Thursday, 2023-05-04

opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: add hypervisor version weigher
dvo-plv_gibi, sean-k-monney: Hello, could you pelase verify os-trait patch: to unblock zuul verification for nova patch, cause it fails according to the deendencies08:06
dvo-plv_sean-k-mooney: sorry, I have made a mistake in your nick08:07
gibidvo-plv_: the os-traits patch looks good to me. After that merges, we need to propose a new os-traits release, so that you can depend on that release of os-traits in your nova patch08:23
bauzasdang, it took me a while to figure out we were mocking the default policies by a fixture...08:23
bauzascontext :
bauzasnow, I know, we also have a fake policy data :
dvo-plv_gibi: I have only update requirements.txt for nova, or there is some additional doc files what should be updated too 08:34
opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova master: Add a new policy for cold-migrate with host
gibidvo-plv_: you only need to updat the requirements.txt on the nova side. 09:09
bauzasgibi: but before doing it, we need to have an upper-constraints change, right ? :)09:11
gibibauzas: right, I above mentioned to dvo-plv_ that we need an os-traits release09:11
gibibut then there will be either an automatic upper constraints bump09:11
gibior do a manual one in the requirements repo09:11
gibithen the requirements.txt on the nova side can be bumped09:11
gibiin the meantime we should not forget to bump the min version in placement too09:12
bauzasdvo-plv_: fwiw, I +Wd with a comment09:13
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-traits master: Add 'COMPUTE_NET_VIRTIO_PACKED'
dvo-plv_bauzas: Could I update patch with comment, ot it should be done in some another way. because it alredy merged?09:32
bauzasdvo-plv_: just add another patch as a follow-up :)09:32
dvo-plv_okay, sure09:34
kashyapCan anyone remind me: for picking the min libvirt/QEMU versions what OSes do we care?  I'm guessing the "usual": Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RHEL09:35
kashyapIn the past we've also considered openSUSE / SLES.  Should they be considered too?09:36
* kashyap looks09:36
dvo-plv_gibi: Does os-trait release has some estimates? I would like to plan our next activities according to them09:36
gibidvo-plv_: if you ping me after the os-trait patch lands I can propose the release quickly and it should not take more than couple day to get that release proposal landed09:37
kashyapbauzas: Have we got a name after Bobcat?09:49
bauzaskashyap: nope, afaik not yet09:54
opendevreviewDanylo Vodopianov proposed openstack/os-traits master: Comment to the trait was added
dvo-plv_bauzas: I added comment ot the trait:
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Save cell socket correctly when updating host NUMA topology
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Have host look for CPU controller of cgroupsv2 location.
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Fix get_segments_id with subnets without segment_id
sean-k-mooneybauzas: i wont get to it for a week or two but im going to work on a backlog spec for AZ enhancements. i feel liek ther eare enough rough edges and pain point that collecting them in one docs would make sense but while i thik i know how to adrss some of them i dont know how to adress all fo them so im hoping that if we aggreated the pain point some cominalities will emerge11:15
sean-k-mooneythat can then be adress in the C cycle after some tought11:15
opendevreviewDanylo Vodopianov proposed openstack/os-traits master: Comment to the trait was added
opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Selete dangling volumes
opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Delete dangling volumes
bauzastell me I'm wrong but os-port-interfaces and os-security-groups API calls proxy to Neutron, right?13:17
bauzasif so, looks like we have a performance regression in the gate
bauzasI got two timeouts 13:17
sean-k-mooneytiem outs where13:18
sean-k-mooneyi dont see them in the zuul jobs13:18
sean-k-mooneyyou mean in a test13:18
bauzasyes, see my comments13:19
bauzasyou'll see the stacktrace13:19
bauzasI haven't looked yet at Neutron APIs13:19
sean-k-mooneyurllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)13:20
sean-k-mooneythat could be related to memory pressure or a slow node13:20
bauzasyes, or no workers available 13:21
sean-k-mooneylooking at the memory tracker the low point was 134204813:21
sean-k-mooneyso i dont think that is the issue 130MB is not much but its not terible for these jobs13:21
bauzasread timeouts can happen on a synchronous call if the call takes more than 60 secs to return13:22
bauzasso this could be something else but just a memory issue13:22
sean-k-mooneyya im wondering if the neutron server was deadlocked on something13:22
bauzaslike a DB lock13:22
sean-k-mooneyya i know they had issue with db deadlocks last year13:23
sean-k-mooneyim seeing quite a few trace backs13:24
sean-k-mooneyrealed to security gorups that apprently dont exist13:25
sean-k-mooneythis seams to be the relevent logs
sean-k-mooneythere are tracbacks before and after that13:31
sean-k-mooneybauzas: if you care its roughly here
bauzasI'll check whether there is an upstream gate report on it13:33
bauzasbug report*13:33
sean-k-mooneyneutron does seam to be respondign to the get request May 04 12:02:50.886890 np0033942429 neutron-server[162430]: INFO neutron.wsgi [req-49c6f58c-b29d-4c83-8ad1-5a588383533f req-bc14944a-4c80-4107-9ce5-de32f17088f8 tempest-SecurityGroupRulesTestJSON-878638434 tempest-SecurityGroupRulesTestJSON-878638434-project-member] "GET13:34
sean-k-mooney/v2.0/security-groups/b90c2750-9bbd-44fc-9ad2-2eba1fcc4c76 HTTP/1.1" status: 200  len: 1820 time: 0.124785213:34
sean-k-mooneybut i dont knwo when nova actully made it13:35
sean-k-mooneyit could have been sitting in apache waiting for other requests for a while13:36
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-traits master: Comment to the trait was added
opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova stable/2023.1: Fix get_segments_id with subnets without segment_id
bauzaslajoskatona: slaweq: ralonsoh: not sure you already know but it seems we have some Neutron API deadlock in the gate ^13:41
bauzasand I wasn't able to find an exiting neutron bug report that relates to it13:42
ralonsohbauzas, but I'm not sure about this method, I don't see in the "list_subnets" method where the neutron client is returning the segment_id13:44
ralonsohI see that in "show_subnet"13:45
bauzasralonsoh: ah sorry, you looked at the wrong thing due to my lack of explanation :)13:45
bauzasralonsoh: see rather the discussion we had between sean-k-mooney and I, the context is
ralonsohyes, we have the same problem13:46
ralonsohyou discussed that with lajoskatona 13:46
bauzasthen I forgot about it 13:47
ralonsohbauzas, if recall correctly (maybe I'm wrong), the issue with create_security_group_rule was that we where calling the nova client13:48
ralonsohsean-k-mooney, I'm checking
ralonsohand I don't see where Neutron is failing 13:53
bauzasralonsoh: I can be wrong but in we have test_security_group_rules_create[id-850795d7-d4d3-4e55-b527-a774c0123d3a,smoke] failing on  File "/opt/stack/new/tempest/tempest/lib/services/compute/", line 35, in create_security_group_rule13:55
bauzasthis is an API call to the os-security-groups API which belongs to Nova13:55
bauzasbut this actually is a proxy call to Neutron13:56
ralonsohyes and I'm reviewing the logs and I can't find any error13:56
ralonsohI'm checking the same call in other tempest runs13:56
bauzasthat's unfortunate that given the timeout, we don't have the request-id14:00
ralonsohbauzas, but what call is timing out? because is not the SG creation14:03
bauzasralonsoh: this is failing on
bauzasI think I can trace the nova-api call with May 04 12:02:50.750575 np0033942429 devstack@n-api.service[165740]: DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi [None req-49c6f58c-b29d-4c83-8ad1-5a588383533f tempest-SecurityGroupRulesTestJSON-878638434 tempest-SecurityGroupRulesTestJSON-878638434-project-member] Action: 'create', calling method: <function Controller.__getattribute__.<locals>.version_select at 0x7f7d37c793f0>, body: {"security_group_14:06
bauzasrule": {"parent_group_id": "b90c2750-9bbd-44fc-9ad2-2eba1fcc4c76", "ip_protocol": "tcp", "from_port": 22, "to_port": 22}} {{(pid=165740) _process_stack /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/api/openstack/}}14:06
bauzasso now I'm trying to find logs from req-49c6f58c-b29d-4c83-8ad1-5a588383533f 14:08
bauzaslook, I can see the req-id in neutron May 04 12:02:50.886890 np0033942429 neutron-server[162430]: INFO neutron.wsgi [req-49c6f58c-b29d-4c83-8ad1-5a588383533f req-bc14944a-4c80-4107-9ce5-de32f17088f8 tempest-SecurityGroupRulesTestJSON-878638434 tempest-SecurityGroupRulesTestJSON-878638434-project-member] "GET /v2.0/security-groups/b90c2750-9bbd-44fc-9ad2-2eba1fcc4c76 HTTP/1.1" status: 200  len: 1820 time: 0.124785214:10
ralonsohbut this is a get call, not the SG rule creation14:12
ralonsohwell, actually this is the req-id of the SG rule creation14:12
lajoskatonabauzas, ralonsoh: Hi, this is related to as I see (sorry perhaps you already linked the lp link)14:12
bauzaslajoskatona: excellent, will mention it then 14:13
bauzaslajoskatona: fwiw, this is not only on neutron-ovs-grenade-dvr-multinode but also on our jobs too :)14:13
lajoskatonabauzas: yeah, with rodolfo we added later that as comment with opensearch links and examples also from tempest14:15
bauzascool ++14:15
ralonsohbauzas, this is using neutronclient, right?14:16
bauzasgood question14:17
bauzasafaik yes, but recently we wanted to use the sdk14:17
bauzasI don't think we merged any change yet, but lemme doublecheck14:17
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/2023.1: Reproduce bug 1995153
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/2023.1: Save cell socket correctly when updating host NUMA topology
ralonsohI don't see any change in neutronclient nor nova14:18
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/zed: Reproduce bug 1995153
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/zed: Save cell socket correctly when updating host NUMA topology
*** blarnath is now known as d34dh0r5314:18
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/yoga: Reproduce bug 1995153
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/yoga: Save cell socket correctly when updating host NUMA topology
bauzasralonsoh: you're correct, still neutronclient
bauzasanyway, I need to go get my daughter from school, bbiab (~15 mins)14:19
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Reproduce bug 1995153
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Save cell socket correctly when updating host NUMA topology
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Reproduce bug 1995153
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Save cell socket correctly when updating host NUMA topology
dvo-plv_gibi: we have finished with os-traits patch. Could you please propose the release14:42
bauzasdvo-plv_: I can do it14:56
dvo-plv_great, thank you14:58
gibibauzas: if you have cycles right now then thanks for proposing it15:01
bauzasjust doing it now15:01
bauzasUggla: your approval is nice for
bauzasgibi: dvo-plv_: ^15:09
Ugglabauzas, I will have a look15:10
sean-k-mooneydvo-plv_: when that is released plese ensure you bump the min requirement for os-traits in the nova patch that uses it15:11
bauzassean-k-mooney: he'll need to wait for the upper-constraints bot patch to be generated first if I'm not wrong15:17
sean-k-mooneyfor it to pass ci 15:17
sean-k-mooneybut they can do the bump15:17
bauzascorrect, but dvo-plv_'s main concern was that zuul wasn't happy with its patch, hence his request to super-fast-approve traits 15:22
bauzasso I'm just explaining that the release is only half of the definition of done15:22
sean-k-mooneydvo-plv_: for what its worth this should all be resolved early next week15:25
sean-k-mooneyi would expect the release to hapeen todya or tomorrow and the uper constraits bump should land shortly after15:25
bauzaswell, there are humans behind the releases approval and the upper-constraints patch approval too, so I'd give them a few more days15:27
bauzasbut yeah, early next week seems a reasonable ETA 15:27
gibiI can cosy up to elodilles to get attention on :)15:32
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/yoga: Reproduce bug 1995153
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/yoga: Save cell socket correctly when updating host NUMA topology
Ugglabauzas, in case you haven't seen and
bauzasUggla: ack, nice to see16:03
Ugglabauzas, yep pretty cool.16:04
bauzasI'll to review both specs one day16:04
Ugglabauzas, despite I have not fully read them yet.16:04
bauzas(saying one day because I didn't had time this week yet to do what I promised)16:04
elodillesbauzas gibi : there is a problem with the os-traits release version bump, see my comment on the patch16:12
bauzaselodilles: hmmm, I'm a bit torn but I trust you16:13
bauzaselodilles: we haven't removed any support afaik16:13
elodillesbauzas: py36 & py37 classifiers were removed from setup.cfg, which means pypi would not offer the released package to py36 and py37 systems16:15
bauzasyup yup I understand the reasoning16:15
elodillesnote that we always bump MAJOR version in these cases16:15
elodillesso while the code might still support py36 and/or py37, still we are stating it isn't :/ i'm not fond of dropping these classifiers either, but that went through most of the deliverables already16:17
bauzasok, thanks for the catch anyway 16:18
bauzaselodilles: is updated16:18
elodillesbauzas: thanks, +2'd16:19
elodillesde nada16:21
gibielodilles: good catch16:24
gibithanks for looking at it16:24
sean-k-mooneyelodilles: python 3.7 wupport was remvoed form placment and nova quite a while ago16:42
sean-k-mooneyelodilles: i guess we missed those in os-traits 16:42
sean-k-mooneyelodilles: i dont think python 36 has been supproted since wallaby16:43
sean-k-mooneythat was the last release as we kept it for centos 8 support16:43
sean-k-mooneywe can do the major bump just point out that this is long overdue16:43
elodillessean-k-mooney: yes the last time py3.7 listed amongst supported runtimes was victoria:
elodillessean-k-mooney: what i meant is that there is difference between we don't list as supported and not allowing it to being installed on non-supported python16:59
elodillesif we know that there is some clear incompatibility, then it is OK to remove the classifier for that python version. (though i understand we might not realise when we introduce such changes and that might be a worse situation)17:01
dvo-plv_sean-k-mooney: yes, sure, guys already mentioned that I have to udpate requirments for nova. I will do it, when os-trait packag will be ready17:59
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Reproduce bug 1995153
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Save cell socket correctly when updating host NUMA topology
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/yoga: Fix LM rollback w/o multi port bindings extension

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