Thursday, 2025-01-30

opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: ironic: Fix ConflictException when deleting server
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/os-traits master: Add traits for sound and USB devices on instances.
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel06:01
opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova master: WIP:Reproducer for cold migration on shared storage
*** elodilles_pto is now known as elodilles08:13
opendevreviewRajesh Tailor proposed openstack/nova master: Add support for showing image properties in server show response
ierdemHi, how can I live migrate VMs between two different containers? I have environment deployed by using kolla-ansible and some of my compute nodes have rocky containers, some of them have ubuntu. I want to live migrate VMs from Rocky (has higher qemu version and different machine type *_rhel-*) to Ubuntu. Is there any hackish and easy method to do this? (on production)08:48
mnasiadkaierdem: I know people just run rocky version of libvirt container on Ubuntu - but that’s not the solution you are asking for :)08:59
ierdemmnasiadka, yes :) actually we run all containers on Ubuntu too but the problem is difference between nova containers OS releases09:04
mikalsean-k-mooney: I'm still working on the sound traits changes, I haven't even attempted the equivalent changes for the USB controller yet. So I think that os-traits patch is simple and could do with some feedback if possible. When I give up for the day today I'll upload the sound patch so you can decide if I am even on the right track...09:15
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: direct SPICE console object changes
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: direct SPICE console database changes
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: allow direct SPICE connections to qemu
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add extra spec for sound device.
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add extra specs for USB redirection.
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add flavor-search-by-name spec
gansoHi folks. Given nvidia has dropped support for mdev in their v535+ drivers, what one would have to do to transition from an mdev configuration to a vfio configuration? I've been using mdev and working fine but now with the driver update nothing works anymore. I have installed libvirt 10 but that alone doesn't fix the problem. Does Nova SRIOV support running VGPUs in this mode? What config is necessary to change? I don't see 17:29
gansomention of "vfio" in the nova docs for attaching GPU to guests17:29
melwittganso: I don't think yet but there is vfio work in progress toward supporting it
gansomelwitt: I saw that spec but I thought it was specific to "variant drivers" (I am not familiar with that). If not, then basically the new nvidia drivers rendered the GPUs completely incompatible with OpenStack Nova until that spec is implemented?18:15
melwittganso: I'm not familiar with it either (and not an expert in vgpu) but IIUC that work is needed as a prereq toward supporting sriov vgpu. bauzas would know for sure18:19
gansomelwitt: thanks! let's wait for bauzas to respond18:57
mikalsean-k-mooney: you around today?19:14
sean-k-mooneymikal: sorry sort of. ill be aroudn for a bit longer but them im off until tuesday (pto tomorrow because of public holiday on monday)19:29
mikalsean-k-mooney: ahhh fair enough. I sent an os-traits patch, which I _think_ is correct. I'm arguing with the nova sound patch to integrate it, but I've never done one of these before so I think I'll have missed stuff. I'll move on to the USB one after that.19:30
mikalsean-k-mooney: worst case you'll have some patches to laugh at on Tuesday.19:30
sean-k-mooneyi can take a look now19:31
sean-k-mooneyim not sure if Uggla has cut the new release yet or not19:31
sean-k-mooneywe wanted to do one this week19:32
sean-k-mooneywe can always do another one next week if needed19:32
mikalYep, that's it.19:33
mikalI assume I need that released before CI for the nova patch will pass? (Its failing for other reasons now, but presumably that will eventually block me).19:33
sean-k-mooneyit will pass in tempest but not unit tests with depends on19:33
sean-k-mooneyyou could put the traits stuff at the end19:34
mikalOh, I've been doing the sound one in the sound patch, not in a separate one.19:34
mikalI could separate them if I need to I suppose.19:34
sean-k-mooneymikal: so the patch looks correct to me ill eave a copule of comments to that effect19:34
sean-k-mooneyit can be in one pathc it normlaly is19:35
sean-k-mooneyjust the unit test will complain ectra if you try and import the constnat19:35
mikalEven with a depends-on?19:35
sean-k-mooneythre are ways to make ti work in unit test but its complex, ya we would have to properly hook up tox siblings and some other stuff19:36
sean-k-mooneybacislly the unit test alwasy pull the libs form pypi19:36
mikalYeah, that doesn't sound like a good use of time.19:36
sean-k-mooneywe woudl need to make the job install them form souce19:36
sean-k-mooneydevstack has explcit supprot for this19:36
mikalI am a big concerned about the feature freeze deadline, but not concerned enough to do something like that quite yet.19:37
sean-k-mooneywell even if we made it pass we still cant merge it for two reaons one we need to have a release or if anyone tries to use it for real it would break19:39
sean-k-mooneysecond the depend on will prevent it form merging until the other patch is merged 19:39
sean-k-mooneyso mechanically it would not speed anything up really19:40
sean-k-mooneymaybe slighlty19:40
sean-k-mooneybut only by the tiem ti takes to cut a release19:40
mikalYeah cool. I'll keep working on traits for sound and usb then and hope a release happens in the mean time.19:40
mikalIf you've got time for a quick scan of my traits attempt in that would be cool, but if you don't that's also fine.19:41
sean-k-mooneyi have +2'd the triats patch melwitt if your about care to take a look
sean-k-mooneymikal: ah merged 6 hours ago19:43
mikalHow often do they do those releases? On demand?19:44
sean-k-mooneybauzas: ^ we shoudl plan an os-traits 3.4.0 once we merge mikal's patch 19:44
sean-k-mooneymikal: yes on demand19:44
melwittsean-k-mooney: not sure I can do a useful review. what are the sources for the list enums? i.e. where do they come from19:44
sean-k-mooneylibvirt models. i was debating if we shoudl add the links19:45
sean-k-mooneyi decied nto to bring that up but since you asked19:45
mikalLinks to the domain XML docs?19:45
sean-k-mooneymikal: ya we sometime link to the libvirt docs or other refences19:45
mikalI can do that if you want me to.19:46
sean-k-mooneyso for the nic models
sean-k-mooneywe lined to the def in nova19:46
sean-k-mooneyin other case we link to specs
sean-k-mooneywe dont require it but it can be useful, these are just comment for future us19:48
mikalPlease hold.19:48
sean-k-mooneyso like the link to wiki pages for all the cpu feature flags in
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/os-traits master: Add traits for sound and USB devices on instances.
melwittsean-k-mooney: yeah I mean, otherwise I'm just like reviewing "hm yes, these look like all caps names in a list" 🙂 19:51
mikalWell in all fairness, it is a list of all caps names.19:51
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: no worries its a good callout19:52
sean-k-mooneyfuture it will help future us anyway19:53
mikalSo yeah, I think I've done that thing.20:04
melwittsean-k-mooney: commented on the review with a couple of questions with the main one being about if should have MODEL_NONE in this case20:23
sean-k-mooneyam, do we need ot report the ablity to not do somehitng20:28
sean-k-mooneyCOMPUTE_USB_MODEL_NONE woudl mean the ablity to do emulation without any usb contoler20:29
sean-k-mooneyit is part of the grapics triats because when usign vgpus we wanted a way to say dont add an emulated grapics card20:30
melwittI dunno but we have it as a trait for hw_video_model20:30
sean-k-mooneyi guess we coudl add it for completeness20:30
melwittI'm ok with not having it (obviously I don't know this stuff) but wanted to bring it up in case it needs to be a thing20:31
sean-k-mooneyor well for video models we have a usecase to reqeust None because you get one by default if the host is set up for vnc or spice20:31
sean-k-mooneyso we added hw_graphic_model=none to opt out of that behavior20:32
melwittah ok. and usb is not something that is enabled by default20:32
sean-k-mooneyit actully is20:32
sean-k-mooneyso im thinking your right20:32
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: you can configure the default pointer model to ps2 or usb20:32
melwittnot sure if there is a use case for wanting to explicitly disable it20:32
sean-k-mooneythe use case to still use ps2 is lower overhead for realtime guest 20:33
sean-k-mooneywhich is whey they prefer serial console or no console over spice/vnc 20:33
sean-k-mooneyless overhead to the vm due to interupts20:33
melwittoh... now that you say that it sounds vaguely familiar20:33
sean-k-mooneythe thing is i dont know if none is a valid libvirt value or if you just dont create the device xml20:34
melwittah, good ol usbtablet20:35
sean-k-mooneyso for sound modle it looks like you jsut dont create it but i also know that you can get a sound card added becasule fo q35 i think20:35
melwittoh, I got the idea from the libvirt doc. it says "Additionally, since 0.10.0, if the USB bus needs to be explicitly disabled for the guest, model='none' may be used."
sean-k-mooneyfor usb contooler i think you just dont add one20:36
melwittso that's why I asked20:36
sean-k-mooneyoh i missed htat20:36
sean-k-mooneyso we could supprot it but that would need more work to chnage the pointer model if the config would use usb20:37
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: your raisign very reasonable points to which i dont have a simple answer20:37
melwitthm ok20:37
sean-k-mooneymy my concern is delaying the spice direct feature again for this. im wondering if we could add none later if we needed it?20:38
sean-k-mooneybasiclly not to expand the scope more20:39
melwittyeah.. I'm assuming we can punt that to later. this was just in case you already knew it's a thing we need we could add it20:39
sean-k-mooneywe didn tactully dicsus traits in the spec
sean-k-mooneywe proably should have20:40
sean-k-mooneybut we also didnt dicsu opting out 20:40
melwittyeah. I was surprised to see the traits patch bc I didn't realize it would have traits20:40
sean-k-mooneyit can merge without it. the traits will allow for schdulign using the image properies filter20:41
sean-k-mooneysorry 20:41
sean-k-mooneythe image metadata pre filter20:41
sean-k-mooneyso that is just a nice to have for schduling 20:42
sean-k-mooneyi suggested addign it because the virtio sound model is the only one not supported by our min libvirt/qemu version20:42
sean-k-mooneyfor usb that not a problem20:42
melwittoh ok, so we would add hw_sound_model and hw_usb_model into that prefix map20:43
sean-k-mooneyyep and if you requst either in the image it will add the reqiured trait to land you on a host that supprot it20:43
sean-k-mooneymikal: so to be clear the traits are optional, certently nice to have but can be done next cycle20:44
sean-k-mooneythe compute service bump adn min version check are needed  so that we ensure we never boot on a host hat does not supprot it20:44
sean-k-mooneywithout that you can request a usb devices and because old nova does not no about it it will boot without them20:45
sean-k-mooneymikal: that is protected agaist by a compute service bump for each fo the usb and audio emulation patches and a min version check for server create and rebuild.20:47
melwittto be clear, I'm not opposed to the traits ... I was just trying to understand what I'm reviewing20:47
sean-k-mooneyack, no worries20:47
mikalSorry, got distracted and missed this...20:48
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: my understanding is the first 3 patches up to here is the mvp for spice direct20:49
mikalSo, I think my take is that if the traits thing isn't too hard to do we should just do it.20:49
mikalHowever you're right, I will be disappointed if I have to do this game for a third time next release so I don't want to put that at risk if I can avoid it.20:49
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: the folowing 2 patches  enable the usecase request in and make the spice direct feature more useful in general20:49
mikalI guess my problem is that having never done a trait before I don't really know how far is from being a working implementation.20:50
sean-k-mooneymikal: reviesion 23 is much close then 12 :)20:51
mikalHonestly for VDI to be a thing people will actually want to use you do need sound and USB.20:51
sean-k-mooneymikal: so should work as is20:51
mikalThink desktop replacement with a thin terminal on someone's desk -- they'd want sound for notifications etc and USB for smartcard / yubikey / local printer or scanner / etc.20:52
sean-k-mooneymikal: instead of hardcodign them we normally get cleaver and constcut them form the ovo filed defnitions20:53
sean-k-mooneyor use the os-traits constants but the hardcode string will work20:53
mikalSo I really wanted to do it like the video models, that is obtain it from getDomainCapabilities(), but that doesn't report the sound models.20:54
sean-k-mooneyya we got them to add the video models 20:54
sean-k-mooneyamong other things a while back to avoid matching on version20:55
sean-k-mooneybut we did version matches before that20:55
melwittok, so IIUC the traits aren't required until the latter two patches. and os-traits release freeze is what, Feb 2120:55
mikalWe could do that here, but I would assume that landing something in libvirt, waiting for it to be covered by our minimum version, and then rewriting that code would likely take literally years.20:55
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: ya only the last too20:55
sean-k-mooneyand ya its the non clinet lib feeze so about the 21st20:56
mikalThat's another thing... There are a few client patches for this stuff as well, but those are sitting queued up waiting for the nova support to land first. I was intending to propose those next release at this rate.20:56
sean-k-mooneymikal: ya so next time we wrap around the alpahpbet we can revisit it but what you ahve now is fine :20:56
sean-k-mooneythe client patches are only for the new console type right20:57
mikalWe are getting dangerously close to me having coworkers who are younger than openstack as it is... I am not sure I'll be around in another alphabet.20:57
mikalsean-k-mooney: yeah.20:57
mikalIts been a while since I looked at them, let me double check that.20:57
sean-k-mooneyso honetly i would push the two patches for the sdk and osc and just add a depend on on the third patch that adds the api supprot20:58
mikalYeah, I am carrying client patches for openstacksdk, python-novaclient, and python-openstackclient.20:59
sean-k-mooneyi think you jst need to extend
sean-k-mooneybut ya if you have workign patches i would post them for review20:59
mikal is what I have right now for openstacksdk.21:00
mikalThe microversion in that is wrong, I should update that.21:01
mikalDo we still add new things to python-novaclient, or is that one a red herring?21:01
sean-k-mooneyyou do not need to modify python-novaclient21:01
sean-k-mooneywe froze the shell and python biding 21:02
mikalAhhh, ok. Cool.21:02
sean-k-mooneyso jsut osc21:02
mikalSo that would be openstacksdk and python-openstackclient.21:02
sean-k-mooneymikal: we have to supprot python-novaclient until heat/neutron ectra swap to the sdk21:03
sean-k-mooneyyep just those21:03
mikalI will double check those and upload them today, with a depends-on for the third patch.21:03
mikalSimilarly I have Kolla / Kolla-Ansible deployment patches, but again I am assuming those need to wait until Flamingo to be proposed.21:03
mikal(And I suspect the K/A one needs some HA love, I developed it on an all-in-one so its a bit under baked there).21:04
sean-k-mooneyno you can do it in paralle21:05
sean-k-mooneythey jsut wont merge it until it lands in nova21:05
mikalThey trail by one release don't they?21:05
mikalHonestly, I haven'21:05
mikalt had much luck in getting the Kolla people to answer messages.21:05
sean-k-mooneythey are release trailing but not by one cycle master there is actuall master for epoxy21:06
mikalLe huh.21:06
sean-k-mooneythey normlaly release a few weeks after the offical upstream release21:06
mikalWell, I will take a swing at that, but I am going to deal with nova and client patches first.21:06
sean-k-mooneymikal: fyi you have some line length issues in one of the patches21:10
mikalClient patches you mean?21:11
sean-k-mooneythe sound device one21:11
sean-k-mooneythe pep8 line limiet is actully 79 not 8021:11
mikalOh right. I can fix that. I have tests that run on the patch stack locally, but because there are so many queued up nova patches right now it takes a couple of hours to run and I haven't looked at the output yet today. I'll deal with that today.21:12
sean-k-mooneyno rush. i think we(reviews) shoudl focus on the first 3 patches21:12
sean-k-mooneyit woudl be ideally to merge all of them buti think the first 3 are pretty close21:13
mikalThat would be great. Rebasing the microversion and object version changes is getting a bit old at this point, so landing those first three is actually a pretty big quality of life improvement for me.21:13
sean-k-mooneyya we have 3 patches compiting for the same ones21:14
sean-k-mooneyi was hoping your would get 2.98 21:14
mikal(Joking!) The others should respect their elders!21:14
sean-k-mooneybut we have the image propeties show and scheudler hits ones too21:14
sean-k-mooneyok im going to call it there o/21:17
mikalHave a good long weekend. Thanks again for your help.21:18
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: direct SPICE console object changes
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: direct SPICE console database changes
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: allow direct SPICE connections to qemu
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add extra spec for sound device.
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add extra specs for USB redirection.

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