Monday, 2025-02-17

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/os-vif master: Deprecate linux bridge plugin
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/os-vif master: Deprecate linux bridge plugin
gibidansmith, sean-k-mooney (maybe bauzas) can we get this over the line It is very closem11:23
sean-k-mooneyso the only reason i didnt +w the bottom patch is i would like all 3 to merge togehter ot for the latter two to be squashed11:24
sean-k-mooneyi am +2 on all 311:24
gibiI see, thanks. Then we need dansmith 11:25
sean-k-mooneythe second patch does not account for instnaces partly migrated by my intail fix patch which is why the thrid patch is imporant IMO11:26
gibisean-k-mooney: yes 3rd is important, dansmith asked me to do it separately as it has bit more invasive changes hence the 3 separate patch11:31
gibiI will keep them separate but I'm OK to land them as a whole11:31
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/nova master: Do not review
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: gibi is the change to disable the heal info cache perodic12:42
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: bauzas: is the review for the schduler discover host perodic change12:42
sean-k-mooneycan we try and get those approved today?12:42
bauzassean-k-mooney: sent to the gate, thanks13:21
bauzasbtw. can some other core like gibi look at disabling heal_instance_info cache ?13:21
dansmithgibi: sorry didn't realize I hadn't circled back to that. looks like the bottom two are in the gate right? I'll get the third one in a bit after coffee14:28
gibidansmith: thanks14:36
gibidansmith: the first patch also needs a +w, but it is OK to get it after you reviewed the 3rd patch14:36
tkajinamsean-k-mooney, hi could you re-review when you have time ?14:37
tkajinamI had to add the ugly mock to fix failures caused by openstacksdk (which internally calls the same psutil interface)14:37
sean-k-mooneyi tought we merged that already so sure14:38
tkajinamthanks !14:39
tkajinamand also thanks for the discussions in os-vif patch14:39
sean-k-mooneyi still need to create the deprecation patch for nova that disable the linux bridge job14:39
sean-k-mooneyi assume you dont have one for that14:39
sean-k-mooneyi added the topic to the irc meeting for tomorrow14:40
tkajinamyou are correct14:40
sean-k-mooneyack ill push one later today14:40
sean-k-mooneyim hoping we can get them merged tomorrow or wednesday and then do a release of os-vif14:40
tkajinamthat sounds nice !14:40
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/nova master: Do not review
bauzasdansmith: you had good concerns on
bauzascan I try to clarify what I wrote ?17:21
bauzasbecause I stupidely copy/pasted a lot of docstrings from the metrics conf option which led to confusion17:21
bauzasbasically, with the weight is a sum of subweights dependent on the per-property weigh17:22
bauzasthat weight would then be multiplied by the main conf option17:23
bauzasso, yes, properties would be weighed between themselves, but then the main image_props_weight_multiplier would balance the weighed value against other weighers17:24
bauzas shows you that17:25
bauzasI just configured the weight multiplier to 1.0 to keep it understandable, but say if I was using 2.0 for the multiplier, then each of the host weights would be doubled17:26
dansmithbauzas: replied to the comments on the firs tone17:26
bauzasokay, I think I then need to upload the first patch17:28
opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova master: Add a new ImagePropertiesWeigher
opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova master: per-property ImageMetaPropsWeigher
dansmithbauzas: were you going to snip out the reno from the first patch or no? didn't see a reply about that, but otherwise ^ looks good18:16
bauzasdansmith: well, I just amended the original reno file with the latter patch18:17
bauzasso depending on what we merge, we'll either have one note or an amended note18:17
dansmithalright, I guess I thought that was less good but fair enough18:17
bauzasthat said, if the latter goes merged after FF, then we could potentially need to create another reno18:17
sean-k-mooneygibi: Uggla  i replied in what gibi found is a bug. i also explaind why false and "false" have different behavior18:18
sean-k-mooneytl;dr it because we do a json load on the dict because its really a multioptStr with json content18:19
sean-k-mooneybauzas:... i didn hit reply on my comment this morning18:20
sean-k-mooneybut ill check if they are stilll relevent or not18:20
sean-k-mooneysort of but not worth a respin unless your fixing somethign else18:21
sean-k-mooneybauzas: if its after FF then it would be a seperate releae note anyway because the behavior would differ across release18:22
sean-k-mooneybut amending it is fine IMO18:23
sean-k-mooneyas long as its i nthe same release i think that is preferable18:23
bauzasI need to hardstop now, I'm basically fried18:23
bauzasbut I'll look at your comments tomorrow for sure18:23
bauzasand yeah for the reno, it was just a tradeoff : if we merge both, that's simplier than an additional note18:24
bauzasif we can only merge the bottom patch, then I'll respin for not breaking our release notes18:24
sean-k-mooneyi think im +2 on the first patch as well but im goign to step away for a sec and ill reivew both properly when i get back and leave +w then to gibi18:25
sean-k-mooneydansmith: i commeted on teh normailzeation for what its worth i think the code is correct18:52
dansmithI don't think the code is wrong as-is, it's just not what I was expecting18:54
dansmithI think it's also not wrong to normalize the actual ratio values18:55
dansmithtotally independent of the cross-weigher normalization that happens18:55
sean-k-mooneycorrect but there is also intra weigher nomralistaion18:56
sean-k-mooneybefore the corss weigher nomalisation hapens we normaliase the wighet for each whost within a weigher 18:57
sean-k-mooneythis was added for the disk weigher orgianlly but we did it geneically for all weighers18:57
dansmithum, maybe I'm missing something18:58
dansmithif I set os_distro=5000 then it will score os_distro on the same scale as like disk usage or any other weigher in this situation, no?18:59
sean-k-mooney takes all the final restuls for a given wieher and normaises them in a range of -1 to 118:59
sean-k-mooneyno it wont19:00
sean-k-mooneyfor that host it that was all that was set 5000 would be the result of the wight for tha host19:01
sean-k-mooneythen we will get the min/max values fo the weigher and normalise the weighte to the range for 0-1.019:01
dansmithokay I didn't think it worked that way, but that's good.. why can't we just use integers for the per-property weights then? Just seems cleaner than floats (as I noted on an earlier patch)19:02
sean-k-mooneywe can19:02
sean-k-mooneyit does not need to be a flot but it was for the metrics weigher19:02
sean-k-mooneyso that you could exprss 0.519:02
sean-k-mooneyif you wanted to make someting half as impronat19:03
sean-k-mooneyyou can obviouly just invert that and multiple the other value by 219:03
sean-k-mooneyso "to be the same as the metric weigher" is the only reason to allow floats19:03
dansmithyeah, integers would just be better, but it doesn't matter that much19:04
sean-k-mooneyit was copied form here
sean-k-mooneyso i dont really have a stong opipion on that point so what ever works for you, gibi and sylvian is fine by me19:05
sean-k-mooneyin case you care about hte history of the normalisation change it was done in but that not really impoant19:08
mikalApart from people being generally time poor, is there anything blocking the SPICE API changes right now that I should know about? I feel with the tempest test and devstack changes merged we should probably try and merge the matching API microversion sooner rather than later.19:17
sean-k-mooneyso is still pending and we are coming up to the non client lib freeze so the followup serise for sound and usb is at risk. i think that an easy review ot land IMO but i dont knwo if melwitt will have time to revisit teh patch or if others will19:19
sean-k-mooneyi have not looked at the rest in a few days19:19
mikalI think the API changes are more important as they're the most painful bit to keep rebasing, but I would link to try and land all of them if possible. I've been rebasing these things for over a year now.19:21
melwittsean-k-mooney: for the os-traits patch I don't have an opinion about since I don't really know anything about that stuff. I asked questions in case it could spark yalls memory whether anything was missing or needed to be changed. so if no one else finds any problem about it I think I can +W with your SME +2 on there19:23
melwittI will look at the API changes again. it can be more challenging if past comments are not addressed yet and we have to keep going back and forth on that. if that's all squared away and the tempest test is done and passing, that's good and helps a lot19:26
sean-k-mooneyso on the testing font we have a few related patches19:28
sean-k-mooneyi have patches up to move the nova-ovs-hybrid-plug job to debain and enabel spice (including speice testing in tempest)19:29
sean-k-mooneythat involes change to nova and devstack and tempest19:29
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: mikal split there serise in 2 1 for spice direct, and a second indepently mergable vid series for the usb/soudn devices19:30
sean-k-mooneyin the spice serise they have a depends on agains the tepmest change and my ci testing series so that pulls everything toghter and showe it working end to end19:31
melwittsean-k-mooney: ok cool. my understanding is we are focusing on the spice direct, the first 3 patches19:32
sean-k-mooneyso is the patch that pulls everythign togheter and depend on the rest 19:32
melwittright, cool19:33
sean-k-mooneyso one thing we might need to do is change the depns on order19:34
sean-k-mooneythe devstack and tempest changes have merged19:35
sean-k-mooneyso i shoudl proably merge my 2 jobs changes into one and rebase it on mikal's series19:35
sean-k-mooneyactuly no19:36
sean-k-mooneyit can merge as is19:36
sean-k-mooneyin my serise i dont update the regex to enabel the new test19:36
sean-k-mooneythat only happens in mikal's 19:36
mikalsean-k-mooney: at least one of your patches needs a recheck too I think.19:36
sean-k-mooneyi have a pep8 issue19:36
sean-k-mooneyso i need to update mine anyway19:36
sean-k-mooneyreleasenotes/notes/make-virtio-the-default-spice-video-model-fff5189fa637d4bd.yaml:8: supprot ==> support19:37
sean-k-mooneyi have a typo in the release note19:37
sean-k-mooneyits in the bottom of my two paches so ill update them both now19:39
sean-k-mooneyhum odd that was already fixed19:42
sean-k-mooneyill just rebase them and check again19:43
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: move nova-ovs-hybrid-plug to deploy with spice and fix qxl default
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: Dont deploy n-spice on compute nodes.
sean-k-mooneygerrit  rejected my rebase as identical19:55
sean-k-mooneyso i just reflowed the release note to be less then 80 cols19:55
mikalOh they typo one? I pushed a fix for that to your review a week or so ago IIRC.19:56
sean-k-mooneyya for some reason pep8 didnt run again?20:04
sean-k-mooneyit super odd20:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Drop dependency on netifaces
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Reproduce bug/2097359
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Update InstanceNUMACell version after data migration
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Update InstanceNUMACell version in more cases
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Add support for showing image properties in server show response
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Disable the heal instance info cache periodic task
sean-k-mooneymikal: since was landed we will unfortunlty need to bump the microversion for the spice direct patch23:05
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/nova master: ironic: fix logging of validation errors
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Add [libvirt]default_tpm_secret_security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Add [libvirt]supported_tpm_secret_security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Add hw_tpm_secret_security image property
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Add hw:tpm_secret_security extra spec validation
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Ensure secret security policy for TPM instances
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: TPM: support instances with `host` secret security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Allow vTPM live migration for `deployment` secret security
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Modify vTPM LM block to block legacy instances
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: TPM: support instances with `deployment` secret security
mikalsean-k-mooney: ummm, that will require a new tempest change as well then. That's very disappointing.23:32
sean-k-mooneyya i really didnt want ot merge that until your patch was in23:33
mikal is the tempest renumbering. gmann you'll need to take a look at that one soonish please.23:40
mikalWe wont see an end-to-end run though until I get a chance to renumber the nova API changes as well.23:41
sean-k-mooneystrictly speakign that should have a depends on against the nova change23:41
sean-k-mooneythe tempest changes are only ment to merge after the nova api change23:41
sean-k-mooneyi was orginally surrpised to find the tempest patch meged eailier23:41
mikalOk, I added that.23:43

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