Tuesday, 2021-10-19

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bauzasgood morning Nova08:08
gibibauzas: good morning08:16
bauzasgibi: hey ;)08:16
brinzhangbauzas, gibi: we cannot open the ethercalc, it report Service Unavailable(503), about the nova-cyborg interaction vGPU topic you can talked and pasting the decision on the etherpad, and we will look it ASAP08:36
brinzhangbauzas, gibi: thanks08:36
gibibauzas: fyi, reported a new gate failure bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1947687 08:43
gibibrinzhang: we will have that session today from 13:00 UTC08:44
bauzasbrinzhang: the cyborg-nova meeting will happen at 1pm UTC08:47
bauzasgibi: ack08:48
gibibauzas: I'm not jumping to investigative mode for tha bug now. 08:48
brinzhangack,but I cannot open https://ethercalc.openstack.org/8tum5yl1bx43 this page08:51
brinzhangreport 503 now, in cyborg PTG meeting we were usd tencent meeting instead of zoom08:52
gibibrinzhang: could you open https://ptg.opendev.org/ptg.html ?08:58
gibibrinzhang: if yes, then try to click on the nova cell in the 13:00 UTC column08:59
gibibrinzhang: that should bring you in the zoom call08:59
gibi(probably nobody there at the momement)08:59
bauzasbrinzhang: what gibi said09:00
bauzasthey moved from ethercalc AFAIK09:00
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Re-propose QoS minimum guaranteed packet rate  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/81453109:03
stephenfingibi: bauzas: Have you noticed many failures on the 'nova.tests.unit.db.main.test_migrations.TestModelsSyncMySQL.test_models_sync' and 'TestModelsLegacySyncMySQL.test_models_sync' tests?09:16
gibistephenfin: I'm not09:16
stephenfinAh, okay, I'm seeing a lot of failures on the bp/remove-sqlalchemy-migrate series and trying to figure out if I've already broken master slightly or if its one of the unmerged patches that's breaking things, e.g. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/81214409:18
songwenpinggibi,bauzas: when i stop nova_compute service and evacuate the vm on the host, then i delete the vm when it is evacuating, the vm is local deleted by nova-api, but the libvirt process is not terminated, and the resources like GPU are still used by the vm process, how can we handle the vm process?09:24
gibisongwenping: you delete the VM while it is being evacuated?09:33
gibiand then you start the source compute back up09:35
gibiand the the source compute does not clean up the instance?09:36
gibiI think the source compute should detect that there was a local delete while it was down and clean up the instance09:36
gibiso it is probably a bug09:36
songwenpingi am looking into the init_host process.09:37
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: db: Increase timeout for migration tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/81454710:14
stephenfingibi: bauzas: I'm not sure how to test that, but I'm pretty sure we're going to need it to at least fix the migrations issues we've been seen in the ARM CI jobs ^10:14
stephenfinI guess I can mash recheck10:15
gibistephenfin: ack10:16
gibiis it only affects ARM?10:16
stephenfinI don't think so. I've seen failures on x86 also, but ARM is particularly badly affected10:34
stephenfinexample: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/00197f336d1249e4a55255769f24faf710:34
stephenfinvs (aarch64) https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/f693ac69815f4b92b75f7f8dc5ec380310:34
stephenfingibi: ^10:34
gibistephenfin: when it passes it is also slow just not too slow to hit the timeout?10:40
gibiI see this runs10:42
gibinova.tests.unit.db.main.test_migrations.TestModelsSyncMySQL.test_models_sync             11.15410:42
gibiwhere it is actully fast10:42
gibianyhow I'm not against extending the timeout10:44
gibiI just feel that we still not fully grok what can be the problems with this db tests10:44
opendevreviewIlya Popov proposed openstack/nova master: Fix to use NUMA cell with more free memory first  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/80564910:49
stephenfingibi: Yeah, I see about 7-8 seconds runtime on my localhost but it _seems_ very much dependent on the environment. Perhaps it's because some VMs are using spinning rust and others are SSD based?11:09
stephenfinWe can compare these two builds https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/00197f336d1249e4a55255769f24faf7 (iWeb) and https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/8c4f8a81770e4dd1a523e86690ce340b (OVH)11:09
stephenfingibi: Yeah, crazy differences in the MySQL tests https://paste.opendev.org/show/810073/11:14
gibiI remember I saw this craxy differences before alembic too, and I had not explanation for that11:15
songwenpinggibi: the evacuation status is failed, and this filter[1] cannot get the vm. [1]https://review.opendev.org/plugins/gitiles/openstack/nova/+/refs/heads/master/nova/compute/manager.py#70311:16
songwenpingso the vm process is not destory when the compute service restore.11:17
gibisongwenping: the problem with failed evacuation itself is that it does not imply the the VM is deleted (and hence the evac failed). If the evac fail for other reasons then keeping the VM on the source host after recovery is logical11:18
gibiso I think you have to make some logic changes where the failed evacuations are also queried but only if the instance is already marked deleted11:19
songwenpingto report a bug?11:22
stephenfinLooks like https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/814547/  is working at least, since the aarch64 jobs are passing. I left a comment for bauzas11:24
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: i do have an arm laptop, my pinebook pro i can proably try and run it or power it up and let you ssh into it an use it although i proably will have to reinstall the os before its really useful11:39
stephenfinsean-k-mooney: I don't think it's specific to the architecture. I think it's the host in general. Bad I/O performance or something similar11:40
stephenfinbut that's just a theory11:41
sean-k-mooneyah ok11:41
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: docs: Add notes about IoOpsWeigher, BuildFailureWeigher  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/81456111:52
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: docs: Add a new cells v2 document  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/81456211:52
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: docs: Add new architecture guide  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/81456311:52
stephenfinbauzas: you're probably interested in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/814561 also when you're back11:54
gibisongwenping: sure, a bug is needed too12:02
gibistephenfin: yep it seems to work. It runs the test longer than before12:03
gibinova.tests.unit.db.main.test_migrations.TestMigrationsWalkMySQL.test_walk_versions [372.936004s]12:04
gibithat is a lot of time :)12:04
sean-k-mooneygibi: stephenfin  im proably goingt to add https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/805649 to the ptg adgenda at the end but i think directionally this is the correct approch to take and once the testing is built out  and a release note added its close to a complete 12:06
sean-k-mooneyif ye have time could ye take a look and or set review priority on it if you think it should have it12:07
gibisean-k-mooney: ack, does it have a bp attached? I'm not 100% sure it is a bug per se12:08
sean-k-mooneytl;dr its adressign numa blancing and pci affintiy my making prefer actully prefer the numa node12:08
sean-k-mooneygibi: right i think it a blueprint not a bug12:08
sean-k-mooneyso no it currently does not12:09
gibisean-k-mooney: also it worth discussing on the ptg. I think we need a consensus on what are the inputs we are sorting the NUMA cells on12:10
sean-k-mooneyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1893121 was my orginal bug12:10
sean-k-mooneywhich when we lass discussed it we said was a blueprint12:11
sean-k-mooneygibi: yes that is why i was going to add it12:11
sean-k-mooneyto make sure we agreed on the algoritim12:11
gibibauzas: have you seen melwitt's comment on L83 on the ptg etherpad? 12:20
gibibauzas: I guess we can re-visit oslo.limits later in the agenda12:20
sean-k-mooneywe are going to have a followup unifed limits session12:24
sean-k-mooneyso perhaps we can ask the oslo folk to join that12:24
sean-k-mooneye.g. in the cross project seesion we can let them know we will be having a topic on unifed limits later and ask them who form the oslo.limits side would be good to ping to attend12:25
gibiyeah that is a good idea12:29
bauzassorry folks, I was off during this lunch for the gym12:29
bauzasgibi: looking at the etherpad12:30
* gibi needs to drop for 30 mins, wil be back for the ptg12:30
bauzasyeah, let's discuss with the oslo folks about this12:31
sean-k-mooneyok so we are starting with cyborg then oslo then rbac correct12:31
sean-k-mooneyso all cross project sessions today12:31
sean-k-mooneywe wont be starting nova only adgenday until tommoro after the neutron session12:32
sean-k-mooneyi guess i better get a headset ready although i might just used my wired one i dont know if my wireless one is chaged since its in my backpack instead of plugged in on my desk12:33
bauzassean-k-mooney: if we have time, we can start a few12:44
bauzassean-k-mooney: given we will stop to discuss for the rbac at 4pm while we still have a slot until 5pm12:45
bauzas(UTC of course)12:45
bauzasstarting the meetings in 3 mins12:56
sean-k-mooneyah ya that makes sense13:00
songwenping_mdbooth: i have meet the problem last week, and have to reinstall my devstack13:08
opendevreviewPierre-Samuel Le Stang proposed openstack/nova master: Reproducer unit test for bug 1934094  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/81264613:26
opendevreviewPierre-Samuel Le Stang proposed openstack/nova master: Reproducer unit test for bug 1934094  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/81264613:55
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* bauzas goes rebooting as I had mic issues :)14:23
bauzashopefully will be back at time !14:23
gibibauzas: belmoreira asked about when the vncproxy topic will be discussed so that he can join14:26
bauzasgibi: we can start discussing the vncproxy topic at first after the break, wdyt ?14:28
gibias it is a cell issue I would rather wait for dansmith / melwitt to join for it14:29
gibiat least I have not much to add there14:29
dansmithhave glance things, but planning to be in nova for the rbac stuff14:29
gibibauzas: and I think belmoreira is OK to have it tomorrow as well, so we don't need to rush, he just needs some timing so that he can join just for that discussion14:30
bauzasgibi: fair point about the cell impact14:31
bauzasgibi: let's target the vncproxy thing on tomorrow 15:30pm UTC14:32
bauzasI'll amend the etherpad so14:32
gibibelmoreira: is it OK for you ^^ ?14:32
bauzasI'll put unified limits and vncproxy as a bulk for tomorrow late 14:33
opendevreviewPierre-Samuel Le Stang proposed openstack/nova master: Reproducer unit test for bug 1934094  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/81264614:35
belmoreirathanks gibi bauzas. I will be able to join between 13:00 and 15:00 utc. Just ping me here. I can also join in other timeslots but you will need to tell me in advance14:35
bauzasbelmoreira: the only problem is that we also want to wait for melwitt to be there 14:41
bauzasbelmoreira: so that's why we'd prefer to discuss the vncproxy stuff at 15:00 UTC if you don't mind14:42
bauzas15:10pm if we break before14:42
belmoreirathanks bauzas. I will join today at 15:10 utc14:43
bauzasbelmoreira: thanks, appreciated a lot.14:46
bauzasbelmoreira: wait, sorry, it's 3:40pm 14:47
bauzasmy bad14:47
bauzaswe have a interop discussion before14:47
belmoreiraok, thanks14:47
dansmithrbac session coming up in nova yeah?14:53
gibidansmith: yes14:53
gibidansmith: at the top of the hour14:53
hgyThis is my first session14:55
dansmithI don't see a link to join in the etherpad, can someone paste it here? gibi ?14:56
gibidansmith: https://www.openstack.org/ptg/rooms/newton14:56
gibithat will redirect14:56
gibito a zoom call14:56
dansmiththanks, can we put that in the etherpad or is it secret?14:57
gibiI can 14:57
gibibut it is already on the https://ptg.opendev.org/ptg.html page14:57
dansmithokay, it's just easier to jump back and forth if the etherpads have them14:57
gibisure added it  L4914:58
dansmithsweet thanks14:59
hgyIs it begin?15:00
gibihgy: you are in the good place if you are for the rbac discussion15:00
gibihgy: we will switch to that topic soon15:00
hgyI almost missed it. I thought it was 16:0015:01
hgyThank you15:01
bauzasI'm lost in translation too 15:31
bauzaswondering what to start with the rbac thing :)15:32
stephenfinbauzas: can you mute?15:51
dansmithbauzas: mute15:51
bauzasdone and sorry15:52
bauzasI was about to mention we have 8 mins and we somehow need to wrap up15:52
bauzas8 min left*15:52
dansmithbauzas: yeah I have to go to another session at the top of the hour now15:53
bauzasI'll use my stick then15:53
artom"super interesting discussion"15:54
artomgdi the contempt is just dripping15:55
belmoreirabauzas it's getting late for me... I will need to leave in 5 min. I see that melwitt is OK with the change in the vncproxy. Thank you all.16:18
bauzasbelmoreira: cool16:18
belmoreiraregarding the instance move between projects, I guess it will be difficult... there is a lot of complexity16:19
belmoreirasee you tomorrow16:19
ralonsohsean-k-mooney, hi! https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/80735916:21
ralonsohif you have time, trivial patch16:21
sean-k-mooneyya i can take a look it looks correct16:22
artomIt's going to be hard to concentrate on the substance with that backdrop!16:25
gibibauzas: I lost zoom16:36
stephenfinbauzas: did you kill Zoom again?16:36
bauzasNOT ME !16:36
sean-k-mooneysure it wasnt :P16:36
stephenfinoh, it's gmann16:36
artombauzas, there are better ways to censor me ;)16:36
stephenfinhe was host16:36
melwittit said "the host left"16:36
bauzasnah it was gmann :)16:36
sean-k-mooneyso can we restart the same one16:37
gibiit is back16:37
stephenfinfor anyone rejoining (atom, melwitt, ...?) ^16:37
gmannoh, did i end meeting?16:40
gmannbauzas: so sorry about that. i mean to leave meeting and join horizon. sorry for mesh up 16:41
bauzasgmann: heh no worries at all :p16:41
bauzasgmann: you helped me shutting artom's mouth when he was having an argument with me, appreciated :p16:41
stephenfinbauzas: you're unmuted again16:41
bauzas(just kidding)16:41
stephenfinand smiling like a maniac :P16:42
stephenfinstop teasing gmann :P16:42
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Both Gerrit and Zuul services are being restarted briefly for minor updates, and should return to service momentarily; all previously running builds will be reenqueued once Zuul is fully started again17:01
opendevreviewJan Hartkopf proposed openstack/nova master: ensure samples folder exists for microversion  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/81367217:31
melwittsean-k-mooney: sorry if I missed it but do the review priority labels prevent someone from +1ing or +2ing their own patch? I'm thinking of gibi's point that +1 shouldn't be used as a ping17:33
melwitt(that's how the old manual etherpad process worked, you can only raise attention to someone else's patch)17:34
gmannmelwitt: sean-k-mooney i am wondering how to do that in project-config acl. I have not seen exclusive list we can n any label. or you are saying just to document that as guidlines ?17:38
gmann*can add in any label17:38
melwittgmann: I don't know if it's possible to exclude self in a label, that's what I was asking sean :) is (1) is it possible? and (2) would we want to do that?17:41
opendevreviewIlya Popov proposed openstack/nova master: Fix to use NUMA cell with more free memory first  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/80564919:36

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