Tuesday, 2022-11-08

fricklerseems bullseye is hard broken with what looks like some openssl related version mismatch08:20
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kopecmartin#startmeeting qa15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Nov  8 15:00:42 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is kopecmartin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'qa'15:00
kopecmartin#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/QATeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_Office_hours15:00
kopecmartinagenda ^^15:00
kopecmartin#topic Announcement and Action Item (Optional)15:03
kopecmartinno announcements from my side15:03
kopecmartin#topic Antelope Priority Items progress15:04
kopecmartin#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/qa-antelope-priority15:04
kopecmartinI've started looking into s-rbac 15:04
kopecmartini don't have much updates regarding that yet .. anyway, the priority etherpad should be up to date 15:05
gmannthis is ready for RBAC  #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/861930 15:05
gmannon job with new RBAC enable, there are few test failing but need to debug them why #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/61448415:06
gmannwill continue it this week15:06
kopecmartini added to my review list 15:07
kopecmartin#topic OpenStack Events Updates and Planning15:07
kopecmartinnothing here for now15:08
kopecmartin#topic Gate Status Checks15:08
kopecmartin#link https://review.opendev.org/q/label:Review-Priority%253D%252B2+status:open+(project:openstack/tempest+OR+project:openstack/patrole+OR+project:openstack/devstack+OR+project:openstack/grenade)15:08
kopecmartinone patch, the s-rbac thing for devstack 15:08
kopecmartini'll review after the meeting15:08
kopecmartin#topic Bare rechecks15:09
kopecmartin#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/recheck-weekly-summary15:09
kopecmartinwe're doing pretty good, even our gates as we don't have many rechecks 15:09
kopecmartin#topic Periodic jobs Status Checks15:10
kopecmartin#link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=tempest-full-yoga&job_name=tempest-full-xena&job_name=tempest-full-wallaby-py3&job_name=tempest-full-victoria-py3&job_name=tempest-full-ussuri-py3&job_name=tempest-full-zed&pipeline=periodic-stable15:10
kopecmartin#link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Ftempest&project=openstack%2Fdevstack&pipeline=periodic15:10
kopecmartinall seems good, i looked into the tempest-centos9-stream-fips job15:10
kopecmartinwhich has been timeouting for some time 15:11
kopecmartinI have a WIP patch 15:11
kopecmartin#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/86316315:11
kopecmartinit turned out that the tests, some of them, take longer on a fips env15:11
kopecmartinVMs take longer to spawn15:12
kopecmartini'll add the tests which take the most of the time , more than 180seconds or so, to the exclude list15:12
kopecmartin#topic Distros check15:13
kopecmartin#link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=tempest-full-centos-9-stream&job_name=devstack-platform-centos-9-stream&skip=015:13
kopecmartin#link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-fedora-latest&skip=015:13
kopecmartin#link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-debian-bullseye&skip=015:13
kopecmartin#link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-ubuntu-jammy&job_name=devstack-platform-ubuntu-jammy-ovn-source&job_name=devstack-platform-ubuntu-jammy-ovs&skip=015:13
fricklerc9s seems failing and thus blocking on yoga15:13
fricklerdebian likely broken with some openssl issue on master15:14
dansmithI was getting failures to stack on my focal setup yesterday,15:14
fricklerI'll try to look at the latter, but help is welcome for both15:14
dansmithdue to inability to validate a certificate or something15:14
dansmithis that related?15:14
dansmithCertificate did not match expected hostname: Certificate: {'subject': ((('organizationName', 'OpenStack'),), (('organizationalUnitName', 'DevStack Servers'),), <etc, >15:15
frickleroh, do we need a platform-focal job?15:15
fricklerdansmith: doesn't sound related15:15
dansmithack, I didn't debug much, but a clean deploy and re-stack gave me the same thing15:15
dansmithI just keyed on openssl, carry on :)15:16
* kopecmartin was checking the logs 15:17
kopecmartinfrickler: i'll check into the logs later more closely 15:17
gmannI think we should add focal platform job as we will be supporting it in testing runtime - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/86059915:17
fricklerah, wait we didn't switch to jammy yet, we'll need platform-focal afterwards15:17
kopecmartinhow long do we wanna wait until we switch to jammy?15:18
fricklerdansmith: but then focal is still our default platform, so since CI isn't completely broken, it very likely is something about your local setup15:19
dansmithfrickler: yeah, I know we're still running focal (which is why I am) so must be, but since you mentioned some openssl thing I was hoping there was a lead already15:19
gmannkopecmartin: plan is to do on m-1 (Nov 18)15:19
gmann#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/migrate-to-jammy15:20
kopecmartingood, moving on15:21
kopecmartin#topic Sub Teams highlights15:21
kopecmartinChanges with Review-Priority == +115:21
kopecmartin#link https://review.opendev.org/q/label:Review-Priority%253D%252B1+status:open+(project:openstack/tempest+OR+project:openstack/patrole+OR+project:openstack/devstack+OR+project:openstack/grenade)15:21
kopecmartinone patch, already workflowed 15:21
kopecmartin#topic Open Discussion15:22
kopecmartinanything for the open discussion?15:22
dansmithwe did a bunch of DNM tests against this yesterday: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/81419315:22
dansmithnova and glance are unaffected by the changes, and cinder seems good too.. no working version of that job, because devstack support is needed to even start fixing it15:22
dansmithfrickler was +2 before a tweak, so probably an easy thing to slam in and the cinder peeps are eager to get it15:23
fricklerI can have another look, ack15:23
fricklerbut we'll need to fix bullseye first or make it n-v15:24
kopecmartinyeah, i've just found a thread where someone hit the same issue with openssl 15:28
kopecmartinseems like they only updated the version 15:28
kopecmartinanyway, if we don't fix it soon, we can make the job n-v 15:29
kopecmartinanything else for the open discussion?15:29
kopecmartin#topic Bug Triage15:30
kopecmartin#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/qa-bug-triage-antelope15:30
kopecmartini've recorded the numbers although i haven't had time to triage anything 15:30
kopecmartinthat's all from my side 15:31
fricklerregarding storyboard for patrole, there is a discussion going on15:31
kopecmartinthank you everyone15:31
fricklerlots of projects want to move back to LP15:31
kopecmartini'm not surprised 15:31
fricklermaybe we should consider that, too?15:31
gmannyeah we can move to LP but patrol is almost inactive now a days15:32
gmannI kept fixing the gate but could not get chance to do that since last cycle15:32
fricklershould it be marked as abandoned then instead?15:32
gmannwe can wait for this cycle and decide.15:33
kopecmartinwe had this discussion during the previous ptg IIRC15:33
gmannand may be keep it in SB if we see there are high chance it will be retired 15:33
kopecmartinand we decided to keep it around in case it would be needed for s-rbac15:33
kopecmartinwe were hoping that someone new will start taking care of the project 15:34
kopecmartinyeah, let's wait and discuss during the next PTG15:34
kopecmartinanything else?15:34
kopecmartinack, see you 15:35
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Nov  8 15:35:24 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)15:35
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/qa/2022/qa.2022-11-08-15.00.html15:35
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/qa/2022/qa.2022-11-08-15.00.txt15:35
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/qa/2022/qa.2022-11-08-15.00.log.html15:35
gmannthanks kopecmartin 15:35
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opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed openstack/tempest master: Exclude lengthy tests from tempest-centos9-stream-fips  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/86316316:17
dansmithmy local stack on focal thing is fixed once I applied OS updates.. my base image was probably more than six months out of date, so I'm guessing maybe a ca-cert expiry or something16:37
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:30
dansmithgmann: I'm struggling with this "real image size" job.. I thought it was working, but I seem to be failing tests with volumes some of the time, I suspect perhaps due to space issues18:56
dansmiththe last job looked like it was going to give useful data, but it timed out and thus didn't upload the logs18:56
dansmithis it trivial to set the timeout long on one run, or maybe timeout tempest before the build timeout so I can get logs and see what's happening?18:56
dansmithclarkb: maybe you have ideas ^18:57
dansmith(tl;dr; running tempest with a 1G image instead of 16MiB to catch things that might fail when we're slinging real data)18:57
clarkbthe log upload is already on a separate timeout18:58
dansmiththis is what I got: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/9b7cecc382d54ae88dd1bf6ea9f6421918:59
clarkbthe pre-run and run portions of the job have a timeout, then the post-run has a separate timeout specifically to allow you to record logs if the early part of the job goes long18:59
clarkbyou do have logs there18:59
dansmithhuh, maybe I looked too quickly or something, when I checked the instant the job failed, I got a "the job has no logs"19:00
dansmithyeah, hrm, sorry19:01
dansmithlike, literally was looking at "no logs", copied and pasted the url, then refreshed and .. logs19:05
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tempest master: Fix server id reference in _rebuild_server_and_check()  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/86282319:22
gmannslaweq: I am facing error while creating network in new job enabling the scope and new defaults in neutron, nova side -https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/61448422:02
gmannslaweq: it seems  Mechanism driver 'ovn' failed in create_network_postcommit  - https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/930366c016de49c4b7c26f69b371411a/log/controller/logs/screen-q-svc.txt#440622:02

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