Tuesday, 2016-11-22

* gothicmindfood just sent the summary-of-what-we-are to the dev list01:52
gothicmindfoodpls feel free to discuss/add your thoughts there, everyone!01:52
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dims++ gothicmindfood15:05
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johnthetubaguydims: dhellmann: I have been thinking about drafting a TV vision doc, do we have anything cooking around that already?21:01
dimss/TV/TC ?21:01
johnthetubaguyreally just to kick start ideas, and rough structure21:01
johnthetubaguyheh, TC21:01
dimsnot aware of anything like that johnthetubaguy21:02
* dhellmann imagines a Twilight Zone episode about OpenStack leadership21:02
dhellmannjohnthetubaguy : I know gothicmindfood was very interested in doing something with that, but I don't know if she has started or not21:02
jroll"the real world, TC edition"21:02
dhellmannjroll : no, no, life is already too much like a reality show21:03
jrolldhellmann: the TC under one roof for 3 months would be fantastic, though :P21:03
dimsi am intrigued by the last board call blog post from markmc21:03
dhellmannthat would be one way to ensure turnover during the next election21:03
johnthetubaguydims: you got a link, I remember someone mentioning something about that21:04
dimsjohnthetubaguy ^21:04
dims"possibly face-to-face, possibly with the TC"21:04
dhellmannjohnthetubaguy : see also this email thread: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/foundation/2016-November/002433.html21:05
dimsdhellmann : spending a couple of weeks in the trenches of k8s release mgmt, gives me a fresh perspective on how good we have things here :)21:06
dhellmanndims : I'd be interested in hearing so me of those stsories21:06
dhellmanner, stories21:06
dimsyep. will share once this is over21:06
dimsthey can barely merge 40 reviews on a good day to the single kubernetes repo21:07
dimsthat's the tip of the iceberg21:07
dimsmaster is frozen solid for weeks...21:08
dimsfor cutting a release21:08
* dhellmann nods21:08
dimstoughest problem is issues management (bug reports). will share during a release meeting once we do a retrospective here21:09
dhellmannsounds good21:09
dhellmannI'd like to have the comparison. Maybe we'll identify something we want to change to anticipate issues.21:10
dimsyep dhellmann21:10
johnthetubaguyreading that, its seems folks are struggling to engage with the processes we have to discuss ideas21:11
johnthetubaguythat topic feels like a perfect topic for the joint TC and board meeting21:12
dhellmanngood point21:12
dhellmannif we do meet, we should try to limit the agenda more this time21:12
dhellmannI feel like we had to rush through a lot of the last meeting21:12
johnthetubaguyI guess I was expecting more questions from the board to the TC than we usually get21:13
dims++ dhellmann21:14
johnthetubaguyanyways, I will give some kind of vision thing a go, to kick start things21:15
johnthetubaguythat gives me a few ideas for the vision I guess21:15
johnthetubaguybut its late here, catch you all later21:16
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