Thursday, 2014-05-01

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openstackgerritTalusani Mani Shanker proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Replaced the word components with component(s)
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-saharaclient: Updated from global requirements
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tellesnobregahi, i was finally able to get machines working with sahara, but the cluster is in waiting state, how long normally it takes to start the cluster?12:30
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mattftellesnobrega, depending on size, give it 10-15 min for hdp plugin and 5 for vanilla12:35
mattfless if you're using a pre-populated image for hdp12:36
tellesnobregamattf: im using ubuntu 13.03 vanilla image12:36
mattfhow big is the cluster?12:36
tellesnobregajust two instances12:36
tellesnobregathe instances are up12:37
tellesnobregai can connect to the via controller using fixed ips12:38
mattfdoes sahara see the management ips for the instances? (click on the cluster in horizon to see the instance list)12:39
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tellesnobregamanagement ip is blank12:40
tellesnobregadoes this management ip need to be a floating ip? or can it be a fixed_ip?12:41
mattfthat's what sahara-api is waiting for12:41
mattfit can be either12:41
mattfargh, went to check something in my install and / is full again12:42
* mattf goes and disables ceilometer again12:43
tellesnobregamattf: my setup is the following. We have a openstack cloud here. In this cloud i have one vm. In this machine i'm starting a devstack with sahara, so im using only private ips to make it work. I'm struggling with this for a couple days and haven't been able to run a job. I would like to run a wordcount just to see it working12:44
mattfcentos or ubuntu vm?12:45
mattfis sahara configured w/ use_floating_ips = true or false?12:47
mattfis your cloud using neutron or nova-networking?12:48
tellesnobregathe cloud is using neutron12:51
tellesnobregabut in using nova-network im my devstack12:51
mattfand is your devstack install configured to use keystone/nova/glance from the cloud?12:51
mattfoh, hmm12:52
tellesnobregaand use_floating_ips is empty in sahara.conf12:52
mattfso you're trying to run devstack completely in the vm, hmmm12:52
tellesnobregamy devstack start all services12:52
mattfthat's basically nested vms12:52
mattfi prefer the setup where your vm just runs horizon w/ sahara app + sahara-api12:53
mattfand sahara-api is configured to use the resources of the surrounding cloud12:53
tellesnobregado you have a local.conf that i can use to set up like you said12:54
mattfcredentials for a service account in the surrounding cloud is necessary, and is provided to sahara-api via the os_admin_user/pass config12:54
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mattfchad did a similar setup for us, and it worked like a charm12:55
mattfspeak of the devil12:55
mattfi'd be wary of nesting openstack w/i openstack12:56
mattfi'd be -> i am12:56
crobertsrhGood morning.12:56
tellesnobregagood morning12:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Updates package installs for HDP images
mattftellesnobrega, maybe a shortcut tho, you need use_floating_ips=false, it defaults to true. so sahara-api is probably waiting for them to show up.12:58
tellesnobregamattf: i will try that12:59
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mattfugh, gerrit is uber slow for me today13:09
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tellesnobregamattf: it worked13:48
mattfis it crazy slow?13:49
tellesnobregahaven't tried running anything yet13:50
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Updated from global requirements
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tellesnobregamattf: i want to run a wordcount job using my cluster, so i just need to upload the binary for the wordcount with map and reduce together? or do they need to be apart some how?14:32
crobertsrhtellesnobrega:  I think it is possible for map and reduce to be separate.  tmckay can say for sure.14:35
tmckaytellesnobregra, they don't *need* to be separate, but I think they could be.  As long as all the jars are specified in the "lib" config, and you set the mapred.mapper.class and mapred.reducer.class configs correctly, it should work either way14:37
tmckaytellesnobrega, my sample Wordcount in sahara-extra has the mapper/reducer in the same .java file14:37
tmckayor "mapreduce.mapper.class", etc.  Depending on which api version you are using.   I forget which one is newer...14:38
tmckaytellesnobrega, have you seen the WordCount example in sahara-extra?  There is a readme there that might help you.14:39
tellesnobregatmckay: i will do that now14:39
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add cli cluster creation and teardown test
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add EDP jobs to cli integration tests
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tellesnobregatmckay: i'm trying to enter one of the machines in my sahara cluster using this ssh -i sahara-keypair.pem ubuntu@, but i'm getting access denied, i've changed the key permissions to 400 but im still getting the error16:05
elmikotellesnobrega: i've had trouble with the .pem files generated by the ui. i usually create a keypair with ssh-keygen and then import it instead of creating a new keypair.16:11
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tellesnobregaelmiko: hmm, thanks16:11
tellesnobregaim trying to compile edp-wordcount16:11
elmikothat definitely sounds like a tmckay related question16:13
tmckaytellesnobrega, yeah, I always use a public key file for a keypair16:14
tmckayhaven't tried pem16:14
tellesnobregatmckay: thanks16:14
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bob_nettletonelmiko, Hi, have you run into any problems with generating CentOS images lately?  Yesterday, I pulled down the latest, and tried generating the HDP images without specifying a separate DIB repo, and this seems to be failing.  I've also tried to generate one of the vanilla provider's CentOS images, which also appears to fail.  I think there might be a new DIB bug here, but was curious to see if you've noticed this as well.16:20
tellesnobregatmckay: i created a new .key file, copied the content to sahara and started a new cluster, still got the same error, Permission denied (publickey)16:28
crobertsrhPermissions 0600?16:29
crobertsrhwhere did you get your .pem from?16:30
tmckaytellesnobrega, that is what I use to add my public key file to sahara: nova keypair-add keypair0 --pub-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub16:31
tellesnobregai will try that16:32
tmckaythen of course you have to select keypair0 when you launch the cluster16:33
tmckayssh -i ~/.ssh/ ubuntu@ is my login, using an ubuntu image16:33
tellesnobregatmckay: ok, i will try that16:37
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elmikobob_nettleton: hey, i generated an image with -p hdp -v 2 just a few days ago, but i will try again16:47
elmikobob_nettleton: i had to modify my dib repo though. i'll give it a try from a fresh pull.16:47
tellesnobregatmckay: permissions should be 400?16:48
elmikotellesnobrega: when you ssh, i use the private(non .pub) for the -i option16:49
tmckayI've got 600, but I don't see why 400 wouldn't work16:49
tmckayelmiko, the difference may be the "--pub-key" that I use to set the keypair16:49
elmikocould be16:49
tellesnobregaelmiko: i tried ssh -i ~/.ssh/ ubuntu@ and got Permission denied (publickey), also tried with id_rsa and still the same thing16:51
elmikotellesnobrega: here's my work flow. create a key with `ssh -t rsa -f cloud_key`. import a key from horizon, pasting the into the key section. start everything. then `ssh -i cloud_key <user>@<instance ip>.16:51
tellesnobregaelmiko: i've done that, i have no idea why its not working16:51
tellesnobregai will give it another try16:51
elmikodid you try root user instead of ubuntu?16:52
elmikoi sometimes do that just to verify things16:52
tellesnobregaelmiko: i was able to connect using ec2-user16:55
elmikois that a centos image?16:56
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bob_nettletonelmiko, thanks, I think some recent changes may have broken CentOS image generation.  I can still workaround this with an older DIB repo, but just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one seeing this.  :)16:57
elmikobob_nettleton: i'm doing a rebuild now, i'll let you know if about 5-10 minutes how it goes16:58
tellesnobregatmckay: do you compile the edp-example in one of the cluster machines?17:04
tellesnobregaor locally and upload it via sahara ui?17:04
tellesnobregaelmiko: no, im using ubuntu 13.0417:09
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tellesnobregai have no idea why it asked for ec2-user17:09
elmikotellesnobrega: cool, i was just curious because i've seen that user cropping up in the centos images too17:09
tellesnobregain the cluster configuration i used ubuntu, and it works, the log shows that its connected17:09
elmikotellesnobrega: i don't know either, in the past the cloud-user was created, i'm not sure where ec2-user comes from.17:09
tellesnobregaelmiko: yeah17:10
elmikotellesnobrega: nice, glad to got it running17:10
tellesnobregaelmiko: thanks17:10
elmikobob_nettleton: i just ran `sudo diskimage-create -p hdp -v 2` on my fedora 20 machine with selinux in permissive mode against the trunk of sahara-image-elements and it created an image for me. no errors.17:11
tmckaytellesnobrega, I originally compiled the edp-jar on an ubuntu worker I launched from Sahara, then installed jdk 1.6 manually17:11
tmckaytellesnobrega, however17:11
tmckayI use that exact edp-java.jar in the edp-examples/edp-wordcount in the sahara integration tests, uploaded as a job binary.  For both 1.2.1, and 2.3.0 (vanilla)17:12
tmckaytellesnobrega, so I would be surprised if you could not just use that edp-java.jar17:12
tellesnobregatmckay: i didn't see the compiled one17:15
tellesnobregamy bad17:15
tmckayI think it's in the "libs" dir17:15
bob_nettletonelmiko, ok, thanks for trying that out.  I'm using CentOS with selinux turned off, and the trunk fails for me.  I'll have to debug this further.  are you pointing to a separate diskimage-builder repo, or are you using the latest?17:17
elmikobob_nettleton: i'm using the default dib repo, whatever sahara-image-elements is using. i could fire up my rhel6.5 box and give it a try there if you want another data point17:18
bob_nettletonelmiko, thanks for the info.  don't worry about trying it on RHEL.  I've been looking through the latest DIB commits, and I think some recent changes are causing this. Not sure why I'm seeing this on CentOS, but I'll dig into it at some point in the future.  thanks again!17:22
elmikobob_nettleton: no prob, glad to help17:22
tmckaycrobertsrh, played more with ideas from yesterday, with modified sahara validation on hdfs path.  Without "hdfs://" on the front of a path, hadoop will interpret "mypath" as "hdfs://namenode:port/user/currentuser/mypath" where in our case current user is "hadoop" (unless I assume you hack around). And ...17:34
tmckay"/mypath" will be interpreted as "hdfs://namenode:port/mypath"17:35
tmckayso, you can have a path relative to the user, or an absolute path from the tip of hdfs17:36
tmckaycrobertsrh, if you do supply hdfs://, you also have to supply hostinfo17:36
tmckayI changed the sahara validation to check scheme/host only if scheme is not "" in the urlparse.  All we need is relaxation in the UI :)  Wondering if you can put the "hdfs" in the text box, prepopulated, instead of next to it.  So someone can backspace over it.17:37
tmckaycrobertsrh, note, this is all true for Hive ^^, I'm sure it's true for Pig/MapReduce/Java too but I'll verify17:38
* tmckay suspects crobertsrh is eating lunch17:39
tellesnobregatmckay: to run,  i just add the edp-java.jar as job binary, create a job mapreduce and select the edp-java.jar as lib?17:39
tmckaytellesnobrega, actually, that edp-java.jar is set up to run as a Java action17:39
tellesnobregatmckay: hum17:40
tmckayso, you want the Java job type17:40
elmikohuh, looks like devstack comes with a default fedora image in the demo tenant17:40
tmckaytellesnobrega, it's because it has its own main()17:40
tellesnobregatmckay: i see17:41
tmckaytellesnobrega, actually, it might run as a MapReduce job too, now that I think of it.  I never tried :)17:41
tmckayThe classes are there17:41
tellesnobregatmckay: i tried and got killed state17:42
tellesnobregadont really know what happened, im gonna look it up17:42
tmckaytellesnobrega, yes, you can get there through the oozie logs, or lately I've been having a lot of success with "/mnt/log/hadoop/hadoop/userlogs" on the worker where it ran17:43
tellesnobregatmckay: thanks, i will take a look17:43
tmckaytellesnobrega, I am currently thinking about EDP usability, we'll talk about it at Summit, too, so any thoughts you have from your experiences are more than welcome17:46
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tellesnobregatmckay: ok17:49
tmckay(crobertrsh, by the way, for those earlier tests I used the CLI to create the data source since the UI was in my way ;-))17:51
tellesnobregatmckay: i tried running the java action and got this output
tmckayhmm, that's a new one17:58
tmckayI've never seen that before17:58
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tmckaytellesnobrega, looks like somehow the upload to hdfs failed for the edp-java.jar, but beyond that I'm unsure18:01
tmckaycrobertsrh, hey, did you see all that junk I posted earlier, about hdfs paths?18:02
crobertsrhYeah, just saw it...back from lunch18:02
tellesnobregatmckay: thanks18:02
crobertsrhRemoving the forced hdfs:// is certainly workable18:03
tmckaytellesnobrega, if it's reproducible, we should make a bug and track it down18:03
tellesnobregai will start a new configuration and run it again18:04
tmckaycrobertrsh, verifying with Pig, just to make sure.  Looks like the same behavior (as you'd expect)18:04
tmckayassuming hadoop 2.3.0 is the same, but I should also try there18:04
crobertsrhshould be the same, but yes, worth a test18:05
crobertsrhNo meeting today?18:05
tmckaycrobertsrh, I don't think there is a corresponding change for swift.  There is no fancy path handling for swift, what you see is what you get18:05
* tmckay checks sahara list18:06
crobertsrhIt should be fairly simple to tweak the UI to handle that.  Slightly more than what you'd expect, but very workable.18:06
crobertsrhI really should sub-filter the os-dev list emails :)18:06
tellesnobregatmckay: also tried the pig job in the example and got killed18:07
tmckayaignatov, SergeyLukjanov, no meeting today, because of travels maybe?18:07
elmikoyea SergeyLukjanov sent an email18:08
tmckaytellesnobrega, that is sad.  I just ran that, 1 minute ago.  I wonder what's different18:08
tellesnobregatmckay: what image are you using?18:09
tmckaysavanna-0.3-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.04.qcow2, older copy of what should be on the Sahara pages18:09
tmckayelmiko, where's that image page I pasted for you again? :)  The one with the targets for wget18:12
elmikolet me see if i can dig it up18:12
tmckayI can't find, lol18:12
tellesnobregaim using
tellesnobregaelmiko: i downloaded from here
elmikothat looks like the link tmckay shared wit hme18:13
tmckaytellesnobrega, yes, I've used that one too18:13
tellesnobregatmckay: weird, i just did a swift list and got empty response, but in horizon shows it18:16
elmikotellesnobrega: different tenants maybe?18:17
tmckayelmiko, didn't you have some trouble with v2/v3 auth tokens and urls?18:17
tmckayalthough, different tenants sounds more likely in this case18:17
elmikoif you sourced the keystone_admin_rc thingie, it will make the command line sutff use admin tenant, double check your tenant in horizon it might be demo18:18
tellesnobregaelmiko: found it18:18
elmikotmckay: i did, but that was something else18:18
elmikotellesnobrega: check the --help for those cli apps too, you can usually specify the tenant/user/passwd with different options18:19
tellesnobregaelmiko: yeah. that is what i did18:20
tellesnobregatmckay: i'm trying again, just setting up a new cluster18:24
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tmckayhmmm, so hive is installed on my 2.3.0 image, and it looks like I can probably start hiveserver by hand, but the vanilla 2.3.0 plugin has no trace of supporting hive through Sahara19:15
tmckaybut 1.2.1 does19:16
tmckayI wonder why that is19:16
elmikoapi differences maybe?19:18
tmckaymaybe.  I wonder if it's just been forgotten.  I should check blueprints19:19
tmckaynot much going on there19:20
elmikolol, you ain't kidding19:20
tmckaysreshetnyak, ping, what is the status of hive on vanilla 2?  Anything happening there?19:21
tellesnobregatmckay: ran again, the job is still getting killed19:37
tmckaytellesnobrega, okay, this is 1.2.1?  Does it actually say "KILLED" in the Oozie console?19:40
tellesnobregatmckay: i can't access oozie console via UI, because i dont have a floating ip19:40
tellesnobregabut thats is the message that i get in horizon19:40
tmckaytellesnobrega, okay, there is a different way, probably.  1.2.1, right?19:42
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tmckaytellesnobrega, okay, we may be able to get some info out of the oozie cli, or from /mnt/log/hadoop/hadoop on the worker node.  How many workers in your cluster? (one makes it easy :) )19:49
tmckay /opt/oozie/bin/oozie jobs -oozie
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tellesnobregai was trying four, i will make 1 worker and 1 master19:50
tmckayThat will give you the top level oozie log.  The URL is the master, oozie port is always 11000 I think19:50
tmckaywell, we can probably still find it19:50
tellesnobregai had stopped it earlier :(19:51
tmckay:)  okay19:51
tellesnobregai will start now and run, and i get back to you19:51
tmckay/opt/oozie/bin/oozie job -oozie -info 0000015-140429154218903-oozie-hado-W19:52
tmckaytellesnobrega, for instance, ^^ this *might* give you an error string19:53
tmckaysometimes the actual error is hidden from Oozie19:53
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tmckaycrobertsrh, fyi,
crobertsrhprobably won't get to it until after the merge is merged19:59
elmikotmckay: you should just attach the patch as a file then no formatting flubs20:01
tmckayyeah, I thought of that after20:02
tmckayI'll just submit the CR20:02
elmikoCaptain Hindsight20:02
tmckayI figure this is a usability tweak.  If I'm using a long running cluster, and I have my stuff in hdfs, I don't want to have to paste in my host:port.  And, for that matter, if I save my data sources in Sahara, and use them on other clusters in the future, they won't be re-usable if the host/port *are* pasted in there (assuming the original cluster is gone)20:03
elmikomakes sense20:04
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tmckaycame up because I actually tried to use hive on 1.2.1, which doesn't support swift, and I started experimenting with hdfs20:04
elmikogood find20:05
tmckayelmiko, one thing I hate about launchpad is there is no "delete comment" button.  There is a "hide" but I don't know what it does.  Hide it from everyone, or just some people?20:06
tmckayno "edit" comment that I can find, either20:06
elmikoyea, i'm not sure what's up with that. i guess they don't want people to be able to adjust history.20:07
SergeyLukjanovfolks, I'm preparing for traveling and traveling20:13
SergeyLukjanovwill be completely available at monday in pst timezone20:13
SergeyLukjanov(I'll be in CA before summit)20:13
elmikohave a good trip :)20:14
SergeyLukjanovmattf, tmckay, elmiko, ErikB, ^^20:14
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, thx :)20:14
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, okay, have fun!  I'll be right *here* :)20:15
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Allow HDFS data source paths without the hdfs:// scheme
SergeyLukjanovtmckay :)20:26
mattfSergeyLukjanov, safe and enjoyable travels!20:33
SergeyLukjanovmattf, thx!20:33
SergeyLukjanovmattf, it'll be just 3 flights including to moscow, amsterdam and san francisco ;)20:33
ManishankerSergeyLukjanov  , Happy journey :)20:35
tellesnobregatmckay: we can work now20:47
tellesnobregatried again and got Killed again20:47
tellesnobrega/opt/oozie/bin/oozie jobs -oozie, this should be ran in the master node right?20:48
tmckayIt might show us something20:49
tmckaytellesnobrega, actually, you can right it anywhere on the cluster20:49
tmckayrun it20:49
tmckayas long as you have the oozie server host ip right20:49
tmckayFor the Java job, it might tell us something.  For pig, I doubt it :)20:50
tellesnobregaJob ID                                   App Name     Status    User      Group     Started                 Ended20:50
tellesnobrega0000000-140501202031760-oozie-hado-W     job-wf       KILLED    hadoop    -         2014-05-01 20:30 GMT    2014-05-01 20:31 GMT20:51
tmckayso try this one20:51
tmckay/opt/oozie/bin/oozie job -oozie -info 0000015-140429154218903-oozie-hado-W20:51
tmckaywhere you paste your id in at the end20:51
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tmckayk, not going to help.  Next ...20:57
tmckaycd /mnt/log/hadoop/hadoop/userlogs/20:57
tmckaysudo su hadoop20:57
tmckaycd job_whatever20:58
tmckayls -l attempt*/20:58
tmckaylook for the one that has a non-zero stderr20:58
tmckayThe stderr and stdout in that dir should have something helpful about what went wrong20:59
tellesnobregatmckay: i just found out that the part where i should define input and output is missing21:00
tellesnobregabut just for this run21:00
tellesnobregait was there before21:00
tmckaytellesnobrega, okay, try again.  The above ^^ approach should help -- I've found a bunch of things this way when I can't get to the oozie web ui logs21:00
tellesnobregai will look it up tomorrow21:01
tellesnobregai gotta go now21:01
tmckayok, talk to you tomorrow!21:01
tellesnobregasorry for bottering you too much today21:01
tmckaynp, don't mind at all21:01
tmckaywe need users that can run stuff :)21:02
tellesnobregatmckay: i want to do a little more :P21:02
tmckayhave to start somewhere21:02
tellesnobregayeah, of course21:02
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tmckayokay, I think I'm out too21:03
elmikog'night tmckay21:04
tmckaysee ya elmiko21:04
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