Friday, 2024-06-28

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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Sort output for tools/
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elodillesreminder: weekly meeting starts in ~30 mins12:30
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam13:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Jun 28 13:00:10 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'13:00
elodillesPing list: release-team elod13:00
elodilleswe are down @ line 19313:01
elodilleslet's get started ~o~13:01
elodilles#topic Review task completion13:01
elodilles1st & only task was:13:01
elodilles'Ahead of MembershipFreeze, run (frickler)'13:02
elodillesfrickler: anything to report?13:02
fricklerI ran that last week and showed the results. didn't get to follow up yet13:02
fricklerI'll add the list to the tracking pad later13:02
elodillesACK, thanks13:03
fricklerthat's the list13:03
elodillesas I see & as i remember we discussed, that there are only some legitimate deliverables, but those are there for cycles over cycles13:04
elodillesand I don't see anything 'new'13:04
elodillesmaybe openapi, codegenerator?13:04
elodillesanyway, we should check with the teams if they want these to be included in 2024.2 Dalmatian13:05
frickleryes, the latter two are new and not ready yet13:05
elodillesah, so you already pinged the teams, right?13:06
elodillesthe '13:06
elodillesDefined in deliverable files but not in (active) governance' list is also interesting13:06
elodillesi can generate a patch to remove the listed puppet-* repos from deliverables/dalmatian/13:07
fricklerI pinged the cinder team and it seems it is a known issue, need to check the others13:07
fricklerthe puppet things got retired but not deleted properly due to bad timing I think13:08
elodillesyeah, i think so, too13:08
elodillesbtw, i don't find murano-pkg-check under deliverables/dalmatian/ O.o13:09
elodilleshow is that possible? :-o13:10
elodillesanyway, as I said, i can propose a patch for the latter listed deliverables13:11
fricklerit is independent13:12
elodillesah, i see13:12
elodillesfrickler: could you continue to check with the teams for the remaining deliverables in the upper list?13:13
elodillesjust to sort these out as soon as possible, so that to have a good view about the Dalmatian deliverables13:14
fricklerwill do, ack13:14
elodillesthanks o/13:14
elodillesanything else to add to this task?13:14
fricklerI had a small patch to make the output sorted and thus repeatable, that got merged earlier13:15
elodillesthanks for that too o/13:15
elodillesokay, let's move on to the next topic13:16
elodilles#topic Assign R-13 week tasks13:16
elodilleshberaud: would you chair the meeting next week?13:16
elodillesttx will be on PTO13:17
hberaudno sorry, I'm not fully available next, I leave my place to someone more active than me13:17
elodillesACK, thanks for the heads up13:18
elodillesthen i'm the only candidate, so I'll chair o:)13:18
hberaudnot on PTO but with many other topics on my plate13:18
elodilleshberaud: i see :S13:18
hberaudthanks elodilles 13:19
elodillesthen i added my name to the tasks, feel free to grab any of them if you would like to work on any of them13:19
elodillesmove on then13:19
elodilles#topic Review countdown email for week R-1313:20
elodillesplease review ^^^13:20
ttxI totally missed the ping13:20
ttxEmail LGTM13:21
elodillesnp :) we are more or less at a quiet summer period :D13:21
fricklerdo the last two sections about new deliverables actually apply to anything?13:21
fricklerotherwise we might rather want to drop them?13:22
elodillesfrickler: yepp, i think yes, we don't have (and probably won't have) new deliverables, so I'm OK with dropping that part13:22
elodillesi've removed it13:23
ttxfrickler: i think the remidner can't hurt, even if we do not expect deliverables13:23
ttxalso fine removing it13:23
elodillesthe reminder is still there about the 'content freeze'13:23
ttxah perfect13:24
elodillesi just dropped the part about the 'new deliverables'13:24
fricklerack, that's fine then13:24
elodillesgood, thanks all for the reviews, will send the mail after the meeting some time13:24
hberaudthanks elodilles 13:24
elodilles#topic Open Discussion13:25
elodillesanything to mention?13:25
elodilleshear hear13:25
hberaudI currently think about stepping down as release manager, as I said few minutes ago, my plate is full of other topics and I'm not enough availabale for the release team13:26
elodillesthat sounds a sad news :/13:27
hberaudI wanted to be transparent with you about my thinking13:27
ttxwe do have low expectations!13:27
elodillesas we are a bit small team13:27
ttxI'm also not super active but it all adds up13:27
elodillesyepp, as ttx said, any small help is still a help13:27
hberaudI can remains available to help but with a lower activity13:28
fricklerthat would be much better than stepping down completely IMO, too13:28
elodilleshberaud: we appreaciate any help, so that's fine by us13:28
hberaudok, then, will do my best13:28
elodillesthanks in advance!13:29
elodillesand thanks for your work so far o/13:29
ttxThat's fine by me, thanks for setting expectations correctly ! Just doing a review day is already moving the needle (that's the minimum I try to force myself to13:29
fricklerfeel free to ignore pings if you don't have time13:29
hberaudthanks all13:29
elodillesyepp, as frickler says ++13:29
hberaudI'll be happy to reply to pings if I can13:30
hberaudthat's all for me13:30
fricklerbut also, if you decide you'd rather quit completly, don't listen to us13:30
hberaudfrickler: sure :)13:31
hberaudI can still do the minimal service13:31
elodillesany other topic or merrier news? o:)13:33
elodillesif not, then thanks all for participation and see you next week o/13:34
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Jun 28 13:34:39 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:34
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
hberaudthx elodilles 13:34
ttxthanks elodilles ! Sorry for being late :)13:37
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Remove inactive deliverables from dalmatian
elodillesttx: i would say, that 'no problem, you can be here in time next week', but as you signalled you'll be on PTO, so enjoy your free time and the nice hot summer :) o/13:48
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Remove python-muranoclient from Dalmatian
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Mark murano-pkg-check as retired
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dhellmann@fungi hey! I saw your post on the python discussion forum. You might find interesting, if not actually useful. 19:55
fungidhellmann: thanks! and yeah, i saw another post link to that not long ago19:56
dhellmannit's a new thing, so I'm doing a bit of link sharing for awareness19:56
fungii think for us the trick is to find out exactly which packages pip install would install transitively and then build wheels for the ones which only had sdists matching the requirement19:57
dhellmannsome changes it might need to be fully useful for you would be to understand constraints files (it works with requirements files now) and to have a flag to say "if you find a wheel, just use it" (that's a per-package setting right now)19:57
dhellmannyep, fromager is trying to build everything by default right now19:57
fungiluckily, constraints files the way we're using them are essentially also functional requirements files19:57
fungiso you could pip install -r the constraints file instead of passing it to -c anyway19:58
fungisyntax in the files turns out to be compatible19:58
dhellmannthat was on purpose, iirc19:59
fungione of the reasons lifeless's original design for pip's constraints feature was so good ;)19:59
* dhellmann nods19:59
fungijust too bad it took the pip maintainers ignoring his dependency resolver work and then redoing it a decade later20:00
fungito get us a real dep solver20:00
fungiso much of what we were doing then was just too far ahead of the needs of the broader python packaging community, i think20:01
dhellmannyeah, exactly20:01
fungiso stuff like that got rejected because "nobody will ever need this/what we have is good enough" so i'm thrilled they did actually take the constraints feature20:01
dhellmannthat's part of why I'm trying to limit the complexity of build variant stuff20:02
dhellmannyeah, that constraints file feature is a lifesaver20:02
fungiwhile the variants stuff probably isn't something we'll need, i've been following the discussion around it with great interest nonetheless20:03
fungibut yeah, fromager looks like it could be a drop-in replacement for what we're doing with pip in wheel cache jobs20:03
clarkbthe opendev build/base python container images do something similar too20:03
dhellmannthese AI packages are _massive_20:03
clarkbbut the use case is far more constrained (basically build wheels for this specific platform, then install those wheels into the target container)20:03
dhellmannI'd be happy to entertain feature patches if it's missing something you need20:03
fungithe alternative we're looking at is just not doing it any more, enough projects finally publish wheels that our corner cases are alternative processors (aarch64 testing) or trying to use newer python interpreters with packages that pre-date them20:04
dhellmannless may be more, yeah20:04
fungii think libvirt-python is the main sticking point for us, it's sdist-only still20:05
dhellmannif it's just 1 or 2 packages, managing only those might be easier than managing all of the automation? OTOH, if what you have is working...20:06
fungiyeah, that's the pivot point we're thinking we might be near/at20:07
fungithere's a sweet-spot between the work to keep the existing implementation maintained and the work to get along without it20:07
fungidhellmann: looking at the fromager overview, the main thing i think it might not do is reuse "good enough" wheels (e.g. manylinux/abi3) from pypi and only build wheels for things that aren't installable on the target platform?20:09
fungiwhat we've been trying to do with our current solution is only cache platform-specific wheels centrally for things that pip would otherwise rebuild from sdist on its own20:10
fungiso that we reuse available wheels on pypi whenever possible20:10
clarkbone important reason for that is people running your software in the real world will get the pypi stuff20:11
clarkbso you don't want to overoptimize and paper over problems you might get in the real world20:11
fungiyeah, we're basically trying to emulate a generic `pip install ...` as closely as possible, just accelerate invocation by not requiring rebuilds from source in the specific cases where it would do that20:12
fungiwe specifically want to avoid rebuilding everything from sdist20:12
fungiand not so much because of the resource utilization, but because of what clarkb mentions about reusing what's on pypi since that's what users will also be installing20:13
fungialso, notably, our solution is intentionally pip-specific since we're concerned with what `pip install` will decide to do and optimizing for that case20:14
fungiswapping pip out for uv or whatever is out of scope in our case20:15
dhellmannfungi : yeah, I could see adding a flag to bootstrap to say it should default all packages to pre-built if it can20:15
dhellmannand yeah, we're using pip to build container images out of the wheels that fromager builds, but we _do_ want the special optimized builds20:16
fungii can definitely see the case for preferring optimized rebuilds, it's just not our focus since we're currently more concerned with correctness and testing as closely as possible to what users are going to end up installing20:20
fungiso a preference for "bug-compatible" behavior in most cases20:21
fungibut yeah, overall fromager looks really cool, thanks again for pointing it out!20:22
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