Wednesday, 2024-05-29

*** whoami-rajat_ is now known as whoami-rajat14:07
stephenfinM0weng[m]: Took a look at that error message: it's not keystoneclient's fault but rather the fault of '_process_identity_and_resource_options' in 'openstackclient/identity/v3/'16:25
stephenfinM0weng[m]: It's an if-else ladder and there's a missing fallthrough/else case16:26
stephenfinM0weng[m]: IMO, it would be better if we started nesting and had three cases: if user: {do stuff}; elif project: {do stuff}; else {fail}16:28
stephenfinand then another one for if system: {do stuff}; elif project: {do stuff}; elif domain; {do stuff}; else {fail}16:30
stephenfinnot sure if the else in that second one is necessary or not. I'll let you figure that out16:30
opendevreviewAntonia Gaete proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: identity: Migrate 'service' commands to SDK
opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Add support for default volume type commands

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