Wednesday, 2014-12-17

morganfainbergttx: Keystone Kilo-1 should be hash: 646531039f34ec9eabe2601d5cf1e8db432791c501:46
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ttxmorganfainberg: ok, tagging now07:55
* ttx makes a call and tags 18304c52f60002ff74b0eaf07f4ef9e078a755e1 instead (couple more bugfixes)08:03
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: still OK to tag ? Waiting for your go-ahead.08:19
SergeyLukjanovttx, good morning09:06
SergeyLukjanovttx, yup, we're ready for kilo-109:06
ttxalright, tagging now09:06
SergeyLukjanovttx, sorry for latency - I've been driving to work, freezing drizzle makes it a bit more difficult09:06
ttxI can imagine :)09:07
SergeyLukjanovttx, ack, thank you!09:41
SergeyLukjanovttx, is it an expected file name "sahara-2015.1.0b1.tar.gz "? 0b1 seems a bit sstrange09:42
SergeyLukjanovttx, in juno it was .b109:43
ttxyeah.. that's due to PEP44009:51
ttxand setuptools ercent update09:51
ttxand mordred wanting to normalize on X.Y.Z[abc]09:52
ttxif you tag 2015.1.b1 it builds a 2015.1b1 tarball now09:52
ttxSergeyLukjanov: so to keep tag and tarball consistent you have to tag 2015.1b1 or 2015.1.0b109:53
ttxwe discussed it in infra and picked the latter, that way we can standardize on X.Y.Z([abc]N)?09:54
SergeyLukjanovttx, okay, thank you09:57
SergeyLukjanovttx, I've missed this :(09:57
ttxstarted when I triued to tag swift 2.2.1.rc109:58
ttxthen continued when I tried to tag Trove 2015.1.b109:58
SergeyLukjanovttx, okay10:00
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johnthetubaguyttx: we are looking a bit closer now, slowly getting there:
morganfainbergttc: ack12:34
morganfainbergttx: ack even12:34
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eglynnttx: WRT tagging kilo-1 for ceilometer, just waiting on to wend its way thru' the gate13:33
ttxeglynn: ok, thx for the heads-up13:36
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mordredwhat did I do?14:21
ttxmordred: nothing14:29
mordredttx: AWESOME14:30
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mesteryttx: I'm waiting on one more bug ( before Neutron is ready for Kilo-1.15:55
mesteryttx: Patches to adv svcs repos will be posted soon, can we wait a bit to roll the release and try and get this in?15:56
ttxmestery: sure.. one more day ?15:57
mesteryttx: Taht would be perfect, we'll be ready tomorrow for sure. Thanks!16:13
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