Tuesday, 2024-06-04

opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Adds libvirt watchdog  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin/+/92109206:20
*** elodilles_ooo is now known as elodilles06:32
opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: extend pre-commit with basic python linting  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin/+/91653312:12
opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: add bashate to pre-commit  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin/+/91653412:12
dansmithhmm, is the python38-fips jobs known broken? seems like consistent failure due to missing mirror data: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/998d462e08c346f0b86a7dbfc004114b17:55
clarkbits likely that the centos mirrors were not updated in a safe order. This happens occasionally. I wuold expect that to affect non fips jobs too17:56
dansmithokay not sure there are any other non-fips centos jobs in this repo, everything else passed17:57
dansmithwill it resolve itself or do we need to do something?17:58
clarkbtypically it resolves itself once the upstream mirror is in a proper state that we can sync from17:59
dansmithto be clear, it's rax's centos mirror that is the problem yeah?17:59
clarkbthis is/was an issue that I think people hoped would go away by having us pull directly from the main mirrors rather than the second level mirrors but it seems the problems originate there17:59
clarkbdansmith: no its centos' main mirror aiui17:59
clarkbwhat happens is they update the repo in an order that isn't consistent then we sync from that inconsistent state.18:00
dansmithoh I see, okay I see, I saw mirror-int.dft.rax and didn't read past that to opendev.org18:01
clarkbdansmith: https://opendev.org/opendev/system-config/src/branch/master/playbooks/roles/mirror-update/files/centos-mirror-update#L54 this is what we're syncing from which is the main repo I think18:01
clarkbwe got some exception made so that we could sync from them instead of second level repos (since we aren't a true public repo mirror)18:01
clarkbthe idea was that maybe the second level mirrors were the source of the problem, but I think we now know the problem is happenign directly as the source unfortunately18:01
clarkbthis is a solvable issue upstream, they just have to ensure they add new packages first, then new indexes, then remove old indexes, then remove old packages in that order aiui18:02
clarkbin this case we're looking for an index that wasn't added so they got things out of order18:02
dansmithack, and what triggers our sync? the clock or something else?18:02
clarkbya it is just a cron job running every 4 hours I think18:03
dansmithclarkb: should I be able to see the last time it ran in zuul jobs or something?18:14
clarkbdansmith: https://mirror.dfw.rax.opendev.org/centos/timestamp.txt if you navigate to the root of each of the mirror repos we put a timestamp there18:16
clarkbthere are also logs somewhere I'll dig up18:16
dansmithaha, okay, so that looks like about 30 minutes until it runs again18:16
dansmithif it's every 4h18:16
dansmither, no18:17
dansmiththat timestamp is almost 6h old18:17
clarkbya its every six hours18:18
clarkbso it should be running nowish18:18
dansmithah, cool then18:18
clarkboh no in about 30 minutes but ya soon18:18
dansmithyeah cool18:18
clarkbdansmith: for the rax mirrors we use a -int dns record for the private rax network address as throughput is much better within the cloud that way. But you can drop the -int and hit the public IPs and should see all the same stuff18:19
clarkband then under logs/ we have various syncing logs for each of the things in afs18:20
clarkbdansmith: on the server I think I'm seeing hte log file shows an 18:43 update but my browser doesn't see that. Maybe a cache problem18:58
clarkbhrm I'm not seeing any updated files though18:59
clarkbso maybe upstream is still out of sync18:59
dansmithyeah the log is not updated even with a force refresh18:59
clarkbeven if it were sent 102 bytes  received 63 bytes  110.00 bytes/sec is all that was transfered implying upstream is still a problem?19:00
clarkbwe may need to compare manually if this persists19:00
dansmithokay I guess I don't understand why the timestamp/log isn't updated though19:07
clarkbdansmith: it may be due to how things get copied to afs the file I'm looking at is on nromal disk. Maybe we lag the copy to afs for some reason19:08
clarkbdansmith: oh ha! https://mirror.dfw.rax.opendev.org/centos/8-stream/ that is what19:11
clarkbcentos 8-stream is dead19:11
clarkbthey pulled the mirror entirely....19:11
clarkbI think that means it is actually time to start removing centos 8 stream jobs and the nodes and mirrors and so on19:11
dansmithyeah, okay I'll slide the job removal in front of my backports19:15

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