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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints https://review.openstack.org/578699 | 06:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Michal Arbet proposed openstack/requirements master: [DNM] test review of networkx-2.0 for consuming projects to use https://review.openstack.org/505973 | 10:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Michal Arbet proposed openstack/requirements master: [DNM] test review of networkx-2.0 for consuming projects to use https://review.openstack.org/505973 | 13:33 |
openstackgerrit | Sorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/requirements master: Raise minimum for pyyaml https://review.openstack.org/578801 | 13:38 |
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prometheanfire | lbragstad: looks like keystone has pycrypto in its lower-constraints, can be removed? | 14:43 |
prometheanfire | | keystone | lower-constraints.txt | 91 | pycrypto==2.6.1 | | 14:43 |
lbragstad | yeah - i believe so, we shouldn't be using that anymore | 14:43 |
prometheanfire | k | 14:43 |
prometheanfire | lbragstad: actually it may be brought in via the dep tree, if you have a venv with keystone installed can you see if it shows up in pip freeze? | 14:46 |
lbragstad | http://paste.openstack.org/show/724527/ | 14:46 |
lbragstad | looks like we only have ans1crypto and pyca/cryptography | 14:47 |
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lbragstad | ans1crypto is probably a dependency of cryptography | 14:48 |
prometheanfire | ya, sounds good | 14:48 |
prometheanfire | lbragstad: want me to make the review or you got it? | 14:48 |
lbragstad | go for it and i'll review | 14:49 |
prometheanfire | k | 14:49 |
lbragstad | ty sir | 14:49 |
johnsom | prometheanfire Question about the new requirements system. We just saw this: http://logs.openstack.org/20/554420/5/check/requirements-check/958d9c5/job-output.txt.gz#_2018-06-28_00_33_07_802629 on a random patch that happened to trigger the requirements gate test. I'm guessing the bot isn't pushing out patches anymore, so are teams just supposed to find these when they do a requirements update and otherwise | 14:53 |
johnsom | is just sits out of sync? | 14:53 |
prometheanfire | yep | 14:55 |
johnsom | lol | 14:55 |
prometheanfire | personally I'd like to see the reqs job be periodic | 14:55 |
prometheanfire | dhellmann: ^ | 14:55 |
openstackgerrit | Matthew Thode proposed openstack/requirements master: remove pycrypto https://review.openstack.org/578836 | 14:57 |
johnsom | Personally, I would just run it on every patch. I'm probably better than most and check periodic jobs once a month or so | 14:57 |
prometheanfire | probably | 14:57 |
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tosky | I send the request, in Sahara we noticed the same | 15:04 |
tosky | I second* | 15:05 |
tosky | the job just fails when you are trying to fix something else | 15:05 |
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dhellmann | yeah, it's only running on updates to requirements now to save resources. if we change that, your gates will be completely broken until the issues are fixed, so that was another reason to leave it as it is | 16:40 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for neutron-lib to new release 1.17.0 https://review.openstack.org/578894 | 17:24 |
dhellmann | prometheanfire , tonyb : how do we test changes to the project-requirements-change.py script? does proposing a patch against that file run a test job that verifies that it works? | 17:30 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements master: change tox default to python3 https://review.openstack.org/578943 | 17:31 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements master: switch project-requirements-change to use python3 https://review.openstack.org/578944 | 17:31 |
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dhellmann | prometheanfire , tonyb , dirk : here's an idea: a bot to approve constraint update proposals from the proposal bot. crazy bad or crazy good? | 19:34 |
prometheanfire | dhellmann: it'd be better to just fall back to one reviewer imo | 19:37 |
dhellmann | how so? if we're going to just approve them when the tests pass anyway, why wait for a human? | 19:38 |
prometheanfire | it'd also have to recheck while waiting on pypi publish, and inconsistant fails | 19:39 |
prometheanfire | that's true | 19:39 |
dhellmann | the constraints job isn't even submitted until the package is published to pypi now | 19:39 |
prometheanfire | for master it's probably fine | 19:39 |
prometheanfire | that's good | 19:39 |
dhellmann | and if the jobs fail for some reason a human can come along and catch that | 19:39 |
openstackgerrit | Michael Johnson proposed openstack/requirements master: Proposing distro for global-requirements https://review.openstack.org/578983 | 19:55 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-traits to new release 0.8.0 https://review.openstack.org/578990 | 20:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Tony Breeds proposed openstack/requirements master: Fix grep-all after we removed minimums from global-requirements https://review.openstack.org/579032 | 23:27 |
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