Wednesday, 2016-11-23

gothicmindfooddhellmann: johnthetubaguy - TC vision was definitely on my radar as a thing I'd love to get going. I figured getting a facilitator in experienced with visions might make a lot of sense for the first one, though00:05
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johnthetubaguy<openstackgerrit>John Garbutt proposed openstack/governance: Add a draft TC vision structure
johnthetubaguy<openstackgerrit>John Garbutt proposed openstack/governance: Add a draft OpenStack technical vision
johnthetubaguySo I have uploaded the above two vision documents12:04
johnthetubaguyon purpose they are totally not complete, nor does the content correctly represent even my view of the world (yet)12:05
johnthetubaguybut the idea is to spark discussion on if folks think such documents would be useful (I think they would be), and we can discuss the best way to create/curate these documents12:05
johnthetubaguygothicmindfood: I like the idea of something in person, but I really want to see the majority of the conversation using our "usual tooling" if possible, FWIW I include the summit + PTG in the bucket of our "usual tooling"12:07
johnthetubaguyits just I think we need to get people bought into the idea and usefulness of the vision documents, so they will invest time in thinking about it, and helping write it down12:08
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