Friday, 2022-01-28

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opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/nova master: Update announce self workaround opt description
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: libvirt: Add announce-self post live-migration workaround
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: libvirt: Add announce-self post live-migration workaround
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/nova stable/victoria: libvirt: Add announce-self post live-migration workaround
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/nova stable/ussuri: libvirt: Add announce-self post live-migration workaround
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/nova stable/train: libvirt: Add announce-self post live-migration workaround
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bauzasgmann: elodilles: damn shit, we're got hit by with 09:05
bauzasrosmaita: thanks for the heads up09:05
bauzasgmann: elodilles: I'm just preparing the stable-only changes09:05
elodillesbauzas: ack, thanks10:15
elodillesdon't we use upper-constraints.txt for that job? as openstacksdk is pinned to 0.59.0 in there10:17
elodillesohh, i see, the job has override-branch:
bauzaselodilles: which is kinda normal (openstacksdk wants to pull always master when testing against projects' stable branches)10:35
bauzashonestly, I'm torn with the proposed direction10:36
bauzasI was about writing the patches when I thought about it10:36
fricklersdk should check for the qos extension being present and skip those tests if not, that's a bug in sdk IMO10:36
bauzasand I wonder why we aren't just fixing the root caused10:36
bauzasfrickler: correct, that's my opinion10:36
bauzasnova shouldn't pull the old sdk from xena10:36
bauzasrosmaita: ^ see I finally ended up with not providing the stable-only changes10:37
bauzasgibi: sean-k-mooney[m]: gmann: elodilles: your thoughts would be appreciated but I agree with frickler, we should just ask sdk to avoid those checks10:37
gibifrickler, bauzas: I agree. The test should be skipped if the extension is not present. This is how tempest also skips similar tests when run against older neutron10:39
* bauzas tries to find a bug report against this gate failure10:39
elodillesyes, sounds reasonable to skip10:42
bauzaswe should tho make the sdk job non-voting until this is fixed10:47
* bauzas needs to disappear but I can do it10:49
frickler should be the fix, not sure if a depends-on job from xena will properly test it, I'll try so set something up locally11:21
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova master: [yoga] Add support for VNIC_TYPE_SMARTNIC
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova master: Bump os-traits to 2.7.0
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova master: Filter computes without remote-managed ports early
stephenfinbauzas: gibi: sean-k-mooney[m]: melwitt: (others) I think it's time we deprecated the PowerVM driver and (ideally) marked its dependencies as optional.
stephenfinbauzas: gibi: sean-k-mooney[m]: melwitt: (others) Context is The main library behind that driver looks dead, unlike the ZVM one
ralonsohsean-k-mooney[m], (just a heads-up)
ralonsohis that what Nova is expecting? do you need something more or different? let me know12:27
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: requirements: Remove os-xenapi
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Remove Python 2-specific imports
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: requirements: Bump minimum testtools to 2.5.0
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Move optional build dependencies to 'extras'
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: tox: Install extras
stephenfingibi: Thanks for the review. Note that there are three trivial patches ahead of that 'extras' change
stephenfinIf you'd be so kind 0:)12:31
gibisean-k-mooney[m]: done :)12:32
gibistephenfin: done :)12:32
stephenfin \o/ ty!12:33
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chateaulavsean-k-mooney: to ensure im not wasting time in the wrong direction. im working on the nova ci job for emulation, and referencing other jobs as examples. to make sure im going the right direction, i can look at having a post-run playbook to execute the required commands for testing similar to the live migration job, is that correct.13:38
tbarronany nova folks want to join devstack-plugin-ceph meeting on use of cephadm?  mtg now in #openstack-qa15:05
sean-k-mooneyi could join but my main feed back is sure you totally should15:06
sean-k-mooneytbarron: as long as we only have to maintain one plugin for use itn the gate that is15:06
sean-k-mooneyand can initally select which to use so we can transtion smothly15:07
tbarronsean-k-mooney: if you can briefly say that in the meeting it would be constructive15:07
tbarronrather than me reporting for nova15:07
sean-k-mooneyack i more or less said the same in the mail thread15:07
fricklerbauzas: gibi: the fix for running sdk against xena has merged and I'm now working on further failures against ussuri15:18
gibifrickler: thanks!15:18
bauzasfrickler: ++ 15:18
bauzasthanks for having worked on it15:18
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: is sdk going to move to a non branched mode like tempest?16:00
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: i kind of stopped trackign the mail thread16:01
fricklersean-k-mooney: not sure about that, but afaict the idea has always been for the latest version to support older openstack, just like OSC does. it's just that there was no CI coverage for that for some time - like since newton was eoled16:35
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: ack well that is why i made refernce to tempest which is not branched and similarly support older release16:49
fricklerpossibly the branches will continue to be used in order to help distros, but I don't think they should be used for upstream testing by default like glance and cinder now did16:52
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: yep makes sense. proably going forward there is no need to create new branches but really thats up to the sdk team17:30
opendevreviewJonathan Race proposed openstack/nova master: Adds Pick guest CPU architecture based on host arch in libvirt driver support
opendevreviewImran Hussain proposed openstack/nova master: [nova/libvirt] Support for checking and enabling SMM when needed
opendevreviewJonathan Race proposed openstack/nova master: Adds Pick guest CPU architecture based on host arch in libvirt driver support
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova master: [yoga] Include pf mac and vf num in port updates
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova master: [yoga] Introduce remote_managed tag for PCI devices
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova master: [yoga] Add support for VNIC_TYPE_SMARTNIC
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova master: Bump os-traits to 2.7.0
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova master: Filter computes without remote-managed ports early
opendevreviewJonathan Race proposed openstack/nova master: Adds Pick guest CPU architecture based on host arch in libvirt driver support
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/placement master: Add microversion 1.39 to support any-trait queries
opendevreviewJonathan Race proposed openstack/nova master: Adds Pick guest CPU architecture based on host arch in libvirt driver support
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Use unittest.mock instead of third party mock
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: [WIP] enable SMM mode when secure-boot is requested.
sean-k-mooneystephenfin:  kashyap ^19:07
chateaulavsean-k-mooney: added initial ci content. first time working with nova ci, but i followed other examples. also rebased.19:09
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: libvirt: Add announce-self post live-migration workaround
melwittsean-k-mooney: easy update to add the "domain will be considered tainted by libvirt" note to the config option help
gmannbauzas: frickler I agree with the solution. that is how we test the things in branchless Tempest with feature flags. "if xyz present/cnofigured then tests it" 19:11
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: ack ill look at it now19:12
sean-k-mooneyok approved19:13
sean-k-mooneywill we backport that seperatly or squash it in19:13
melwittI squashed it in19:13
sean-k-mooneyeandersson: spatel
sean-k-mooneyit will need test but we can likely just merge and updated version fo that and backport19:14
sean-k-mooneyits not a nova bug but we can workaorund it in nova19:14
spatelSweet!!! i can give it a try to this patch and see how it goes :)19:15
sean-k-mooneyspatel: we will proably proceed with instead19:36
spatelthat is also sounds good 19:39
spatelas far as it get merge19:40
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: requirements: Remove os-xenapi
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Remove Python 2-specific imports
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opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Raise InstanceNotFound on fkey constraint fail saving info cache

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