Wednesday, 2014-03-12

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SergeyLukjanovtest logging14:05
SergeyLukjanovworks ok14:06
*** SergeyLukjanov changes topic to "OpenStack Data Processing Project (Sahara, ex. Savanna) -; channel logs:; discussions in this (#openstack-sahara) channel; weekly meetings on Thursdays at 18:00 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt channel"14:07
openstackgerritAlexander Ignatov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Renamed all swift-dependent configs to sahara
openstackgerritAlexander Ignatov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Renamed all swift-dependent configs to sahara
openstackgerritAlexander Ignatov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Renamed all swift-dependent configs to sahara
openstackgerritChad Roberts proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Renaming savannadashboard directory to saharadashboard
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tmckayI almost have the python-saharaclient renaming done; just a few internal variables and the packaging stuff which I can do now that the repo move has happened14:34
tmckayand I ran integration tests so I know it's working14:34
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, it's really great14:40
openstackgerritChad Roberts proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Renaming savannadashboard directory to saharadashboard
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ErikBIs anyone working on the doc changes Savanna ->Sahara?14:56
SergeyLukjanovErikB, hey14:56
SergeyLukjanovErikB, we have a tons of blueprints and work items to rename all stuff14:56
crobertsrhI don't seem to be able to push any changes to savanna-project/savanna-ci.  What's that process I should go through to make changes there?14:57
SergeyLukjanovcrobertsrh, you should create a pull request14:57
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ErikBI was looking at: and it does not specify anything about docs proper.14:59
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openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Renaming all Savanna references to Sahara
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SergeyLukjanovErikB, probably, noone is assigned on it now15:02
SergeyLukjanovErikB, you want to volunteer? :)15:02
ErikBSergeyLukjanov: yes I will volunteer, should I create a new BP for this?15:03
SergeyLukjanovErikB, yep, I think so15:03
SergeyLukjanovErikB,thank you15:03
ErikBSergeyLukjanov: ok np15:03
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aignatovHello Sahara!!15:05
elmikohi aignatov :)15:05
SergeyLukjanovaignatov, please, go away :)15:05
tmckaySahara?  oh, right15:05
SergeyLukjanovaignatov, oh, you're core. please, stay here15:06
tmckayhmm, something went wrong with my package naming change. tox -e py27 shows prb having some problem with version name.15:06
* tmckay gets software shovel15:07
tmckayprb that is15:07
toskySergeyLukjanov: you are also going to rename the namespace here, right?
SergeyLukjanovtosky, sure15:07
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, so why the change from eho?  I like that.15:07
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, there were some concerns about pronunciation and overall gall15:08
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SergeyLukjanoveho = elastic hadoop on openstack15:08
aignatovErikB, hi15:09
aignatovoh, he has left the chat...15:09
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tmckaySergeyLukjanov -- "gall"  brazen boldness coupled with impudent assurance and insolence15:09
tmckaysomeone thought eho was brazen?15:09
tmckaysounds descriptive to me15:10
aignatovErikB: hi, I looked at the doc, and found that some info related to HDP plugin is outdated15:10
tmckayoh well, old issue I guess :)15:10
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, gall -> goal15:10
tmckayllol, oh :-D15:11
SergeyLukjanovaignatov, ErikB volunteered to rename savanna to sahara in docs15:11
aignatovIn particular, on the page there are wrong limitation15:11
SergeyLukjanovand I think he'll update HDP docs too after that15:11
aignatovah ok15:11
aignatovthats great15:11
ErikBYes yes, I have been sitting on that transaction for weeks… sigh. Will get this in asap.15:16
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SergeyLukjanovErikB, thank you!15:24
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, mattf, so the base for openstack-common.conf used to be "savannaclient" for the python-savannaclient.  When I swapped the dir contents for saharaclient/savannaclient and made savannaclient the alias, I missed openstack/common in savannaclient (maybe because I wasn't on the tip and changes were pushed out from oslo on 3/5?)15:34
tmckayCan I just git rm savannclient/openstack or do I have to do something more complicated?15:35
tmckayopenstack-common.conf has been updated15:35
tmckaycurrently "common" is sitting there with just an, not hurting anything but not right either15:35
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, it should be moved to saharaclient with replace all savanna to sahara15:35
tmckay( has some "six" stuff in it)15:36
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, yes, I think it's duplicated.  It's in both places.15:36
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, it should be only in saharaclient15:36
tmckayokay, thanks.  I'll remove it with git rm and add it to the swap CR.15:37
openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Renaming all Savanna references to Sahara
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change packaging references to python-saharaclient
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Swap the saharaclient and savannaclient directories
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add cli integration test
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change packaging references to python-saharaclient
openstackgerritChad Roberts proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Renaming savannadashboard directory to saharadashboard
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change internal variables and classes to 'sahara'
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change client doc references to sahara
openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Renaming all Savanna references to Sahara
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Update .gitreview to point on updated repo
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openstackgerritChad Roberts proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Renaming savannadashboard directory to saharadashboard
openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Renaming all Savanna references to Sahara
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add etc/sahara/sahara.conf.sample needed for d-g
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add etc/sahara/sahara.conf.sample needed for d-g
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change internal variables and classes to 'sahara'
crobertsrhtmckay:  is savanna-db going to change to sahara-db?  I'll need to make sure to coordinate that change whenever it happens for the dashboard.18:15
tmckaycrobertsrh, yes, I believe so.  We should have an alembic script for that too.  I haven't done any work on savanna-api yet (I thiink aignatov is working there)18:16
tmckaybut I'm just about done with client, so maybe I can lend a hand ^^18:17
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, ^^18:17
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mattftmckay, what happened to internal-db-the-thing-that-needs-to-go-away:??18:19
aignatovtmckay: crobertsrh yep, 'savanna-db' should be renamed18:21
aignatovI see great idea from mattf to go away from project name in this thing18:22
aignatov'savanna-db' -> 'interanal-db' looks great18:22
mattfi'm just a repeater here. i believe tmckay brought it up before.18:23
aignatovoh, ok, didn't know that18:23
tmckaymattf, ack on that, thanks for the reminder.18:24
aignatovtmckay: I'm just going to sleep you can go with this change18:24
tmckayaignatov :)  Okey doke.  Please +1 anything I do.18:24
tmckay+2 even18:25
tmckaycrobertsrh, so, savanna-db will change to internal-db18:25
* tmckay time for snacks18:25
elmikommmm snacks18:28
aignatovbtw, I've send today patch for renaming 'savanna' in swift related configs18:28
aignatovbut didn't decided to write alembic script for renaming data sources urls18:29
aignatovnot sure if this needed18:29
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mattftmckay, consider if the savanna-db change can happen blindly or if there should be some backward compat in place18:37
SergeyLukjanov++ for internal-db18:38
crobertsrhany chance of getting the dashboard ci-tests updated/kicked off again?  Looks like my pull request was merged.  I *think* things should work now.18:41
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mattfmy vote is for please-do-not-use-this-just-use-swift-instead-it-is-easy-cmon://18:46
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mattfalias it to rrly-guys-just-swift-upload-pls://18:49
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tmckayI have typed "ack [Ss]avanna" about 1000 times today19:11
tmckaymattf, or some negative reinforcement, "i-am-a-bad-person-for-using-this://"19:12
ErikBdoes anyone know why I would get: remote: Permission to openstack/sahara.git denied to bergenholtz.19:13
ErikBon git review -v ?19:13
tmckayErikB, hmm, I haven't touched sahara today, but python-saharaclient has been fine.  Nothing special there.19:14
SergeyLukjanovErikB, it works for me ok19:15
SergeyLukjanovErikB, for sahara19:15
ErikBok, thanks will keep checking.19:15
elmikotmckay, maybe "ack -i savanna" :)19:15
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: NOOOOOOOO.jpg
tmckayelmiko, fancy19:16
SergeyLukjanovErikB, you can share your output on paste.o.o, I'll check it19:16
aignatovlol, what is that?19:16
tmckayyes, me too.19:17
* tmckay uses the opportunity for a -119:17
tmckayoh darn, abandoned19:17
tmckaymust have been a test19:17
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, yup, it's a test for ErikB19:18
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mattftmckay, that'd work!19:35
tmckaymattf, oh, really?19:36
mattfanyone have a sed line i should run across my repos?19:36
* mattf tries sed -i 's/savanna/sahara/' .git/config19:39
SergeyLukjanovmattf, it should work IMO19:40
mattffor r in *savanna*; do (cd $r && sed -i 's/savanna/sahara/' .git/config); done19:40
mattfrename savanna sahara *savanna*19:42
mattfand DONE19:42
mattfnow to train myself not to type savTAB19:43
elmikoi'm waiting on docs.o.o to put the new docs in place, and for the sahara-image-elements merge to happen. are there any other renaming tasks that i could help with?19:43
crobertsrhchanging repos =~ 20 seconds.....learning to use the new repos =~ a lifetime19:43
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SergeyLukjanovelmiko, review all other changes :)19:44
elmikoSergeyLukjanov: will do!19:45
SergeyLukjanovI'm now waiting for devstack updates merged and than I'll start merging renaming CRs with +1 from jenkins and savanna-ci (when it's expected)19:45
SergeyLukjanovI think it'll be tomorrow19:45
SergeyLukjanovso, time to review each other19:45
tmckaymattf, hmm, so I don't think we can get away with a blind change of savanna-db to internal-db unless we want to sync the change across savanna-dashboard and savanna.  Could be done.  For compat code, I'm thinking of something kind of loose.  Any url of the form "blahblah://uuid" referenced from a job-binary.  I don't really see how that can go wrong, all we really care about is the uuid.19:48
tmckaycrobertsrh, opinion? ^^19:50
mattfok, what about the upgrade case, where i have savanna-db stored in the db somewhere?19:50
tmckaymattf, alembic script.  simple.  Might not even be necessary, depending on how the value is treated when we process it.19:51
tmckaythe right compat incantation could even make alembic unnecessary19:51
crobertsrhtmckay:  That is probably a fine way to go, assuming that there is a db migrate script (which I see you have noted as I'm typing this)19:51
tmckayyeah, I think alembic would be fine.  Because we probably want to fix up xxx.savanna for stored swift urls too19:52
tmckayhaven't thought about that one too much yet19:52
tmckaysimilar issue, maybe not as easy to fudge19:53
tmckayhmm, well, we know it starts with "swift", that won't change.  Wonder if we check for the ".savanna" part.19:54
* tmckay goes to look19:54
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Update .gitreview to point on updated repo
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SergeyLukjanovmattf, alazarev, aignatov, jspeidel, please, note that our devstack/tempest jobs aren't running sahara atm due to the transition19:59
SergeyLukjanovI'll send an email confirmation when it'll start working19:59
alazarevSergeyLukjanov: it's Ok, it seems that we will not merge anything until renaming ends anyway20:00
SergeyLukjanovalazarev, yup, it's about renaming CRs too20:01
dmitrymeSergeyLukjanov: can you disable openstackgerrit bot in the savanna channel? It does not make sense to post review updates into two channels. And at the same time it it disturbing20:01
SergeyLukjanovdmitryme, change is already on review20:01
dmitrymeSergeyLukjanov: cool, thanks20:01
alazarevSergeyLukjanov: most of renaming CRs don't pass tests anyway, we will need to repair tests after renaming20:02
SergeyLukjanovalazarev, renaming CRs must pass Jenkins20:02
SergeyLukjanovalazarev, that's why we're adding aliases and etc.20:03
openstackgerritErik Bergenholtz proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Renames all doc references from Savanna to Sahara.
mattfErikB, ^^ you going to get your ATC discount?20:07
ErikBI already did. ;-)20:07
ErikBWho has the source for the doc images?20:08
tmckaycrobertsrh, mattf, it doesn't look like any code changes are necessary to support compat for swift urls. binaries don't use the ".savanna" mechanism, and although data sources do we don't check anywhere.  Strictly a convention in the hadoop implementation, afaik.  If alembic can support glob/replace we can fix up existing rows (still have to check that)20:08
SergeyLukjanovErikB, dmitryme probably20:09
crobertsrhtmckay:  ack20:09
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, sounds correct, but I'm afraid that alembic doesn't have such feature20:10
elmikois a pep8 warning worthy of a -1 ?20:11
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, that's terrible.  Maybe there is a way to make it happen :)  Alembic patches...  Or, maybe "fix on read" in the sqlalchemy stuff.20:11
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, looks like sql has some support for wildcard replace, so maybe it can be done with alembic raw sql op.  Not giving up yet :)20:17
* tmckay slaps own hand, he needs to finish the client first.20:18
* mattf 's eyes bleed sahara20:23
mattfErikB, i quit after 20 inline comments20:24
mattfErikB, many of the comments are just requests for clarification, or to make sure there's coordination happening.20:25
mattfa few not so much, e.g. Shara...20:25
dmitrymeErikB: regarding doc images' sources, I think I got some of them in my google drive.20:26
dmitrymeI'll check it out tomorrow and update those which I have20:27
dmitrymeI'll figure who has the others then20:27
ErikBdmitryme: if you could send them to me, i will update. If not, i will re-create. I have some mode doc changes that i need to make20:32
dmitrymeaha, ok. I'll see right now what I have20:33
dmitrymewill update you shortly20:33
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* mattf appears to have received 2 ATC codes20:43
ErikB1mattf, Ok, NP. I will go back and address the comments. Hang tight. In general I think it will be difficult too coordinate all changes with docs, unless we put these off until the very end.20:44
openstackgerritChad Roberts proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Changing "Savanna" to "Sahara" in basic strings
mattfErikB1, i agree re difficulty. i just want to make sure the folks making the related changes sign off. it'd be a pita if you pick one url and crobertsrh picks another, for instance20:45
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add cli integration test
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dmitrymeErikB: so we have 4 images in sahara/doc/source/images directory in total20:51
dmitrymehere are the sources for 3 of them:20:51
dmitrymeas for hdp-plugin-architecture.png, I think you guys should have it somewhere :-)20:52
ErikB1dmitryme, I have the HDP ing source and have already updated20:54
ErikB1dmitryme, thanks20:54
dmitrymeErikB: the drawings are in read-only mode, copy them to change20:57
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SergeyLukjanovfolks, is already available20:59
elmikoSergeyLukjanov: yay! updating wiki now20:59
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, thx20:59
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change client doc references to sahara
elmikoSergeyLukjanov: with the exception of the few issues i emailed you about the wiki is in pretty good shape.21:06
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, awesome, thank you, I'll fix them tomorrow, it's in my backlog21:06
tmckaySergeyLukjanov,, comment on line 4, is "OpenStack Sahara" a problem?21:08
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mattftmckay, <- breaks api, ack?21:12
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, I've added a comment21:13
mattfspecifically anyone passing savanna_url=blah as a named parameter to the client21:13
mattftmckay, i'm fine to +1, just want to make sure you thought about it and we're generally ok w/ the situation21:13
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/sahara-guestagent: Rename Savanna to Sahara
mattfmaybe the way to address it is to have the alias client pass sahara_url=savanna_url21:15
* mattf checks the code to probably find that's already done21:15
tmckaymattf, hmm, you might have a point there.  I was kind of assuming since it's optional it's an edge case.  But I like the idea of fixing up the alias client21:16
tmckaymattf, I don't think it's already done21:16
mattfok, i'll leave a -1 w/ request for clarification21:16
tmckaymattf, okay, I'll play with an alias client change.  That makes the most sense to me.21:18
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, we shouldn't change simple alias21:18
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, the best case is to add additional arg to the end of client constructor21:19
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, what do you think of "savanna_url" to "sahara_url" in the client  The other thing I can think of is to include both = None, and give sahara_url the preference21:19
tmckayack ^^21:19
tmckayokay.  SergeyLukjanov, so what's our plan to remove the savanna compat stuff? Post juno?21:20
tmckaynever? :)21:20
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, it should be discussed21:21
SergeyLukjanovpersonally, I don't think that we need it at all21:21
SergeyLukjanovonly to migrate to the new name and remove before the I release21:21
SergeyLukjanovbecause it's our first real OpenStack aligned release21:21
mattftopic for tomorrow i guess21:22
mattf^^ re if we care about compat, which we need to start doing21:23
mattfassuming we do compat, it's cleaner to put the mapping in the shell/compat client instead of in the sahara client21:24
SergeyLukjanovmattf, yup, it's main topic for tomorrow21:24
tmckayhmm, just a derivation with an overloaded __init__ ought to do it21:24
tmckayI'll make patches for both, toss a coin which one I push first :)21:25
* mattf appears to be a negative nathan w/ all these -1s21:29
mattfchad may win w/ most files changed -
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Map savanna_url to sahara_url in savannaclient.client
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