Thursday, 2024-06-27

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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release os-ken 2.9.0
timburkefrickler, i landed a bunch of patches to remove CI from the defunct swift feature branches, and it's cleared up most of the errors. just one more patch needs to land to clear them all -- -- but it's currently blocked on a patch to unmaintained/victoria:
fricklertimburke: thx for the update, I think elodilles should be able to approve that patch. so you'd want to just keep the feature branches in place, then, and abandon your release patches for this?16:50
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elodillestimburke: i've +2+W'd the victoria patch18:36
timburkeall merged down, and no more swift config errors:
timburke(for now -- at whatever point we get rid of centos-8 nodes, all of the current unmaintained branches are going to start complaining again)20:23
fricklerfyi this is already in progress
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