Friday, 2023-03-31

opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add cleanup flag to remove dangling volumes
sean-k-mooneyvmaccel: we can start using i have imported the template and will start copying the parts form the old spec11:31
opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add cleanup flag to remove dangling volumes
sean-k-mooneyvmaccel: gibi  i have copied in the basics info that is needed for the spec but left most of the template in place12:06
sean-k-mooneyvmaccel: ill leave the rest for you to clean up becasue if i do much more i really wont be in a position to review this any more12:07
*** whoami-rajat__ is now known as whoami-rajat12:50
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/nova master: [DNM] Test lower tb cache
bauzasvTPG day starting now13:01
bauzasnobody ? :(13:07
opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add cleanup flag to remove dangling volumes
vmaccelsean-k-mooney: thanks - will work on it13:11
artomdansmith, sean-k-mooney, good news, a new Australian marsupial has been discovered!
dansmithworks for me13:45
dansmithnoonedeadpunk: are you joining the nova room?13:54
dansmithto discuss your discovery thing?13:54
noonedeadpunkYep, sure13:55
bauzassean-k-mooney: are you able to join the nova session ?14:10
bauzas(we're on a break til 1415UTC)14:11
bauzasbreak until 3pm utc14:47
bauzasgmann: dansmith: fwiw, the gate gives me headaches back these days14:52
bauzasI'll need to scrub all the rechecks I made and try to follow the most common patterns14:53
bauzasthings were quiet for 3 weeks, but now it becomes worst (I guess because we're back on a full dev cycle so more job runs at the same time)14:54
* bauzas will abvocate for a dev cadence of 3 weeks and 5 months of RCs14:54
gmannbauzas: are you seeing this volume state error or something else also
stephenfinbauzas: Was this what you were looking for review of? You need to rebase it if so then gtema can take a look15:30
bauzasstephenfin: yup that's the one and yeah now I have work to do 15:31
bauzastobias-urdin: ping again for trim supprot for virtio-blk being discussed now16:25
bauzasaaand then attending the tc meetings while drinking a beer16:49
elodillessean-k-mooney: this mail talks about 3 PTG:
elodillesbauzas: enjoy your beer! (I had a french wine but already finished it yesterday ;))16:51
bauzaselodilles: hah, from which valley ? :)16:51
* bauzas lives 20km from a vineyard :)16:52
elodillesbauzas: to tell you the truth it wasn't a fancy wine, so it just wrote that it is from southern parts of France or something like that o:)16:54
elodillesbauzas: so that's why you like better beer than wine :D16:55
bauzaselodilles: I usually like both )16:55
bauzaselodilles: but beer is more for connecting with folks, while I usually take wine for very specific cases, mostly at home 16:56
bauzaswine glasses are so expensive at restaurants and very rarely good (or they are damn $$$)16:57
elodillesthat's true, a rare, quality wine can cost a fortune :P16:59
elodillesi'm good though with a simple but good wine (especially as I don't drink much o:))17:00
melwittI like beer a lot more than wine but where I live there are craft breweries everywhere  nearby17:03
elodillesmelwitt: that's understandable then ;) craft breweries had a trend in the past years so we had some too in this part of europe. and some are quite OK :D17:11
melwittelodilles: yeah honestly I usually drink what's good in the area. when I spent time in france and italy for example, I switched largely to wine while I was there bc there was much more good wine than good beer around :)17:13
elodillesyepp, "when in Rome..." ;)17:15
melwittthe beer choices were basically peroni or peroni17:15
elodillesin restaurants, i guess the situation is similar here (having 1 or 2 kinds of beer only) except in the capital or bigger cities17:19
elodilles(and of course where there are some breweries)17:19
elodillesbut i can imagine places which are famous for their wines don't need big selection of beer, of course :D17:22
melwittyeah exactly. even if they had them they probably wouldn't sell much. so I get it17:23
dansmithbauzas: so, did I miss anything important from the rest of the nova stuff after I dropped?17:25
bauzasdansmith: nope, not really17:27
bauzasmost topics were merely whether those were bugs or features17:28
bauzaswe had one topic about a nova-manage command spec17:28
bauzasyou may be interested in the spec reading17:28
bauzasI had concerns about the residues it could leave on the compute17:28
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Support rescue with ephemeral encryption
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Add reset_encryption_fields() and save_all() to BlockDeviceMappingList
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Update driver BDMs with ephemeral encryption image properties
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Introduce support for qcow2 with LUKS
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: DNM test ephemeral encryption + resize: qcow2, raw

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