Sunday, 2021-10-31

EugenMayerGood Morning. Using wallaby, creating a snapshot queues, but after some time, the snapshot task just disapears07:46
EugenMayerdoes a snapshot need swift as a storage? We are using local disks as storage. So no centralized storage07:48
EugenMayerSame happens if i uses openstack server backup create vpn on the cli - i see the job queued, see it in the ui, but then after some time it is gone and i do not see any snapshots07:55
EugenMayer0Are there any plans to add firecracker as a virtualization type in nova?13:21
sean-k-mooney[m]not currently but i think is an interesting tech stack to consider13:24
sean-k-mooney[m]i dont think it currently has libvirt integration but that might be the quickest way to integrate it13:25
EugenMayer0libvirt does include firecracker support, doesnt it?14:18
*** EugenMayer0 is now known as EugenMayer15:48

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