Thursday, 2014-03-13

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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Update .gitreview to point on updated repo
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Make dashboard able to be used as Sahara
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Make dashboard able to be used as Sahara
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Rename dashboard slug to sahara
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Renaming savannadashboard directory to saharadashboard
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Changing "Savanna" to "Sahara" in basic strings
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Update .gitreview to point on updated repo
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Update .gitreview to point on updated repo
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Rename dashboard slug to sahara
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Update hadoop in vanilla plugin to 2.3 version
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-extra: Update .gitreview to point on updated repo
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Update hadoop in vanilla plugin to 2.3 version
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Renaming all Savanna references to Sahara
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Renaming all Savanna references to Sahara
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Add support for Django 1.6
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Add support for Django 1.6
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Add ability to use environment variables for image names
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Add ability to use environment variables for image names
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Add support for Django 1.6
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toskylast devstack, sahare is deployed but almost every "Create <something>" button gives an error and I see in the logs lines:12:51
tosky[Thu Mar 13 12:51:22.193926 2014] [:error] [pid 18014] No reverse found for "horizon:savanna:cluster_templates:upload_file": u'savanna' is not a registered namespace inside 'horizon'12:51
toskyis there some pending patch on gerrit that I can use in the meantime?12:52
SergeyLukjanovtosky, yup12:52
SergeyLukjanovot's on review12:52
SergeyLukjanovand we'll merge it soon I hope12:52
SergeyLukjanovnow checking12:52
SergeyLukjanovtosky, ^^12:52
toskySergeyLukjanov: thanks! (no rush, just to have something working in the meantime)12:53
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Rename namespace to match new dashboard slug
toskyoh, THAT patch13:14
* tosky tries13:14
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elmikotmckay, i'm looking at the edp constants thing again, and i'm curious about how wide ranging these constants should be. for example should i use a constant in savanna/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/ ?14:13
tmckayelmiko, no, I wouldn't bother with the alembic scripts.  Those are special cases, not really any code maintenance there.  Once written, they exist forever unchanged.14:23
elmikotmckay, kk14:23
tmckayelmiko, the concern is more mainline code, stuff that's going to be modified or added to.14:23
elmikotmckay, got it14:24
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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fixed reference errors in docs
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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [IDH] Fixed history server assignment
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change internal variables and classes to 'sahara'
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elmiko_tmckay, in the plugins i'm seeing an "info" dict that is bundled into the "cluster" dict, are these using the edp job types?15:01
elmiko_it doesn't look like it, but i want to make sure15:02
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add cli integration test
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tmckayelmiko_, can you point me at a file?15:07
tmckayelmiko_, hmm, looks to me like Hadoop services, not job types15:07
tmckayelmiko_, we've debated whether or not it's appropriate for the plugins to store configs related to EDP based on job type, but I don't think there is anything there at present (and don't remember if there is an ultimate resolution to that discussion)15:07
tmckayelmiko ^^15:07
elmikotmckay, ok, i'll leave those alone for now15:08
elmikotmckay, i didn't want to start diving into some multilevel dict when it wasn't clear how those values were generated15:08
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change packaging references to python-saharaclient
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change internal variables and classes to 'sahara'
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openstackgerritAlexander Ignatov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Renamed all swift-dependent configs to sahara
toskydoes sahara require neutron for networking, or is it optional? It seems I didn't enable it on devstack and when I try to add a Node Group Templates Sahara complains about a "Floating IP pool public for node group 'master' not found"16:14
tosky(the choice is between public and test, same error in both, and I can't seem to find the option to configure them, at least in the UI)16:14
tmckaytosky, it's optional.  I use "nova", but I think the world is moving toward "neutron".  Sooner or later I will have to fix up my configs.16:15
tmckaybut, nova works for now and does what I need it to do.16:15
tmckaytosky, mattf has some experience getting neutron working16:15
toskytmckay: did you configure floating ip in the node group templates, or do you just leave that option blank?16:16
mattfmostly blood letting16:16
tmckayI have floating ip assignment turned off16:16
tmckaySo, I would assume I left that option blank16:16
tmckayI tend to be a late adopter when my env works for what I need :)16:16
* mattf was an unfortunate early adopter16:17
* tmckay still has 8 tracks (jk)16:17
aignatovtosky: sahara requires neutron only in case of heat engine16:17
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* mattf isn't happy about ^^16:17
toskyaignatov: isn't it going to be the default?16:17
aignatovyes, it will be by default16:18
aignatovactually fix is on the review from SergeyLukjanov16:18
aignatovwe will merge it after renaming16:18
toskyin time for Icehouse I guess16:19
toskyok, I need to start neutron then16:19
aignatovtosky: It should work16:19
aignatovpersonally I'm always keep working environment as devstack near to master + neutron + heat engine in sahara16:21
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toskythanks, I will try16:22
aignatovalso I have heat installed on my laptop and linked to the devstack :)16:23
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toskyaignatov: if it is a single-system configuration, do you have any hint to not destoy the main networking of the system?16:25
toskya local.conf would be useful too :)16:25
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aignatovtosky: I don't have any hints with this16:26
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tmckayaignatov, have you looked at alembic stuff for "savanna/sahara" in URLs?  I can work on that...16:40
tmckayMaybe I should add the bp to my commits now that the launchpad stuff is moved...16:40
tmckaybe back soon...16:41
ErikBaignatov, do you have plans to change SAVANNA_USE_NEUTRON config setting name to SAHARA_USE_NEUTRON?16:41
aignatovtmckay: yes, I've started doing this.... but after small conversation with SergeyLukjanov we decided to postpone this to today's meeting16:42
SergeyLukjanovyup, we should discuss backward compat on meeting today16:43
aignatovtmckay: the question is global question - to keep or not backward compat?16:43
aignatovErikB: you mean in dashboard?16:44
mattfSergeyLukjanov, noticed no activity on ?16:54
mattfjust waiting for it to come up again next week?16:55
toskyaignatov: oh, thanks16:56
SergeyLukjanovmattf, folks are waiting for feedback from ttx I think16:59
mattfi thought it was going to be +1's and ttx would help guide the timing for the merge16:59
mattfi'm a fan of getting the buyin sooner rather than later, even if the actual event happens later17:00
ErikBaignatov, yes17:01
ErikBaignatov, when do you think? determining whether or not I should make the doc change now or hold off.17:03
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tmckayis our meeting now?17:05
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mattftmckay, 1 hour on my calendar...dst17:05
crobertsrhtmckay:  I think 2:00 today (time change for us)17:05
jspeidelgot here late, are we scheduled  for now or an hour from now?17:08
jspeidelI guess that the silence answers my question17:09
tmckayjspeidel, an hour from now17:09
mattf1 hr, dst strikes again17:09
tmckayI missed dst17:09
tmckaycan't we just leave nature alone?17:10
toskycan't we agree on the same day worldwide?17:11
tmckaytosky, sure, we just need enough sleeping pills and stimulants to get everyone on the same schedule17:11
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change the enduser facing apects of the shell
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elmikotmckay, looking at savanna/tests/unit/utils/ i'm curious if we should keep the local MAPRED_STREAMING variable or use the new job type constant to test against?17:26
tmckayelmiko, I'd use the new one17:27
elmikotmckay, k thanks17:27
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Swap the saharaclient and savannaclient directories
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change packaging references to python-saharaclient
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change packaging references to python-saharaclient
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change internal variables and classes to 'sahara'
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change internal variables and classes to 'sahara'
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change client doc references to sahara
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openstackgerritErik Bergenholtz proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Renames all doc references from Savanna to Sahara.
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tmckayhoping that's the end of it :)17:57
tmckaythe new "paste the change" activity seems to be delayed17:57
tmckaythat used to happen almost immediately17:57
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openstackgerritChad Roberts proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Renaming internal variables away from savanna
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openstackgerritChad Roberts proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Renaming internal variables away from savanna
aignatovtmckay: so after voting you could do just s/savanna/sahara/ on all sources :)19:00
tmckayyeah, I guess so19:01
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aignatovand check if sahara-api starts successfully19:01
SergeyLukjanovaignatov, we need backward compat for client for transition in tempest19:02
aignatovSergeyLukjanov: I'm just kidding19:02
aignatovactually I'd prefer to make main savanna code renaming in partitioning manner19:03
aignatova good backlog is in the blueprint which is created by mattf19:04
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tmckaySergeyLukjanov, aignatov, okay, does the vote result mean that we don't need savannaclient?  Or do we still need it to transition through the gate?19:11
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, we still need it19:11
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, for transition19:11
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aignatovI think we also need it for those who wants to run savanna 0.319:13
tmckayokay, I think then I don't need to change anything.19:14
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, ut we can swap dirs already19:14
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elmikowhat is the best practice for inviting reviewers to a new review?19:21
elmiko(e.g. should i invite sahara-core?)19:21
aignatovelmiko: first, add him to the review19:23
elmikoaignatov: him who, sahara-core?19:23
aignatovand then if you think that you are waiting to long for review from him..19:24
aignatovping him, touch and shout19:24
elmikothanks for the advice :)19:25
aignatovelmiko: welcome!19:25
aignatovbut as for you change you've submitted recently...19:27
aignatovnot sure if we plan to add this for the icehouse because of feature freeze19:28
elmikoso it might be waiting awhile... ?19:28
aignatovelmiko: yes, to point when master js opened for juno19:30
elmikook, good to know19:31
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elmikowhat else can i help with in the meantime before icehouse opens for new features?19:34
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, could you please update your patch XXX to keep temp compat for savannaclient.api.base?19:35
SergeyLukjanovotherwise it breaks dashboard19:35
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, okay, sure19:40
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, thank you19:40
tmckayelmiko, have you practiced launching a cluster and running jobs yet?19:40
elmikotmckay, not all the way to jobs. good suggestion19:41
tmckayelmiko, it might be a good time to learn :)19:41
elmikodefinitely :)19:41
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: We're now using nove client >= 2.17.0
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elmikoit would be cool to figure out why doesn't start sometimes19:45
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elmikotmckay, when i register the images with sahara, is the username for the fedora image "fedora" ?20:08
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Swap the saharaclient and savannaclient directories
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, okay, hopefully that works.  Quick and dirty20:13
tmckayworks from the interpreter, anyway :)  And I had to suppress pep820:13
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tmckaylooked to me like api.base was the only thing touched from the dashboard, none of the other api.blah stuff20:15
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, yup, thx20:15
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change packaging references to python-saharaclient
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change internal variables and classes to 'sahara'
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change the enduser facing apects of the shell
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add cli integration test
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-saharaclient: Update .gitreview to point on updated repo
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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [IDH] Initial documentation for IDH plugin
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change client doc references to sahara
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elmikotmckay, i think i've finally broken my stack :(21:16
elmikotmckay, i did a 'nova keypair-add' and i think i must have fudged it21:17
tmckayhmm.  that doesn't seem too dangerous21:17
elmikoactually it was, 'nova keypair-add stack --pub-key=$HOME/.ssh/' was that bad?21:17
tmckayoh, do you get weird errors now from nova?21:18
elmikowell i tried to create a cluster through the sahara api and it rejected it, saying Authentication required21:18
elmikobut when i go to the web interface, now i'm getting all sorts of django errors21:18
tmckayhmm.  what does nova keypair-list give you?21:19
elmikoit shows stack and a fingerprint for it21:19
elmikoin horizon i switched to the admin project, then tried to switch back to demo, now it won't let me do anything in horizon21:20
tmckayI occasionally get into a place where something is messed up in horizon, I think.  if I try to switch from "demo" to "admin" I'm not allowed.  Same thing, authentication required.21:20
tmckayelmiko, so I don't know what that is, except frustrating.  There is another way...21:21
elmikoin the horizon output i see it deleting some token when i switch to admin21:21
tmckayelmiko, well, if you can figure that out, it may be valuable.  I've ignored it lately and used the client21:21
elmikoi had built up everything through cli calls, and i was almost at the cluster create... so close!21:22
tmckayYou can actually do everything you need to do from the command line.  The cli integratoin patch can be kind of a cheat sheet21:22
elmikook, i'll check it out21:22
tmckayelmiko, did you try the cluster launch from the cli?  It should work fine21:22
elmikono because it seemed to fail to create the cluster21:23
elmikoi got the "Authentication required" when i did the post to /clusters with my json object21:23
tmckayOh, I see.21:23
elmikothis was right after i tried to create the stack keypair21:23
elmikodid i use the wrong pubkey?21:24
tmckaywas that through the REST api, or the cli?21:24
elmikousing httpie21:24
elmikoon a side note, this is really cool stuff :)21:25
tmckayah, okay.  You went direct.  Any possibility you used the wrong terminal window, and didn't have $TENANT and $TOKEN defined?  Did you leave X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN off the end?21:25
tmckayif you're at the point of doing everything through REST, I would suggest making friends with the cli.  Much simpler21:25
elmikonope, i've been using the little shell-fu script you shared with me, and i made sure to set $TENANT_ID and $AUTH_TOKEN21:25
elmikook, i'll start to examine the cli. is it best to just restart everything at this point?21:26
tmckaywell, I'd be tempted.  First I would try something simple, like a GET of jobs or something.  To see if everything fails.21:27
elmikoi got back into the admin console in horizon by signing out and then back in21:28
elmikoi can see all my stuff up to the cluster-template, but no cluster21:28
elmikooooh crazy, the console for horizon is complaining about all sorts of Broken Pipe errors21:29
openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Renamed 'idh' integration tests to 'idh2'
tmckayelmiko, that sounds bad.  I would and shut everything down and restart21:30
tmckaydog just walked in with a beachball21:30
elmikotake off and nuke the site from orbit?21:30
elmikolol, big dog?21:31
tmckaymedium size dog, smallish beachball21:31
elmikowe have a great dane, so i have to ask :)21:31
tmckayoh, yeah, that's big21:31
tmckayThis one's about 50lbs21:31
elmikoours is 110lbs which is actually small for a dane21:32
elmikowould i use nova or keystone to get a cluster template list?21:33
tmckayneither, that's a sahara entity21:34
elmikoahh, ok21:34
elmikoi think i hosed my auth somehow, i can't even do a get on $SAHARA_URL/clusters at this point21:34
tmckaywell, if you want to do forensics as a learning opportunity, you can go poke around in /opt/stack/logs/screen21:35
tmckayYou might find something in there21:35
elmikook, i'll check it out21:35
elmikoi just did a 'keystone token-get' and my token has changed, is it possible i timed out?21:35
tmckaydog looks a lot like this.  We don't know what he is, but definitely dalmation and something.21:35
tmckayelmiko, possible I suppose21:35
tmckayactually, that could be him21:36
elmikoaww, cute :)21:36
elmiko ours21:38
elmikook, resetting the token got me back into the rest api21:40
elmikomy cluster is setting up21:40
elmikolol, and yea my cpu's are crankin now21:41
tmckaymy stacks are usually not up that long, commuting back and forth, so I don't think I have tokens expire21:41
elmikoand i'm gong back and forth between the command line and online docs, so i might have waited too long from when i first created the auth token21:42
elmikonow in the sahara->clusters page my cluster's status is "waiting", is it waiting for work or something else?21:43
tmckaywaiting for the instance.  So, if you go to the "admin" tab and look at instances, you'll see them21:44
tmckayThey're probably still building or spawning21:45
elmikosays they are active and running21:45
tmckayIf you watch the screen output from you're sahara terminal, you'll see sahara trying to contact those machines.  Eventually it will be able to log in, and then it will run shell commands to configure them21:45
tmckayokay, you should almost be there21:46
elmikoand then do i ssh in to the master node?21:46
tmckayWell, you don't have to, but you can.21:47
elmikocool, it let me in!21:47
tmckayThat's where you can mess around with oozie from the command line21:47
elmikosays there were 3 failed logins, i wonder if sahara is having trouble getting in21:47
tmckayAlright, you need to ssh with the keyfile that you supplied for the keypair21:47
tmckaysomething like "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa ubuntu@" whatever address your master has21:48
tmckaythat's for an ubuntu image21:48
tmckay"fedora" for fedora21:49
tmckayand of course the right key file21:49
elmikodone and done, it let me in to the command line21:49
elmikohorizon says the cluster is "starting"21:49
tmckayyeah, it's configuring21:49
tmckayon these images, you have sudo21:49
tmckayso you can do anything21:50
elmikodoes it normally take awhile for the cluster to be ready?21:50
elmikook, i'll be patient21:50
tmckaystarting is a good sign21:50
* elmiko paces back and forth21:50
elmikonice, cluster is active21:52
tmckayokay, now you can try to run a job.  So you need data and binaries, and then you need to wrap a job around it21:53
tmckayNot sure how thorough the UI doc is...21:53
elmikoi'm running a 'hadoop jar hadoop-examples-1.2.1.jar pi 10 100'21:54
elmikoseems to be doing "something"21:54
elmikoi basically followed the instruction on the quickstart guide21:55
tmckayelmiko, cool, you running that from the command line on the node?  Or from savanna?21:56
elmikotmckay, command line from the master node21:56
elmikoconsidering i ran it through the node cli, will the job appear in horizon/sahara?21:57
elmikonice, it worked21:59
elmikoboy, all that and it rounded pi to the 3rd decimal place... ;)22:00
tmckayno, you won't see it in Oozie or savanna.22:01
tmckayIf you look in the sahara-extra project under the edp examples, there is a wordcount job in there and instructions on running it from oozie on the node22:01
elmikook, thanks22:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Fixed typo in rollback function description
elmikoi take it i should also become more familiar with python-saharaclient as well at this point22:02
tmckaySo you have 3 choices to run a job -- hadoop cli, oozie cli (which requires a workflow.xml and a job properties) file, and savanna which wraps oozie (which wraps hadoop)22:02
elmikothanks again for the help, i've got a lot of reading to do here lol22:03
elmikowhen i it will delete all the clusters/nodes ?22:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Cleanup openstack-common.conf
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Swap the saharaclient and savannaclient directories
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change packaging references to python-saharaclient
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Change internal variables and classes to 'sahara'
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add cli integration test
tmckaymore compat dancing22:25
* tmckay waits for results22:26
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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Renamed 'idh' integration tests to 'idh2'
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