#action ykarel to check next runs for fullstack fips and report issue with fullstack15:25
ykareltest_configurations_are_synced_towards_placement(NIC Switch agent)15:26
ykarellajoskatona, may be you recall ^15:26
ykareli recall you looking into this in past15:26
ykarelfrom perspective of timeout increase is needed or not15:27
lajoskatonayes, occasionally this failed15:27
lajoskatonaI check this one also15:27
ykarelthx lajoskatona 15:28
ykarel#action lajoskatona to check fullstack test failure test_configurations_are_synced_towards_placement(NIC Switch agent) 15:28
ykarel#topic Tempest/Scenario15:28
ykarelubuntu jammy job fails randomly
ykareli noticed couple of failures where tests fail during ssh for missing keys15:29
ykareli recall some recent discussion but couldn't find it15:29
ralonsohI talked about this to haleyb|out last week15:29
ralonsohI just proposed to mark it as non-voting (the easy path...)15:29
ykarelohkk do we already have bug for this?15:29
ralonsohnope sorry15:30
ralonsohthere was no pattern15:30
ykarelohkk let's start with bug and see if we need non voting or any fix for it15:30
ralonsohI'll open it15:30
ykareli recall one issue with ovn metadata in jammy, not sure if that's related but can check15:30
ykarel and
ykarelbut let's open a new one and we can check if it's same ^ or different15:32
ykarel#action ralonsoh to open an issue for random issues in ovn ubuntu job15:32
ykarelthx ralonsoh 15:32
ykarel#topic Periodic15:32
ykarel- pyroute2 functional, already being tracked in
ykarel#topic Grafana15:33
ykarellet's have a quick look here15:33
ykarelcan see some spike in ovs jobs, which we already discussed15:35
ykareland same in fullstack and functional15:35
ykareland other check pipeline failures likely patches specific15:35
ykarelanything to add?15:35
ralonsohno thanks15:36
ykarelk let's move15:37
ykarel#topic On Demand15:37
ykarelanything else you would like to raise?15:37
lajoskatonanothing from me15:37
ykarelk if nothing else, let's close early and have everyone 19 minutes back15:41
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Mar 10 15:41:25 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:41
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
ykarelthx all for joining15:41
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [fullstack] Re-implement ``wait_until_true`` with eventlet
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2024.2: functional: Use shutil to find privsep-helper executable
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2024.1: functional: Use shutil to find privsep-helper executable
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2023.2: functional: Use shutil to find privsep-helper executable
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: Validate ovn_nb/sb_connection in config parser
opendevreviewFernando Royo proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: Add sync floating IP support
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Enable ovsdbapp logging in tests
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove logger mechanism from functional tests

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