Friday, 2024-08-09

gmannelodilles: frickler: as it seems agreement on the DPL reset state, can either of you please propose change to readopt DPL model so that we can merge that before election start 00:41
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elodillesgmann: sure, i'll do that today07:27
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opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/releases master: hacking 7.0.0
elodillesgmann release-team:
ttx#startmeeting releaseteam13:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Aug  9 13:01:00 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'13:01
ttxPing list: release-team elod13:01
ttxOur agenda at
ttxDown to line 27413:02
ttxLet's wait a couple minutes see if anyone else joins13:02
ttxok looks like it will be just us!13:05
ttx#topic     Review task completion from week R-8 and R-913:05
ttxtask from R-10: Propose convenience releases for 2023.1 Antelope (elod)13:05
elodillesyepp, more have been merged & released than are still open :)13:06
ttxsend mail to ML about proposed 2025.1 Epoxy schedule (elod)13:07
elodillesmail was sent13:07
elodillesthough no reviews & replies came :(13:07
ttxYeah i think we can consider this one done13:08
ttx    Make sure the next development series name has been added to the data/series_status.yaml file. (elod)13:09
elodillesit's there: https://releases.openstack.org13:09
elodillesas above schedule plan was merged13:09
elodillesthis ^^^13:09
ttx    Send countdown email (ttx) -- will do after review today13:10
ttx#topic Assign R-7 week tasks13:10
ttxI don't think there is anything to do re: oslo freeze13:11
elodillesoslo library freeze is actually not yet part of the process, but as i remember we agreed in the past to freeze it earlier13:12
elodillesso i'll ping the team13:12
ttxthe rest are all assigned13:12
elodillesso yeah, maybe it is nothing to do with the relmgt team13:12
ttxI'll see with fungi re:  artifact signing key and with gmann re: Python runtimes for next cycle13:13
ttx#topic     Review countdown email for week R-713:13
ttxIt's up at
* elodilles looking13:14
ttxthe oslo freeze is mentioned in there13:14
elodilles(ah, there is the Oslo freeze)13:14
elodillesyepp :)13:14
ttxI did rewrite a bit the RC1 deadline since in the schedule we talk about "RC1 target week" rather than a deadline13:16
ttxotherwise pretty simple13:16
elodillesyepp. i tend to say Thursdays there as well as deadline, but maybe this will work too o:)13:17
ttxok will send after meeting13:18
elodilles(and same for final rc deadline)13:18
ttx#topic Open Discussion13:18
ttxAnything else?13:18
elodillesmaybe worth to link the governance patch that re-adds the DPL & liaisons13:19
elodillesthis is some kind of process change13:20
elodillesso that DPLs have to opt-in13:20
ttxok, I reviewed it earlier13:21
elodillesthanks ttx o/13:21
elodillesfor others: please review and +1 if that's OK13:21
ttxalright, if nothing else...13:21
elodillesnothing from me :)13:22
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Aug  9 13:22:04 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:22
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
ttxThanks elodilles !13:22
elodillesthanks ttx o/13:22
fungioh, hah, i got sidetracked and forgot the meeting was 13:00 now13:24
fungicatching up, sorry13:24
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas13:27
fungii'll add the epoxy artifact signing key creation to my reminders for soonish13:41
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release neutron for stable/2023.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release trove for stable/2023.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: magnum-capi-helm: Add 1.1.0 release
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: nova: Release 2023.2 Bobcat 28.3.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: nova: Release 2023.1 Antelope 27.5.0
fricklersorry I was severly distracted, but it looks like everything is under control. fyi I'll also be offline from mon-wed next week15:10
elodillesfrickler: ACK, enjoy your time off o/15:11
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas19:27

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