Friday, 2025-03-21

opendevreviewbenlei proposed openstack/nova master: Abort live migration task when stop nova compute service
opendevreviewbenlei proposed openstack/nova master: optimize process of get connector for swap volume
ishanwar[m]Hi Folks... (full message at <>)06:22
ishanwar[m]Can anyone explain how I can find the correct constant06:22
ishanwar[m]* correct constant ? 06:22
*** sambork_ is now known as sambork07:41
opendevreviewbenlei proposed openstack/nova master: FIX: optimize process of get connector for swap volume
zigoIt's been now 5 years that I opened a merge request for the Nova project to add a /healthcheck from oslo.middleware in the default api-paste.ini. Is this enough time so that the team delcares a "game over" from the team that wanted to improve the oslo.middleware healthcheck before merging ?09:38
fricklerzigo: it might help if you include a link to your review (we don't talk about merge requests with gerrit). and yes, without interacting with the community regularly, getting things done is sometimes difficult09:48
gibizigo: I think the nova team wants to do
zigoThat's a good thing, though I still need to patch Nova to be able to hook an haproxy to its API, that's kind of annoying.09:50
zigoEspecially considering the oslo.middleware healthcheck was implemented in all other projects.09:52
sean-k-mooneyzigo: we dont plan to ever use oslo.middleware for healthchefcs as we have stated in the past given its a security risk11:02
sean-k-mooneyand doe snot actully do anything useful for nova11:02
sean-k-mooneyspecificlly the detailed mode is unsafe
sean-k-mooneyzigo: for any of the apis you can and should hit the microverion endpoint instead11:05
sean-k-mooneywhich si the root of the api11:06
zigosean-k-mooney: That's a very silly answer. How do you explain that all other projects do have the /healthcheck and that it works for me?11:58
opendevreviewIshan Shanware proposed openstack/nova master: [FEAT]: using quota_details to optimize validate networks
opendevreviewIshan Shanware proposed openstack/nova master: [FEAT]: using quota_details to optimize validate networks
ishanwar[m]sean-k-mooney dansmith  I have raised a PR based on our discussion in the previous meeting12:07
ishanwar[m]let me know your thoughts 12:08
sean-k-mooneyzigo: if it works for you your free to ignore out advice and change ti in your downstream packageing, i dont think any project should ever enable it by default12:27
zigosean-k-mooney: *ALL* projects enabled it by default...13:02
zigoOnly Nova refuses to do so.13:02
dansmithsean-k-mooney: I updated this for some verbiage after your last +2, would you mind re-applying? should be easy:
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Support glance's new location API
sean-k-mooneysorrry was doing somethign else but sure i can look now14:02
sean-k-mooneyi did skim v7 the comment gibi had on how you were usign burned we actully my intall reacitno too but then i deciced that since you did not defien the teim i would jsut follow your uasage instead of my internal definition but i generally agreed with that change14:03
sean-k-mooneydansmith: by the way related to the latch term, i starged using bruned because i think of the single use devices like eFueses14:04
dansmithburned is mine!14:05
dansmithbut yeah, new rev defines that clearly-er14:05
sean-k-mooney+2w, v8 looks good to me. as an aside are you plannig to move on to the placement swap issue next or complte the integration with the glance api for multiple locations or your change for making glance the enforcer? if the next priortiy is tbd thats fine im just wonderign what you planned ot do next14:08
sean-k-mooneydansmith: im kind of aware thaty you expressed interest in a a few differnet semi high priority issues and it felt like you had a lot on your plate14:09
dansmithsean-k-mooney: so I missed that the locations stuff ever finally landed, and that's partially because I expected the glance people to iterate on my nova patch until it was passing14:09
dansmithbut apparently they just merged without it working14:09
dansmithso I just refreshed that and will look at the test results14:09
gibiit is Friday, I'm burned already, needs an external tool applied on me during the weekend to unburn me before I can be used again next week14:09
dansmithgibi: ++ :)14:10
dansmithgibi: I'll allow you to use my trademarked term under license :)14:10
gibiunderstood, send me the necessary invoice14:10
sean-k-mooneygibi: can i recommend good food and a audio or phsyical book14:10
dansmithsean-k-mooney: tbh, I'm pretty steamed about the gpt stuff. I've had that up with cinder, nova, glance changes since last year and I have run out of energy to push people to do simple reviews on it14:10
gibisean-k-mooney: physical book for sure along with the book :)14:10
gibisorry along with the food14:10
dansmithsean-k-mooney: so at the moment we're in a reasonable state with image inspection, so I'm not really motivated to push on it at the moment14:11
gibiand sunshine, we are getting proper sunshine here now finally14:11
dansmithsean-k-mooney: the nova side OTU stuff is, I think, ready for some critical review so I'm planning to put up a strawman fix for the placement swap issue in the next week or so so we can argue about all kinds of WWJD lore14:12
sean-k-mooneydansmith: i mean we can chat about it in the ptg or internally but ya it might be better to focus on the things we have control over like placement and see if other can get invovled in teh efforts we dont14:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova-specs master: Add one-time-use-devices spec
dansmithI'm exhausted from pushing people to review, so my hissy fit is to just let it sit.. nobody else will notice, but I'll feel better14:13
sean-k-mooneygibi: same we have had blue skys every morning for the last 2 weeks, cold but clear although they go gray every afternoon14:13
sean-k-mooneydansmith: speaking of thanks for the constructive review of the mod_wsgi thing. ill try and get the final version ready before i finsh today but no rush to review14:14
gibifor OTU I'm still planning to a session of local testing with the WIP patch 14:14
dansmithsean-k-mooney: no problem I'm happy with how that has gone for sure and nice to get some quick iterative review14:15
sean-k-mooneyif needed i can proably do the same with virual or real hardware14:15
dansmithgibi: cool, thanks14:15
sean-k-mooneydansmith: by the way tehre is one other thing we could consider for the one time ues devices14:16
sean-k-mooneyi dont think we should do this14:16
sean-k-mooneybu tlivbirt has an optional deamon that can do device leasing14:17
sean-k-mooneyi dont think that helps use because we still need all the placement stuff for schduling 14:18
dansmithhmm, but that would encourage people to go direct to libvirt, right? and also, we'd have to sync our state with that in order to .. yeah, scheduling :)14:18
sean-k-mooneyright i was going to say the only usecase i see for that is we could take a least and potially never drop it14:19
sean-k-mooneybut if we dont refence a lease in our xml i think it ignore it14:19
sean-k-mooneypuluse we do not deploy teh relevent deamon in our product downstream14:19
sean-k-mooneyso i just wanted to make you aware this exists14:19
sean-k-mooneybut i think the soluiton we have is better14:19
dansmithyeah interesting thanks for the pointer14:20
sean-k-mooneydansmith: i kind of know the answer but should i file a new bug for the mod_wsgi thing i have related bug to because it was an incomplete bug fix14:52
dansmithoh that's the previous one huh14:52
sean-k-mooneyim trying to see if bogdan filed anything new upstream14:53
dansmithso, it seems like we should have a new bug, yeah, especially if we're going to backport this14:54
sean-k-mooneyi was shortening the release note and was going to link the bug an dwas like this is proably not useful to them14:54
dansmithand it seems like it's probably something worth backporting to me (or at least being an option)14:55
dansmithyes, dump that in a bug I'd say14:55
sean-k-mooneyok ill go do that now14:55
sean-k-mooneydansmith: while i have you. do you know if this requires a data migration. im debatingin if we need to add a new column, use that going forward and drop the current one after a few release or if this is only a change in the model but not the db schema15:05
sean-k-mooneyi need to lookup exactly hwat the numeric datatype in sqlachemy is doing15:06
sean-k-mooneyi fyou dont know off the top of yoru head dont worry about it15:06
dansmithhmm, yeah, I'm not sure what scale=3 means there.. is that an order of magnitude that auto-chooses an integer size or something?15:07
sean-k-mooneysorry wrong line i mean 24115:07
sean-k-mooneyits for how many decimal places to keep15:07
sean-k-mooneydepending on your db configuriton it can be 015:07
sean-k-mooneythis would keep 3 decimal places i bleive15:08
dansmithoh okay so it probably doesn't change the size of the float but just how its rendered?15:09
sean-k-mooneywe are getting back "0.0 for standard_deviation_before_audit" when we calulated "reduces standard deviation to 0.08665386000750841."15:10
sean-k-mooneyso i think its truncating/normalisigin the float when its stored15:10
sean-k-mooneyi think 3 would give us a granularity of 0.0115:10
sean-k-mooneyand hopfully round to that 15:11
dansmithack, so that kinda seems like it's in the "view" layer and doesn't change the schema, but I'm definitely talking out of the wrong orifice.. I have no real idea15:11
sean-k-mooneyya no worries15:11
sean-k-mooneyi also havent really dug into this much ill look at the doc before going back to the review properly15:12
sean-k-mooneyi cant see sqlacammy mapping this ot a custom numic type or a string15:12
sean-k-mooneyso i think it must be using a standard float of some lenght underneath15:12
sean-k-mooneyi just dont want to do an acidental db data migration as a result15:13
sean-k-mooneywe should be able to verify that by looking at the schema before and after if we populate some data15:13
dansmithyeah that's probably true15:14
dansmithsean-k-mooney: scale – the numeric scale for use in DDL CREATE TABLE.15:15
dansmiththat tells me it changes the schema15:15
sean-k-mooneyfun... thanks for looking15:15
sean-k-mooney" Numeric returns Python decimal.Decimal objects by default" so scale might influcance how we read back the existing data15:17
sean-k-mooneyim not sure if it will actuly change the data storage in the db15:17
dansmiththat shows the number of bytes it uses based on the digits15:17
sean-k-mooney"If D is omitted, the default is 0. If M is omitted, the default is 10." 15:18
dansmith"decimal_return_scale" is a way to affect just the reading I think15:18
sean-k-mooneymy guess is sqlite has diffent defaults15:18
sean-k-mooneyD is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (the scale)15:19
MengyangZhang[m]1sean-k-mooney: will there be cross team meetings with cinder, nova, and neutron in PTG?... (full message at <>)15:19
dansmithyeah, but total digits affect byte length15:20
sean-k-mooney yep which we are not changing just shifting the scale15:20
sean-k-mooneydansmith: but that shoudl be visable in the schema for sure 15:20
dansmithbut surely that requires rewriting the data15:20
sean-k-mooneyso we can look more closely at this15:20
sean-k-mooneywe need test for this too in anycase15:20
sean-k-mooneyMengyangZhang[m]1: if you write very long messages in matix by the way we only get part of it15:22
sean-k-mooneywell not evn that long really15:22
sean-k-mooneyi think it might be because you did a multiline message we only see the first line and then a link to the rest15:22
sean-k-mooneyMengyangZhang[m]1: to answer your question i think there is a cross project session but Uggla is cordinating that15:23
MengyangZhang[m]1sorry about it, let me know if I can resend it now. don't want to interfere the current conversation on other topics15:23
dansmithMengyangZhang[m]1: go ahead, we're done15:23
bauzasI think his question was whether we will have cross-project sessions in the PTG15:24
sean-k-mooneyspecificaly with cidner15:24
bauzasfor sure, Uggla and myself will ask Neutron, Cinder and Watcher communities if they want15:24
sean-k-mooneyMengyangZhang[m]1 has a number of cinder adjcent topics that affect nova15:24
bauzaslike every PTG, we should have one hour per x-p session, nothing booked yet15:25
* bauzas needs to drive afk15:25
MengyangZhang[m]1Regarding this blueprint:, would it be possible to discuss it with cinder, nova, and neutron in PTG? We've created three separate blueprints to proposal the same idea to different projects. 15:25
MengyangZhang[m]1What we want is to have a uniform QoS interface, across nova, cinder and neutron, that supports per-project control and allow live updates to existing resources — whether its Cinder volumes or Neutron ports.15:25
sean-k-mooneythe main commonality is you want to live apply qos polices (for diffent resoces) to a vm15:26
sean-k-mooneyso volumes, ports ectra15:26
MengyangZhang[m]1and per-project control 15:26
MengyangZhang[m]1neither cinder nor neutron support that now15:27
sean-k-mooneynor those nova15:27
sean-k-mooneywe do not provide api to work on set of vms15:27
sean-k-mooneyout side of multi create and list apis all our api only work on a single vm15:28
sean-k-mooneyso the concep of applying a change to all resocue in a given project is a very large depatrue to how nova works today15:28
MengyangZhang[m]1understood, the per project control of qos utlimatly should be implemented on cinder and neutron side. we want to bring in nova is because cinder frontend qos relies on nova libvirt driver to pass the qos parameters to qemu and also per our earlier discussion that how cinder currently supports updating qos policy to volumes in use is a bug to nova.15:32
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: wrap wsgi_app.init_application with latch_error_on_raise
sean-k-mooneyMengyangZhang[m]: its qustionable if it should be implented at all15:34
sean-k-mooneyif we have the live update it might be ok15:34
sean-k-mooneybut nova does not supprot the changing of the qos policy on port or volumes today while its attached to a vm15:35
sean-k-mooneyso there is a depency first we need live update supprot then if they want orchstration api to apply those updates to a set of resouce they need to be able to notify nova of those changes15:35
sean-k-mooneyMengyangZhang[m]1: any change in cinder or neutron that would change the xml that we have to generated should only be allowed in neutorn/cidner if there is an integration with nova to make that take effect15:37
sean-k-mooneyotherewise its an api bug on there side15:37
sean-k-mooneyso yes i agree the current behavior in cinder is a bug15:38
sean-k-mooneyor at least not supprot in nova15:39
sean-k-mooneynova does not supprot all neutron api extintions15:39
sean-k-mooneyit may be valid to use them in oter contexts (zun or ironic) but for example nova does not supprot the extion that allow you to change the mtu of a neuton netowrk15:39
sean-k-mooneyor the multi provider extention that allows a neturon network to ahve more then one phsynet15:40
sean-k-mooneythat can be valid when using ironic but it does not mean its valid when using nova libvirt virt driver15:40
sean-k-mooneythe line between bug and driver dependent feature is soemtiem a grey areay15:41
sean-k-mooneybackend qos is likely fine to allow change at any time in cinder 15:41
sean-k-mooneyfrontend qos is not implemtned by cinder as you said its impletned by nova vai  libvirt. that where the impednce mismatch comes form15:42
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: wrap wsgi_app.init_application with latch_error_on_raise
MengyangZhang[m]1yes, all makes sense, that's not the case for neutron since qos there is implemented by the underlying network driver. Can we just leave this to the PTG meeting coz my team will be there and we can all reach an agreement and close this topic 15:45
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: FUP improve and add integration tests for PCI SR-IOV servers
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: FUP: Improve libvirt fixture for hostdevs
dansmithvmware ci has been broken for quite some time it feels18:14
dansmiththe run I just checked seems to be failing with volume backed rebuild, which has been a thing for what two cycles?18:15
dansmithmelwitt: this works for me, if I push it up would you +W if I +2 even though it's my own work?
sean-k-mooneydansmith: i dont think they every got that to work20:13
dansmithsean-k-mooney: what?20:14
sean-k-mooneydansmith: i know we have not merged all the patches they submited to fix thing20:14
sean-k-mooneydansmith: the vmware ci20:14
sean-k-mooneyi belive the rebuild thign is one of the pendign patches but ill admin i have not looked at the vmware patches in like 4 months20:15
melwittdansmith: I wasn't saying there's anything wrong or need to be changed fwiw, just pointing it out and have bogdan ack it if he agrees20:19
melwitt(if I understood his comment right anyway)20:19
dansmithmelwitt: okay was just trying to keep this moving, but fair enough20:21
dansmithI'm glad you were able to distill something out of that because I was highly confused20:22
sean-k-mooneydansmith: i think is the fix for
sean-k-mooneydepending on you perspective20:26
sean-k-mooneybut its failing tempest with vmware so
dansmithso that's been broken and WIP for like a year20:35
sean-k-mooneyi think the current issue is just the key/passwrod20:36
sean-k-mooneyi know that they had some neutron networking issues for a while20:37
sean-k-mooneydansmith: im kind of torn, on one hand we didnt spend a lot of time reviewign the vmware fixes20:50
sean-k-mooneydansmith: on the other hand not much progress has been made since we paused the removal but it also has not got worse20:50
sean-k-mooneyso its still kind of limping along20:51
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: wrap wsgi_app.init_application with latch_error_on_raise
sean-k-mooneydansmith: i slightly tweaked the testing and fixed a comment if you can readd +220:55
sean-k-mooneyim goign to kick of one more run of the operator job and call it a day20:55
sean-k-mooneywe can tak a look at the resulst on monday20:55
dansmithit's also wip, so not really a candidate anyway21:34

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