Thursday, 2024-08-08

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opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/releases master: magnum-capi-helm: Add 1.1.0 release
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elodillesrelease-team: when any of you have some time could you please review this patch and the ones on top of it?
elodillesthanks in advance o/13:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Create new puppet-neutron releases for 2023.1/2023.2
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: nova: Release 2024.1 Caracal 29.2.0
elodilleshmm, we have a release job failure:14:15
elodilles(the mail: )14:15
elodillesi guess it's puppet-* related14:16
elodillesmaybe some bindep issue?14:16
elodillestkajinam: any idea? ^^^14:17
fricklerlooks like some ruby gem issue, so pretty surely puppet stuff, yes14:23
tkajinamelodilles, frickler  that's the issue caused by too old ruby in ubuntu-focal... let me push a change to migrate the job to jammy14:30
tkajinamI wonder if we should also consider migrating the other release jobs. We have 8 months left before EOL of Focal14:35
tkajinamI wonder if I have to create a new release to retry that publishment or can we rerun the job once the project-config change is merged ?14:41
tkajinamI guess it's not urgent so I'll take care of new releases next week if needed 14:41
fricklerI think rerunning possible since only the github mirror succeeded and that should be idempotent. but maybe fungi can double check15:14
fungiyeah, looks like it never uploaded anything. but also overwrites for things we upload to the tarballs site (while not ideal) do work. the bigger risk is for python-based projects releasing because uploads to pypi will error if a file with the same filename was previously uploaded (overwrites there are explicitly disallowed)15:24
elodillestkajinam: ah, thanks for the info! you are right, we probably have to move the focal based jobs to use jammy or even noble :S16:10
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