Wednesday, 2025-03-12

*** JohnnyW557 is now known as JohnnyW5504:13
opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova master: DNM: enable NFS backend job
opendevreviewRajesh Tailor proposed openstack/nova master: Add support for showing instance-action finish_time
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add extra spec for sound device.
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: Protect older compute managers from sound model requests.
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add extra specs for USB redirection.
gibisean-k-mooney: I have a feeling that the pool matching logic in also intentionally handles the multi spec case. See it basically implements an OR between the multiple specs 08:22
sean-k-mooney[m]it did in the really early days08:22
sean-k-mooney[m]but i tough twe removed this like 10+ years ago08:23
gibiappreanlty we did not08:23
gibiPCI in Placement never supported it though I just broke the error reporting leading to http 50008:23
sean-k-mooney[m]so the vfio-variant dirver live migration depend on 1:1 alias mappings08:23
sean-k-mooney[m]at least when not using pci in placement08:24
gibisean-k-mooney: do you mean that the live migration will only work if the same exact device is on both sides and therefore having specs in OR relationship with different product id would not work?08:24
sean-k-mooney[m]that is my understanding08:25
gibiyeah I agree08:25
sean-k-mooney[m]i dont se how it could work any other way when the deviece is directly exposed to the guest kernel as a vf08:25
sean-k-mooney[m]i think we need to  at least restict when oring can happen08:26
gibithe unplug/plug live migration for neutron requested PCI probably works as that is not real live migration of the device, but the variant driver based will lead to very sad guest kernels08:26
sean-k-mooney[m]so i know why they orginally did this which is they were trying to make differnt configurations of intels QAT device look the same\08:28
sean-k-mooney[m]and allow you to use ask for QAT08:28
sean-k-mooney[m]without careing which one you got08:28
sean-k-mooney[m]that only works if you never have to deal with live migration08:29
sean-k-mooney[m]so i think we need to disable this when live_migratable is set to true or you use pci_in_placment08:29
sean-k-mooney[m]either should result in a config error on startup08:30
sean-k-mooney[m]we can allow it for non llive migratbale device or when not using PCI in placement for backward compatibality08:31
opendevreviewRajesh Tailor proposed openstack/nova master: Add support for showing instance-action finish_time
sean-k-mooneyit is day 2 or alt world where my fundemental core belife that "their should only be 1 7:30 in a day and it should happen after noon" is being chllanged by the concept of 7 am...09:12
sean-k-mooneyits currntly 09:13 which is still an hour before im useually awake09:13
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: FUP improve comment accuracy and variable naming for tag removal
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: FUP Remove unnecessary PCI check
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: FUP improve and add integration tests for PCI SR-IOV servers
andrewbonneysean-k-mooney: in case you have time today for another look, seems fine in CI11:52
sean-k-mooneyandrewbonney: ill review it propelry shortly. if you need to respin it might be nice to add a fixes release note12:13
sean-k-mooneybut thats not strictly required12:13
sean-k-mooneyso ya ill take a look shortly12:13
sean-k-mooneyandrewbonney: +2 form me12:23
sean-k-mooneyandrewbonney: this proably wont merge for RC1 but it can merge and be backported as normal after12:24
andrewbonneysure, just trying to get it ticked off before I head off for extended leave12:24
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Fix serial console for ironic
*** elodilles is now known as elodilles_pto13:22

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