Monday, 2023-10-30

opendevreviewLuigi Dino Tamagnone proposed openstack/tempest master: Adding a new config option in tempest.conf as the prefix for the random name resources
clarkbsean-k-mooney: thank you for debugging that. Good to know we've already addressed it on the pbr side15:09
clarkbgmann: dansmith: I think should have a small but measurable impact on devstack runtime if you have a change to look (it adds keystone token caching to osc's config)17:51
dansmithclarkb: hmm, but higher keystone select numbers in that one than another that I think is the same devstack config17:54
dansmithokay, nevermind I found another run of that same job and it's about 10k lower, which obviously is what we'd expect17:55
fungisean-k-mooney: great find! clarkb proposed a similar change for bindep two years ago which also indicated pbr is doing the right thing as a pep 517
fungiso it should be a pretty stable option if openstack wants to lean on it18:16
fungibut i don't think we'd yet tried it in any project with wsgi entrypoints18:18
JayFGentoo is using the PEP517 support for it's openstack packages in ::Gentoo; but that does not include any of our WSGI services (or if it does; I've not run them).18:27
gmann++ on 886339, good improvement 18:28
gmannkopecmartin: this is ready for review, switching neutron RBAC flag in testing
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack master: Enable keystone token caching by OSC
clarkbJayF: when you say gentoo is using the pep517 support for its openstack packges does that mean gentoo is carrying patches to openstack to add pyproject.toml files?22:52

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