Tuesday, 2019-01-08

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tellesnobregatosky, hi10:36
tellesnobregamight be faster to discuss the patch here10:37
tellesnobregathanks for the review10:37
tellesnobregaI'm cleaning my local venv so I can see the errors we are seeing on the gate locally10:37
tellesnobregafunny enough10:51
tellesnobregaeven after cleaning tox10:51
tellesnobregaunit tests are all passing10:51
toskytellesnobrega: clean your .pyc files10:55
tellesnobregawill do10:56
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tellesnobregaregarding the spark errors11:05
tellesnobreganow I remember what is going on11:05
tellesnobregado you think I can move those tests to the plugin?11:05
toskyyou should :)11:07
toskyfor sure they must not live into sahara.git11:07
toskybecause they can't work there11:07
toskyof course if it makes sense to have them in the test plugin, sure11:07
toskymaybe it's not possible to submit them right now because we need the basic jobs for the plugins11:08
toskyand we can do it next week11:08
tellesnobregaI'm basically removing sahara/tests/unit/service/edp/spark folder11:09
tellesnobregaand later I will try to make it work on the spark plugin11:10
tellesnobregatosky, tests passed after deleting spark tests11:12
toskynot suprised :)11:14
toskyon a related news, the wildcards for notification are not working11:43
tellesnobregaon the plugins repo?11:43
toskyeverywhere; I switched from a list of repositories (sahara, sahara-tests, etc) to a regexp (sahara.*) but it's not working11:44
toskythe change happened in the review that drove the import11:44
tellesnobregaI see11:46
toskypinged AJeager11:47
tellesnobregawhere? openstack-infra?11:48
tellesnobregasimple malformation on the regex12:07
tellesnobregatosky, can you check the documentation patch I wrote for the ambari plugin?12:29
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toskytellesnobrega: done (basically, it was a change for -vanilla, not -ambari); I also pushed few basic changes for all 6 plugins to add .gitreview and basic jobs13:31
tellesnobregatosky, thanks I will review it now13:37
tellesnobregahow do I configure the plugins repo for release notes?13:37
toskythe basic is still there, there is a releasenotes directory, but it needs to be cleaned13:40
toskyand when it's cleaned you can probably add the releasenotes job to each .zuul.yaml13:40
tellesnobregaI will do that now13:41
tellesnobregaI'm approving all those patches right away13:43
toskyI'd suggest a unique review which fixes releasenotes, README.rst and documentation building (and re-adds the related jobs)13:43
tellesnobregawill do13:46
tellesnobregaI'm approving your patches, and writing my changes on top of that13:46
toskyI just discovered that the gerrit search accepts regexp to; so I updated my long search and shortened it using project:^openstack/sahara.*13:50
tellesnobregatosky, should I update releasenotes/source/conf.py and set project to openstack/sahara-plugin-*14:07
toskyprobably yes14:08
toskyI mean, you should notice when you test it locally with tox -e releasenotes :)14:08
tellesnobregatosky, the releasenotes jobs is this one - release-notes-jobs-python3?14:14
toskytellesnobrega: that's the template, yes14:15
tellesnobregado I need to add something else?14:16
toskytellesnobrega: you forgot the .gitreview patch for sahara-plugin-ambari, which is a bit older (I sent it last night)14:16
toskyre releasenotes: apart from that job, I don't think so14:16
toskyyou will notice when you send the patch14:16
tellesnobregaI think what might be wrong with fake plugin14:50
tellesnobregatosky, there is one unit test that checks edp without oozie, but we don't have oozie on fake14:55
tellesnobregaI can simply remove that test, but not sure how bad that is14:55
tellesnobregathere were some tests that used vanilla that I had to switch to fake, and for that I changed a validate_job_execution to get it to work14:57
tellesnobregaand it checks for oozie14:57
toskyso either remove the test or implement a fake oozie on fake?14:57
tellesnobregaif I remove the oozie check on the validate_job_execution and the test I think it will pass14:57
tellesnobregaor I can implement oozie on fake for sure14:58
toskyif you implement oozie on fake, you can send it as patch on the current sahara; it's something that will need to be done at some point anyway iirc15:00
tellesnobregaI will take a look15:01
tellesnobregatosky, the gettext file you mentioned on the review is the ones under locale?? the releasenotes.po files?15:14
tellesnobregatosky, also, when you say implement oozie on fake, is it just a fake oozie, or should we actually start oozie there? like it is done on Vanilla Plugin?15:20
toskyyes, thos po files15:31
toskyI suspect that everything in the fake plugin is fake, but I didn't check15:31
toskylike a big mock15:31
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tellesnobregatosky, can I refer to a document on sahara from sahara-plugin-ambari?16:58
toskytellesnobrega: if you use the generated documentation, so the https:// URL, it's not different from any other link16:58
tellesnobregaFor more information about building image, refer to :doc:`building-guest-images`.16:59
tellesnobregaI'm referring to this part of the documentation17:00
toskyyou can change it to an external link, like http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/sahara/commit/doc?id=39e7c2d3200b2e2895650ff28e73ee49eb4b369f17:05
toskythis feature: https://docs.openstack.org/openstackdocstheme/latest/#external-link-helper17:06
tellesnobregatosky, documentation is fixed17:14
tellesnobregacan you check the patch17:14
tellesnobregaonce you give me the OK I will write the patch to the other plugins17:15
toskytellesnobrega: but you didn't use the external link helper, it's a "normal" link17:16
toskyalso, the documentation job should be readded and probably doc/source/conf.py requires some fixes17:17
toskywell, created as new17:17
toskytellesnobrega: can I send a new version of the patch?17:29
tellesnobregatosky, sure17:31
tellesnobregagot the external link working17:32
tellesnobregabut please send the patch17:32
toskydone, please check if anything seems in order17:34
toskyI need to go out for a while, but probably you will find some new issue and upload a new patch :)17:34
toskyI reverted to numerical ID for the projects into conf.py because the parser does not seem to work with non-numerical IDs17:35
toskyso the link to the bug reporting page points to launchpad and not storyboard if it's an alphanumerical string17:35
toskyor maybe not, but now it's working17:37
toskyI also added the doc job17:37
toskyso it should be clear if it's working or not17:37
* tosky bbl17:37
tellesnobregaif it works I will copy to others as well17:38
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toskytellesnobrega: almost there (apart from -mapr)23:07

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