Wednesday, 2024-06-05

opendevreviewAshley Rodriguez proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Fix ingress deamon
opendevreviewAshley Rodriguez proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Fix ingress deamon
kopecmartingmann: frickler i can't host the meeting today, i checked the agenda and reviews, seems like nothing's pending .. in any case, i'm around ,we can chat here16:02
clarkbcentos-8-stream is eol and the mirrors were deleted16:04
clarkbI think this is a good signal that we shoudl go ahead and stop trying to test on that platform16:05
kopecmartinclarkb: right .. are there any centos-8 jobs left? i think we migrated to centos-916:34
clarkbI think dansmith was running into them in scrollback. I don't know where though. I just wanted to ensure people were aware of this change as it happened recently (Monday I think)16:35
dansmithin glance stable jobs16:36
sean-k-mooneygmann: artom can ye review when ready. the upstream release jobs should now be hooked up properly for whitebox so it would be good to test that with the 0.0.3 release to confirm this works end to end16:51
sean-k-mooneyif this all work properly we can then evauate what sort of release candance we want to move too ie. once a cycle , once a milestone or perodically based on the amount of changes16:52
gmannkopecmartin: ack. agree. 16:53
gmannsean-k-mooney: ok, checking 16:54
gmannsean-k-mooney: 1 question
sean-k-mooneygmann: so that what the current tags point too17:09
sean-k-mooneythey are both idential so im not sure why there are two btu thats why i linked them17:10
sean-k-mooneyto the same sha17:11
gmannsean-k-mooney: i see, i was checking pypi
gmannsean-k-mooney: got it. +117:14
sean-k-mooneyi woudl assume that was create before we moved this to opendev17:15
sean-k-mooneygivne the readme has
sean-k-mooneyas the source17:15

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