Tuesday, 2024-01-23

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: GMR: Omit signal handleris in wsgi app  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/90627901:11
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opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova master: enforce remote console shutdown  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/90182406:28
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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: all new logins to https://review.opendev.org are currently failing. investigation is ongoing, please be patient08:55
bauzassean-k-mooney: gibi: stephenfin: could you please look at https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/906309 for removing our usage of blockdiag ?09:56
sean-k-mooneywe already did this for nova-specs so i dont see a reason not to do it for nova propper as well10:58
sean-k-mooneythere is one downside with using the image:: macro10:59
sean-k-mooneywhic is tha tthe svg wont be rendered in teh browser as a svg11:00
sean-k-mooneyit will use the html image tag11:00
sean-k-mooneyso extentions like dark reader wont be able ot recoler them properly11:00
sean-k-mooneythats a minor annoyance that iu can live with but it is an accsiblity change11:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: doc: drop blockdiag usage  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/90630911:53
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: [libvirt]log XML if nova fails to parse it  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/90636412:14
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/nova master: doc: Fix markup syntax  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/90637915:14
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/nova master: doc: Fix markup syntax  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/90637915:15
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/nova master: doc: Fix markup syntax and typo  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/90637915:16
opendevreviewSimon Hensel proposed openstack/nova master: Always delete NVRAM files when deleting instances  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/90638015:26
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/nova master: Fix returning empty availability zone  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/90287515:48
bauzasreminder: nova meeting in 5 mins here15:55
* gibi lurks15:59
bauzas#startmeeting nova16:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Jan 23 16:01:36 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:01
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'nova'16:01
bauzassorry I was looking at some change16:01
bauzasI'll need to move in 45 mins so let's start now16:02
bauzas#topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 16:02
bauzas#info No Critical bug16:02
bauzas#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 46 new untriaged bugs (+0 since the last meeting)16:02
bauzas#info Add yourself in the team bug roster if you want to help https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-bug-triage-roster16:02
bauzasauniyal: could you be using the bug baton for this next week ? :)16:03
auniyalsure :) 16:03
bauzas#info bug baton is auniyal16:03
bauzas#topic Gate status 16:03
bauzas#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure Nova gate bugs 16:03
bauzas#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/2026345 Nova docs jobs were broken but now this is fixed16:03
bauzasso you can recheck your changes if you want16:04
bauzas#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-ci-failures-minimal16:04
bauzas#link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Fnova&project=openstack%2Fplacement&pipeline=periodic-weekly Nova&Placement periodic jobs status16:04
bauzasall greens16:04
bauzas#info Please look at the gate failures and file a bug report with the gate-failure tag.16:04
bauzasany other CI failure people want to discuss ?16:04
bauzaslooks not, moving on16:05
bauzas#topic Release Planning 16:05
bauzas#link https://releases.openstack.org/caracal/schedule.html#nova16:05
bauzas#info Caracal-3 (and feature freeze) milestone in 5 weeks16:05
bauzasguys, we have around one month now for our features :)16:05
bauzas#topic Review priorities 16:06
bauzas#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-caracal-status16:06
bauzastime to look at the etherpad if you hadn't yet done it16:06
bauzasaha, split issue :)16:07
bauzas#topic Stable Branches 16:07
bauzaselodilles: still around ?16:07
elodilles#info stable gates don't seem blocked16:08
elodilles#info nova stable Zed release is out (nova 26.2.1)16:08
elodilles#info stable branch status / gate failures tracking etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-stable-branch-ci16:08
bauzasI guess I need to look again at https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/90327816:09
bauzas(Ussuri EOL patch)16:09
elodillesyepp, a PTL +1 would be nice there :)16:10
bauzasokay, I'll do then16:10
elodillesthanks o/16:10
elodilles(wanted to ping you with this, off the meeting, but i haven't got there :S)16:11
bauzasI was also looking at the Unmaintained resolutions16:12
bauzasI wonder when we'll start doing this16:12
bauzasbut not a question for here, so moving on16:12
elodillesmaybe tomorrow i'll push the transition patches ;)16:12
bauzasaha, gtk16:12
sean-k-mooney1we were ment to have it completed last cycle16:12
sean-k-mooney1so sonner rather then later woudl be best16:13
*** sean-k-mooney1 is now known as sean-k-mooney16:13
bauzasI know but there were some needed stuff to do before we were able to do this16:13
bauzaslike the gerrit team16:13
bauzasso I just wonder where we are16:14
bauzasbut anyway16:14
bauzaselodilles: thanks for the good news16:14
bauzasmoving on16:14
bauzasother excellent news, 16:14
bauzas#topic vmwareapi 3rd-party CI efforts Highlights 16:14
fwiesel#info Security Exemption granted and log hosting enabled16:14
fwieselSo, you should finally be able to download this: https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/openstack-ci-logs.global.cloud.sap/logs-stack.tar.gz16:15
fwieselIt is just the logs of the stack run I promised the last time16:15
sean-k-mooneyyep do you have the logs viewable 16:15
sean-k-mooneywithout downloading them16:15
sean-k-mooneyi.e. not as a singlel tar but unpackted on the log server16:15
fwieselYes, I'll have to put that in a proper form still.16:15
fwieselIt's more the point to show that we did run someting in the past, and it worked, and now you can see it.16:16
fwiesel#info CI added to Wiki16:16
fwiesel#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ThirdPartySystems/vmwareapi_CI_run_by_SAP16:16
fwieselNothing spectacular.16:16
fwiesel#info CI gets triggered by gerrit patch-set (or 'recheck' comment) and serially creates devstack with the specified version, cleans up afterwards (rinse and repeat)16:16
fwieselSo, we get until the devstack automatically.16:17
fwiesel#info Manual tempest. Ran: 379 tests in 3912 sec. Passed: 241, Failed: 107.16:17
fwieselI just need to get that into the pipeline and ship the logs.16:18
bauzasfwiesel: could we be able to see all the job runs in some link ? for example, to see if *all16:18
bauzaschanges are getting a FAILURE or not16:18
bauzasformerly, we had a 3rd-party CI link that was telling us that, but this is no longer working :(16:19
fwieselbauzas: That's probably doable, but needs to be implemented somehow... The ci itself is not open to the internet and opening that up will be a bit of an effort16:19
bauzasfwiesel: I understand this would be a new /feature/16:20
fwieselI could definitely put that on the same AWS bucket16:20
bauzasfwiesel: my concern is to not ping you for any failure I'm seeing16:20
bauzasrather if I'm seeing like 90% of the changes getting a failure16:20
fwieselbauzas: Sure, that can be done. What priority would that have? Compared to commenting on the change request?16:21
bauzasfwiesel: I don't know tbh, this is more about knowing whether we need to ping you or not :p16:22
bauzasbut we can start 16:22
fwieselOkay, I'll add it then afterwards.16:23
sean-k-mooneycommenting on the change request is the imporant thing16:23
sean-k-mooneyhaving a way to see if the job are generally passing or failing is a nice to have after 16:23
fwieselI was assuming it, but maybe in the beginning you might trust the ci less and want to see that it produces green builds first16:23
fwieselBefore spamming the changes with messages which are actually faults of the CI16:24
bauzasyeah, most of people would recheck16:24
sean-k-mooneywell the ci wont actuly block the patch merging16:24
bauzasbut yeah, what sean-k-mooney said16:24
sean-k-mooneyso at the start we can just leave it to the reviews to check the ci output when it fails16:24
fwieselGreat, then I'll first do the browsable logs and the comments.16:25
bauzassomehow we *eventually* need this for knowing we're done16:25
bauzasbut yeah, agreed on the other prios first16:25
bauzasand the reviewable link 16:25
bauzasI mean the browsable logs first16:25
bauzasthat's still excellent news to know that everything is in place :)16:26
bauzaskudos to you, fwiesel and grandchild16:26
fwiesel"Browseable" means it is okay if it is done in the browser with javascript? Or does it need to be unpacked on the server?16:26
grandchildfwiesel did all the work -- can't take credit :)16:26
bauzasfwiesel: both ? :D16:27
sean-k-mooneynormally we convert the logs to html16:27
sean-k-mooneyso that we can get clickable links to lines16:27
sean-k-mooneyto show this is why x failed16:27
bauzassome others just directly look at the files :p16:27
sean-k-mooneyso i would like it to at least be linkable and viewabel16:28
sean-k-mooneythe simplest way to do that is normally just enabel directory listing on the server16:28
fwieselOkay, I'll see what I can do.16:28
bauzaswell, on my side, I'd prefer raw files that I could open16:28
bauzasso yeah, unpack first16:28
fwieselWell, with s3 buckets, there is no directory listing :)16:28
dansmithdefinitely unpack16:28
dansmithfwiesel: then just generate an HTML file with links to the files and upload that too16:29
fwieselThat I can easily do. 16:29
fwieselThat's from my side.16:30
bauzasthanks a lot16:30
sean-k-mooneycool on a related note where are we with teh hyperv removal16:30
sean-k-mooneygmann: ^ do you have any update on that16:30
bauzassean-k-mooney: the blueprint was filed and accepted16:30
sean-k-mooneyright but we wanted to do it before m2 and we are past that now16:31
bauzasso nothing prevents it to be done, except having someone to do the work16:31
dansmithno reason not to still do it, IMHO16:31
bauzasthat's what I'm saying16:31
sean-k-mooneyright so i was expecting to see patches for this before i went on pto16:31
bauzaseverything is paperworked16:31
sean-k-mooneyso im try ing to push this forward16:31
bauzasso we just need to merge thinfs16:31
bauzasgmann seems to be off, so I can try to ping him later16:32
sean-k-mooneythat was the patch but it has nt been updated in a while16:33
bauzaswe'll see if gmann can update it shortly16:33
bauzasif not, I can try to take the ball16:33
sean-k-mooneygerrit login is still broken but ya lets at least do a rebase in the next few days 16:33
bauzasyeah, I just hope I won't get logged out shortly 16:34
* bauzas won't reboot his machine :)16:34
bauzasok, last bullet point, then16:34
bauzas#topic Open discussion 16:35
bauzasanything anyone ?16:35
bauzaslooks not16:36
sean-k-mooneynothing form me16:36
bauzasI save you 23 mins of your time16:36
bauzasthanks all16:36
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Jan 23 16:36:24 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)16:36
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2024/nova.2024-01-23-16.01.html16:36
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2024/nova.2024-01-23-16.01.txt16:36
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2024/nova.2024-01-23-16.01.log.html16:36
fwieselThanks a lot16:36
sean-k-mooneyfwiesel: for refernce we normlaly can view logs in two ways16:37
sean-k-mooneyeither as a raw file share like https://7abee732bfe2ea059993-afd34e255a9a69e2d84578e615c610d8.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/827844/14/check/openstack-tox-pep8/72b9337/16:37
sean-k-mooneyor via the zuul application https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/72b93377de584b16a0707fc2bcb0158f/logs16:37
fwieselThanks, I think, it should be possible to provide both "interfaces"16:38
sean-k-mooney that was from a pep8 job so it does not have devstack logs but ya we just need a way to view the files in the browser without havignto download everything. its also nice ot be able to download the full set but they can get large when often you only need a subset16:39
fwieselI understand. The idea was not to dump the log as a tarball in general, it was just the fastest way to get it out.16:40
bauzasfwiesel: the shortest for you IMHO is to unpack the tar (or just not tar it) and expose all the files thru an HTML page16:43
fwieselI think, you'll have that next week.16:44
bauzas(with the right Content-Type in order to open it in my browser instead of downloading it)16:45
bauzasfolks, I need to bail out earlier than usual (python meetup in Grenoble)16:46
bauzassee you all tomorrow16:46
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: add initial healthcheck support  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/82501518:14
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: add healthcheck manager to manager base  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/82784418:14
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: add healthcheck tracker to nova context  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/82946818:14
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: add healthcheck utils and constants  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/82946918:14
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: add healthcheck endpoint to proxy commands  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/83070318:14
gmannsean-k-mooney: bauzas : did not get chance to update that change. I will check it and update this week18:18
gmannthe hyperV one18:18
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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on review.opendev.org will be offline momentarily for a restart, in order to attempt to restore OpenID login functionality19:37
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: OpenID logins for the Gerrit WebUI on review.opendev.org should be working normally again since the recent service restart20:03
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