Monday, 2022-05-16

bauzasgood morning Nova08:00
* kashyap waves08:08
Ugglabauzas, o/08:11
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Switch libvirt event timeout message to warning
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Allow unshelve to a specific host
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/python-novaclient master: Microversion 2.91: Support specifying destination host to unshelve
kashyapUggla: Hey, from a quick skim, you might want to split that "unshelve to a specific host" into a few patches.  As it seems to be touching a lot of files in ine go.09:49
Ugglakashyap, I'm gonna have a look. I need to think what could be the best split.09:52
kashyapUggla: One idea could be to split based on "one logical change per commit".  It ensures that in case something needs to be reverted, it can be easily done09:54
kashyap(And also many other reasons:
sean-k-mooneyUggla: i tend to split by subsystem09:58
sean-k-mooneyor binary that im touching09:58
sean-k-mooneynot always but its rare i will touch the api and compute node in one patch09:58
sean-k-mooneyor db and api09:59
Ugglasean-k-mooney, yep but here it is only api.09:59
sean-k-mooneyya for that patch the api microverison bump shoudl be the last patch09:59
sean-k-mooneythe valdiation code can be a sperat patch09:59
sean-k-mooneynot sure about the rest09:59
sean-k-mooneyi would not expect that chagne to be more the 2-5 patches honestly10:00
sean-k-mooneyits not partacalarly large, you could put all the docs changes in one10:00
sean-k-mooneythe unit and fucntional test shoudl be in the patch that changes the behavior not groupted into one patch10:01
Ugglasean-k-mooney, yes I was thinking about moving the doc in another patch.10:02
sean-k-mooneyi often do the docs changes inlien but have also split them in the past. docs patche can land after feature freeze10:04
sean-k-mooneynot that i hope it will take that long to land your code but just somethign to keep in mind if we are getting close to m310:04
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opendevreviewRico Lin proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add vIOMMU device support for libvirt driver
ricolinsean-k-mooney:  stephenfin just update mnaser also leave some comment in patch to targeting your why question, please kindly take another review on it. Thanks! :) 18:38
mnaserricolin: might wanna fix pep8 :)19:13
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