Monday, 2014-09-29

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dolphmttx: i'll take a pass through recent bugs, and +A for 2015.113:48
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Kiallttx: about?14:50
ttxKiall: yes14:52
Kiallttx: Heya :) So - Designate rc1 is ready to roll whenever you have time to tag etc :)14:52
ttxKiall: I'll put you to task first14:53
ttxYou need to push a commit that sets 2015.1 in
ttxKiall: I'll cut proposed/juno and tag 2014.2.rc1 from the commit just before that one14:54
KiallOkay - Perfect.14:54
ttxversion = 2015.1. I cvan review the patch14:54
KiallDoing it now, It'll be a few hours before it merges though14:54
ttxKiall: no problem, I can tag tomorrow, as long as you don't add new bugs to the juno-rc1 milestone page14:54
ttxexample of such patches:,n,z14:55
ttxKiall: +115:02
Kiallttx: Done + Dusted - <openstackgerrit> A change was merged to openstack/designate: Open Kilo development
ttxKiall: ha-ah. OK, let's trigger the thing15:38
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Kiall(Not being in the integrated gate means merges can happen much faster if the core team is online ;))15:39
ttxKiall: hrm15:43
ttxFor some reason you have a milestone-proposed branch lying around15:44
ttxI also don't have the rights to do the release stuff for you15:44
Kiallttx: Oh, that likely was from last release :/15:44
KiallWhat permission error are you getting?15:44
ttxhmm, maybe I have them15:44
Kiallis milestone-proposed still used?15:45
ttxKiall: I can't remove milestone-proposed15:45
ttxno, you should delete that branch15:45
ttxmaybe you can do so at,branches15:45
KiallLet me see if I can15:45
ttxif you have a checkbox in from of it, then you probably can15:46
KiallNope - Seems I can't.15:46
ttxlet me see if infra can15:46
ttxmy script check sthat there aren't two *proposed* branches, because it may result in odd fails15:48
KiallOkay - I've also just added "Release Managers" to "designate-milestone" and confirmed that designate and nova's gerrit ACLs for proposed/* line up.15:49
ttxKiall: I have to run -- could you make sure the milestone-proposed branch is removed ? I'll pick it up tomorrow morning and cut the RC1 and proposed/juno branch from df4284aebc9af3059726785449231def1514731915:51
ttx(commit before kilo opening)15:51
KiallYes, I'll bug the infra folks until it's done ;)15:51
ttxok, they are done15:55
* ttx runs script15:55
ttxlet's all pray15:56
KiallI see a proposed/juno branch now15:56
KiallDoes your script handle the .gitreview, if not, I'll do it?15:56
ttxKiall: what gitreview?15:57
ttxwe usually only switch it when we go to stable/*15:57
KiallOh.. Fair enough then15:57
ttxKiall: ok, ready to tag16:03
KiallWow - LP took the Fix Released changes first time? nice ;)16:03
ttxKiall: ok done16:09
* ttx runs16:10
Kiallenjoy :) Thanks16:14
dolphmttx: keystone is open for kilo
sdaguewhere is the juno branch?16:52
sdagueit seems like we are missing a tag or branch16:53
Kiallsdague: ttx will create the branch and tag now that dolphm's review has merged.. but he's AFK17:45
sdagueKiall: ok17:46
Kiall(ttx had me commit the same change to designate before he created the branches etc)17:46
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morganfainbergsdague, that commit is the marker.. what Kiall said.17:46
sdagueok, so just a timing issue17:46
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SergeyLukjanovttx, all 4 CRs for sahara's rc1 is now approved, waiting for them19:44
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