Friday, 2014-05-02

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Allow HDFS data source paths without the hdfs:// scheme
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Imported Translations from Transifex
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tellesnobregatmckay: hi, im back16:06
tellesnobregai tried to find the userlogs but it doesnt exists16:07
tellesnobregathe only logs i found stated sucess on the job16:07
tellesnobregamaybe the worker has more info16:07
tellesnobregai was looking in the master node16:07
tmckayhmm, I haven't seen a case where /mnt/log/hadoop/hadoop/userlogs doesn't exist on the worker in 1.2.116:08
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tmckaytellesnobrega, oh, try the worker16:11
tmckaymine looks like this (from this morning)16:11
tmckayls -l16:11
tmckaytotal 2416:11
tmckaydrwx--x--- 2 hadoop hadoop 4096 May  2 15:13 job_201405021509_000116:11
tmckaydrwx--x--- 2 hadoop hadoop 4096 May  2 15:15 job_201405021509_000316:11
tmckaydrwx--x--- 2 hadoop hadoop 4096 May  2 15:15 job_201405021509_000416:11
tellesnobregafound it16:12
tmckayokay great16:12
tmckaytellesnobrega, so there should be a job (or jobs) there, and other each job some attempts.  On a failed job, one of the attempts should have a non-zero stderr and maybe a stdout16:13
tmckayother -> under16:13
tellesnobregathis is the log.index stdout:0 -116:15
tellesnobregastderr:0 -116:15
tellesnobregasyslog:0 -116:15
tellesnobregastdout is empty and also stderr16:15
tellesnobregathe only file that has info is the syslog16:16
tmckayhmm, okay, anything interesting in the syslog?16:17
tellesnobreganot much
tellesnobregafound something here16:19
tellesnobregaon the other job16:19
tellesnobregaFailing Oozie Launcher, Main class [org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.MapReduceMain], main() threw exception, Invalid swift hostname 'null': hostname must in form container.service org.apache.hadoop.fs.swift.exceptions.SwiftConfigurationException: Invalid swift hostname 'null': hostname must in form container.service16:20
tmckayokay, that's promising.16:20
tmckaywe need the command from yesterday that lists the oozie jobs16:21
* tmckay is reconstructing on current node16:22
tellesnobregai found more info in the stdout16:23
tmckay/opt/oozie/bin/oozie jobs -oozie so something like this16:24
tmckayThen this with the ID of the failed job, which will show the workflow.xml that was used:16:25
tmckay/opt/oozie/bin/oozie job -oozie -definition 0000003-140502151059962-oozie-hado-W16:25
tmckayI'm guessing maybe your swift path does not have ".sahara" in it16:26
tmckaywhere "me" is the container, and somepath is the object16:27
tellesnobregait doesn't16:27
tmckaymmm, sahara should check this in the validation, maybe.16:27
tellesnobregai created just demo16:27
tellesnobregafor example16:27
tellesnobregai will try running with demo.sahara swift16:27
tmckaySo, hadoop has been fixed up to pull the ".sahara" string out and match it against the fs.swift.service.sahara.xxxx configs to find user/password16:28
tmckayit could be anything, doesn't have to be ".sahara", but they all have to match, and Sahara is expecting ".sahara" when it makes the user/passw configs16:28
tmckaytellesnobrega, I'll look to see if there is validation for this, if not, it should raise an error when the data source is created16:29
tmckaythat would have saved you the mystery16:29
tmckayyeah, it's not checking -- I just made one.  That's an oversight, .sahara should be required on swift data sources16:30
tmckay(not on binaries, though)16:30
tmckaythat's because the binaries are accessed on the Sahara side, not from hadoop at runtime16:31
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tellesnobregawiat im confused, it must or not have the .sahara name?16:32
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tmckaytellesnobrega, so we have swift paths used in 2 different ways16:33
tmckay1) data sources16:33
tmckay2) job binaries16:33
tmckayfor data sources, swift paths must be of the form "swift://container.sahara/object"16:33
tmckayfor job binaries it's just "swift://container/object"16:34
tellesnobregai got it16:34
tmckaytellesnobrega, note that is just "sugar".  In your actual swift, your data source will still be "swift://container/object"16:34
tmckayI don't like it :)16:34
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tellesnobregaso if i have a container named demo, when i create data source the path i should pass is demo.sahara/input, is that it?16:35
tellesnobregatmckay: thats weird16:36
tmckaytellesnobrega, yeah, we should revisit that, I think.  It was a way to let hadoop map paths to configs that hold credentials.16:37
tmckayit involves changes in the hadoop jars, too16:37
tmckayI'm not familiar with all the issues, I didn't work on it but maybe we can make something better16:38
tellesnobregatmckay: thanks for the help, it worked  now :D16:53
tmckaytellesnobrega, you're welcome, thanks for finding the bug!
tmckaygoing to patch this right now16:54
tmckayit's a nasty one16:54
tellesnobregatmckay: cool16:54
tmckaydoesn't make new users feel loved ;-)16:54
tellesnobregatmckay: thanks again. Maybe we get to talk in atlanta, and I can try to explain my ideas for sahara17:00
tmckaytellesnobrega, absolutely, we've got some design sessions Thursday afternoon and Friday morning17:01
tellesnobregatmckay: i've already added to my schedule17:01
tmckayI think we can improve EDP17:01
tellesnobregatmckay: certainly.17:05
tellesnobregatmckay: i think that having edp pluggable is needed, at least for what i'm thinking. i would love to have sahara processing streams17:06
tmckaytellesnobrega, yes.  I've been thinking too that we need to review and make sure that "Oozie-ness" has not seeped through too much.  We need to be more general than that.  Maybe we have a deeper hierarchy of job types, depending on the facility to used to run them.  "Oozie jobs (Java, MapReduce, Pig, etc)" okay these can be oozie-like in configs, etc.  But maybe Spark, or something else, should have its own abstractions.17:08
tmckayData Source, Job Binary, Job, okay -- those are general17:08
tmckaywe developed initial EDP pretty rapidly, now it's time for review and rework, I think17:09
tellesnobregahmm, i will try to understand the code better by the summit, so i can try and help with some improvements17:12
tmckaygreat, thanks17:17
tmckayas always, it takes a while using something to see how it can be made better17:26
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Improve validation for swift data source URLs
tellesnobregatmckay: i think you missed a t in swift in the tests18:24
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tellesnobregai was going to review it, but i think you already fixed it right?18:32
tmckaytellesnobrega, one is on purpose, the others are copy/paste18:34
tmckayyes, I'm about to fix it18:35
tellesnobregaok, i won't -1 there18:35
tellesnobregai will wait for the fixed patch18:35
tmckayfor some reason, it's easier to see on the UI than with git diff18:35
tellesnobregai get that18:41
tellesnobregatmckay: to run the wordcount job as java action. It doesn't show the input and output path when starting the job. how can i pass the path to swift18:45
tellesnobregajust swift://demo.sahara/input as argument?18:46
tellesnobregaand the same for output?18:46
tmckaytellesnobrega, Java actions are a little different, there is no input/output required, so yes, you pass arguments18:46
tellesnobregathe main classe is WordCount or WordCount.class?18:47
tellesnobregaand java opt is there any?18:47
tmckaytellesnobrega, also, you have to add fs.swift.service.sahara.username and fs.swift.service.sahara.password as config params18:47
tellesnobregatmckay: i will look for some bugs in sahara, this weekend so i can start messing around a little with the code18:49
tmckaymain class should be "org.openstack.sahara.examples.WordCount" assuming you've got the latest jar18:49
tellesnobregaif you have any suggestions would be good18:49
tmckaysuggestions for bugs?18:50
tmckay(no java opts that are required)18:51
tmckaywell, you can look at what is open in launchpad18:51
tellesnobregaok, that was going for18:51
tellesnobregai will try to have something fixed18:51
tmckaytellesnobrega, there's one that I can think of18:53
tmckaysome of the other stuff there looks complicated18:53
tmckaywhen you launch a job, sometimes the connection to Oozie fails before the job is delivered18:53
tmckaythis happens in job_manager.py18:53
tmckayrun_job needs an exception handler, I think, to catch the case where the job never makes it to Oozie18:54
tmckayit stays Pending forever18:54
tellesnobregai see18:54
tellesnobregasounds pretty easy18:54
tellesnobregado you have the link for the bug?18:54
tmckayIt's a subcase of, the exception handler would be a partial fix.18:55
tmckayBut not a complete fix.  I have seen it fail in that particular spot more than once18:55
tellesnobregai will take a look this weekend if i have the chance18:57
tellesnobregai gotta go now. Have a nice weekend. thanks again for the help18:57
tmckaytellesnobrega, oh, see my comment #1018:57
tmckayk, bye!18:57
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Improve validation for swift data source URLs
crobertsrhAnyone have experience with using mysql for sahara?19:07
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara-extra: Change class name in example workflow
tmckaycrobertsrh, still haven't used it19:17
crobertsrhOk.  I've got a puppet module *mostly* working with my foreman-based openstack installation (It's pretty neat).  Hopefully, my last sticking point is getting the database access straightened out.19:18
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crobertsrhSomething unexpected with sahara-db-manage.....20:43
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crobertsrhAny ideas why sahara-db-manage current fails to produce anything useful?20:43
crobertsrh4:44 on Friday is probably a poor time for such a question :)20:44
dmitrymecrobertsrh: hello! Did you call20:45
dmitrymesahara-db-manage upgrade head20:45
crobertsrhbah, that's it :)20:46
crobertsrhmy memory betrayed me.  Thanks20:46
crobertsrhany chance you know about the puppet module?20:46
dmitrymeIf it is sahara-puppet then nope20:47
crobertsrhYeah.  I'm working on updating it for RHEL (and making it sahara rather than savanna)20:47
crobertsrh"nope" is probably a good answer :)20:48
aignatovcrobertsrh: hi, not sure what you are looking for in puppet module but here is a puppet stuff for Sahara in Fuel library20:49
crobertsrhaignatov:  Thanks.  That might save me some work (or might just let me throw away what work I've done!)20:50
crobertsrhIs it worth updating puppet-sahara?20:52
crobertsrhor should the fuel stuff be a separate entity?20:52
aignatovfuel team wants someday to use only pupet-sahara20:54
aignatovbut now it’s separate20:54
crobertsrhHmm, ok.20:55
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