Thursday, 2023-08-17

fricklerwe need to fix some data collection for global_venv, the pip freeze output e.g. still shows the global pip only, which is very confusing
opendevreviewLukas Piwowarski proposed openstack/tempest master: Fix cleanup for volume backup tests
fricklerkopecmartin: do we want to add a check into if running with GLOBAL_VENV=true on the wrong distro? or should we rather incentivise(sp?) people to help fixing this?17:25
clarkbeventually all distros are going to need it due to the python changes right?17:27
clarkbI could see just letting it fail so that it is easy for people to improve on all the platforms17:28
frickleryes, I think we also want to be able to get rid of the old code. but currently that isn't nice for new users. in CI we also override GLOBAL_VENV=false for now.17:34
fricklerwe could drop claiming rocky+centos support instead, if nobody wants to work on that17:35

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