Friday, 2024-11-22

ildikovlol, wow00:01
ildikovthere's technically no usable information in that one00:02
sean-k-mooneyi was hopign it was a duplicate of since it has the same title but that is fileed by someone else00:03
ildikovI mean, with the amount of information in the first one, saying it's a duplicate is just as accurate as saying it's not00:05
ildikovmaybe the two people know each other and worked smh together :)00:06
sean-k-mooneyi think they just took oru generic api error header too litrally00:07
sean-k-mooney"Unexpected API Error. Please report this at and attach the Nova API log if possible."00:07
sean-k-mooneysome other software project put an identifyer that allows them to track wehre the issue came form in messages like that00:08
s3rj1kreporter fact-proved that "Unexpected API Error" exists00:08
sean-k-mooneyhopefully there issue either went away or they cna come back and tell us a littel more00:09
sean-k-mooneyanywya im going to drop again for the night o/00:09
ildikovah, I see00:12
ildikovI have my fingers crossed they'll come back if the issue persists!00:13
ildikovthanks again for checking my bug report!00:13
ildikovgood night!00:13
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Add [quota]unified_limits_resource_(strategy|list)
tkajinambauzas, hi could you check when you have time ?09:07
bauzastkajinam: just did09:09
tkajinambauzas, thanks 109:21
opendevreviewrenliang proposed openstack/nova master: Update documentation link for openSUSE index.
stephenfingmann: Thanks for the very thorough review on That must have taken you a while. I appreciate it and will respin quickly 🙏12:37
ratailorbauzas, sean-k-mooney could you please check
ratailorgibi, could you please check this its clean cherry-pick and required 1 more +2.12:42
gibiratailor: done12:47
ratailorgibi, Thanks!12:47
ratailorgibi, also is this approach looks good. WDYT 12:50
s3rj1ksean-k-mooney: can you please take a look at when you have time, thanks14:06
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: so we dont really recomemnt usign the periodic in production14:08
sean-k-mooneyyou can but it does not scale14:08
sean-k-mooneythe database constraits should be sufficent to have correct behaivor even without a distributed lock14:09
s3rj1ksean-k-mooney: even without periodics there is an issue with concurrency for running multiple CLI jobs14:09
sean-k-mooneyhow so. the unique constraits will fail to allow multipel cli jobs to add the same host14:10
sean-k-mooneyso one will just fail and the other will succeed14:10
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: nova would like to remove our use of tooz in general as an fyi14:11
sean-k-mooneyits currently only used for the ironic driver and the functionaltiy that uses it is drepcated for removal14:11
s3rj1khmm, so maybe periodics should be marked as deprecated?14:12
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: we could impove this behaivor but our current docs say that you may only enable the perodic in one schduler instnace14:12
sean-k-mooneyso this is a known limitation in the curent design14:12
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: the enhancement is not invlaid but its somethin we have decied not to adress in the past14:13
s3rj1kthis is for HA setups, where there are multiple schedulers, so there is a need to have at least 3 periodics enabled 14:13
sean-k-mooneyright so thats not supported today14:14
s3rj1kthink Nova in k8s basically 14:14
sean-k-mooneyyep in our new k8s operator we expiclty dont use this because of this limitation14:14
sean-k-mooneycurrntly we requre the human ot manualy run it if they scale out comptue nodes14:14
sean-k-mooneygiven that is an infrequet operation14:15
sean-k-mooneygibi: ^ you might be interested in thsi conversation14:15
s3rj1kit would be nicer to remove a need of manual tasking here14:15
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: a better appoch might be to make the mappign code more robost14:16
sean-k-mooneyi.e. to catch the db conflict/duplicate key error and proceed with the rest of the mappings14:16
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: for what its worth we did consier automating it in a k8s chron job14:18
s3rj1kwhat about periodics? I mean we should decide what we should do with it, having this around and saying that it should not be used looks a bit off14:18
sean-k-mooneythat not what we say14:18
sean-k-mooneywe say it can be used but must only be enabled in one schduler instance14:18
sean-k-mooneyand htat for large deployment its avised to not run it frequently14:18
s3rj1ksame a basically setting up plain Linux cron with CLI14:19
sean-k-mooneybut yes we coudl deprecate it for removal, but i dont think we want to break existing users14:19
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: yes and no. the delta is that its ha14:19
sean-k-mooneyi.e. as long asa you k8s cluster is functional it can schduler to any approate worker14:20
s3rj1kI mean in case of single node setups, cron vs periodic is same thin, no?14:20
sean-k-mooneythe reason we didnt do that of our installer is we did not think this was a good default for production14:20
sean-k-mooneysure but then you cant have the conflcit14:20
sean-k-mooneyunless your running  multipel schduler on a single node cluster? doable but proably not super useful14:21
s3rj1kyea, point is case env setups what are ok to have periodics enabled are not HA at all and there is no point in supporting periodics in case of not also supporting HA with it, since plain cron can replace it on non HA14:22
s3rj1kso effectively dead code in terms of production, fine for small setups only or dev clusters14:23
sean-k-mooneyso where this is used in production today its not enabeld on multiple hosts14:23
sean-k-mooneybut i agree its not as useful as it could be14:23
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: i dont think the request for enhancement is invlaid but pulling in tooz for jsut this is a hard cell14:24
sean-k-mooneywe generally want the scheuler ot be stateless and nova does not use any distibuted lockign today partly for horizontal scaleableity14:25
sean-k-mooneywe may be able to do
sean-k-mooneyso that only one schdluler will try to map a given host on any given invocation but  that woudl make the time to mapping less deterministic so im conflicted on that14:27
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: for right now im going to set the bug to Opinion but i think it would be good to either bring this up in the next team metting, ask others for input on irc or start a mailing list thread on this topic14:39
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: at a minium we could imporve the docuemation aroudn this14:39
sean-k-mooneywe may be able to do more but adding a distribute lock manager to nova is definally a feature not a bug14:40
s3rj1kyea, feature, tagged as rfe14:42
s3rj1kfor sure nit a bug14:42
sean-k-mooneyanother approch might be to catch the "host is not mapped to a cell" excption w eget today and use that to trigger a mapping reactively14:42
s3rj1kalso would like to note that this is no k8s specific and oldschool phys servers HA setup is probably even more impacted by this14:44
sean-k-mooneysure as i said this is an old topic14:45
sean-k-mooneythe tension is that this really only make sense in an env wehre the number of compute nodes changes frequently14:45
sean-k-mooneyin such a env setting along interval is not palatable14:45
sean-k-mooneyso you have to set the period to be run often14:45
sean-k-mooneywhich mean it adds a lot of load espcitlly if you run multipel isntances of the scduelr each doing it on the db14:46
sean-k-mooneyso the more frequently you add comptues, the more often you have to run it, and the more load it creates, which also gets more expensive the more host you have as there are more hosts to process14:47
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: in our operator we orgingally hoped to have the golang reconsile loop run the host mapping when compute were added14:48
sean-k-mooneybut architecturla design reasons prevent that form happing today14:49
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: im not sure if you have the same desgin limistiaon14:49
s3rj1kI guess that the baremininum thing is to ensure that CLI Jobs are running sequentially 14:50
sean-k-mooneytl;dr our nova-operator is not allowed to monitor the addtion/removal of compute nodes, and our compute node deployment code is not allowed to acess the db (run nova-manage) or talk to k8s14:50
s3rj1kbut for that it would be nice to have some more visible descision around internal periodics, as they always come up14:51
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: melwitt had a propsoal for a seperate nova-audit deamon a long time ago to have a seperate process dedicated to running them14:52
sean-k-mooneywe did not move forward with that but the idea wwas to move this perodic and the db archive/peruge operatiosn to that seperate optional demaon14:52
sean-k-mooneythe idea was to centralise all of the perodic mantance and self healign task into a seperatly deployable but optional compoent14:54
s3rj1kand how to handle HA in this case? 14:54
sean-k-mooneyintially active passive so in k8s you would only run 1 as deplyment/statefulset14:55
sean-k-mooneyfor non k8s deploymetsn you would use pacemaker ectra to manage which one was running14:55
sean-k-mooneyyou could use a DLM as well 14:55
sean-k-mooneybut given this is not a performace critical part that is less concerning 14:56
s3rj1kso a lot of extra things to hack this up in case of plain servers14:59
s3rj1kfor k8s case, active/passive could probably work15:00
sean-k-mooneyyep as i siad this is old ground but there is a renewd interst in makign nova be more "ks8 native"15:00
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: This was the last time nova-audit was serisoly dicussed
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: we discussed soem other k8s painpoint like graceful shutdown too at the last ptg15:02
sean-k-mooneyand healthchecks15:02
s3rj1kall of those would be very nice to have, yes15:02
sean-k-mooneyso i intentilaly didnt close as invialid, but hostircally we have confired issues like this as out of scope15:02
sean-k-mooneys3rj1k: i need to go finsih something but do bring this up in the next irc meeting or start a mailing list thrad about how to move this forward to get input form others15:04
s3rj1ksure, let's let it brew over a weekend, I'll ping back on this in next meetup15:06
s3rj1khave a nice weekend!15:06
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Attach Manila shares via virtiofs (manila abstraction)
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Use client token when talking to manila
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Attach Manila shares via virtiofs (drivers and compute manager part)
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Mounting the shares as part of the initialization process
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Deletion of associated share mappings on instance deletion
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add metadata for shares
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add share_info parameter to reboot method for each driver (driver part)
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Support rebooting an instance with shares (compute manager part)
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add share_info parameter to resume method for each driver (driver part)
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Support resuming an instance with shares (compute manager part)
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add helper methods to rescue/unrescue shares
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Support rescuing an instance with shares
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Allow to mount manila share using Cephfs protocol
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Check shares support (compute manager)
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Attach Manila shares via virtiofs (API)
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add helper methods to attach/detach shares
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add instance.share_attach notification
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add instance.share_detach notification
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add shares to InstancePayload
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add instance.share_attach_error notification
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add instance.share_detach_error notification
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Reports instance events to the DB regarding attaching and detaching a share
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add libvirt test to ensure metadata are working.
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add virt/libvirt error test cases
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Manila shares admin guide documentation
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Refactor test_server_shares: Mock in Base Class and trait verification
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/nova stable/2024.1: [stable-only] Set grenade-skip-level to non-voting
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for server action APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for remaining server action APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for host aggregate actions API
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for host aggregate APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for extensions API
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for versions APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for assisted volume snapshots APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for port interface APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for availability zone APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for bare metal node APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for console auth token APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for flavor access API
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for flavor extra specs APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for flavors APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for floating IP pool APIs
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Add [quota]unified_limits_resource_(strategy|list)
gmannstephenfin: yeah, rebuild schema is with all microvesion changes is complex one. As this looks good, other schema should be quick one20:36
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Attach Manila shares via virtiofs (manila abstraction)
gmannwaiting for gate to finish the tests but I am targeting to review this series today or before Monday otherwise I keep distracting from other things20:38
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Replace distutils
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Add [quota]unified_limits_resource_(strategy|list)
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Use client token when talking to manila
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Attach Manila shares via virtiofs (drivers and compute manager part)
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for server action APIs
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Add [quota]unified_limits_resource_(strategy|list)
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for remaining server action APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for host aggregate actions API
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for host aggregate APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for extensions API
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for versions APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for assisted volume snapshots APIs
gmannstephenfin: done with the review, ^^ i rebased some of them but some are left. will check those once updated.23:48

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