Wednesday, 2024-07-24

opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: account info: Add --sync/-s option
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Delete s3api MPU segments when expiring the manifest
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: DNM expirer: new options to control task iteration
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Configurable expiring_objects_task_container_per_day
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: refactor: remove iter_task_accounts_to_expire
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Parallel distirbuted task container iteration
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Parallel distirbuted task container iteration
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Parallel distributed task container iteration
acolestimburke: need to skip meeting (again, sorry) - got family visiting16:40
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Implement context manager protocol for logging mutexes
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Pass timeout as kwarg
timburkeacoles, no worries -- thanks for the reviews on those first few py313 patches!16:57
kotagood morning20:54
timburke#startmeeting swift21:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul 24 21:00:02 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is timburke. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'swift'21:00
timburkewho's here for the swift meeting?21:00
timburkeas usual, the agenda's at21:01
timburkeand i even remembered to update it this week ;-)21:01
timburkefirst up21:01
timburke#topic pkg_resources warnings21:02
timburkethere's been a good bit of progress! p 922151 p 922870 and p 922871 all merged21:02
patch-bot - swift - Use entry_points for a bunch more executables (MERGED) - 5 patch sets21:02
patch-bot - swift - Use entry_points for swift-init (MERGED) - 2 patch sets21:02
patch-bot - swift - Pull swift-dispersion-populate to its own module (MERGED) - 2 patch sets21:02
timburkethanks for the reviews mattoliver, zaitcev, clayg!21:03
timburkenext in the chain is21:03
patch-botpatch 922872 - swift - Pull swift-*-info scripts into - 3 patch sets21:03
timburkeand then to complete the entry_point transition21:03
patch-botpatch 924776 - swift - Move remaining bin scripts to cli modules - 3 patch sets21:03
mattoliverI worked my way up the chain yesterday. 21:04
timburkeon top of that i've now got p 924795 to remove all of bin/ -- but i'm a little torn21:04
patch-bot - swift - Remove legacy bin/ scripts - 2 patch sets21:04
mattoliverWhat was the plan with the last one, yeah that one?21:04
mattoliverdo we rip the bandaid or support them for a few releases?21:05
timburkeyeah, so -- i'm of two minds. on the one hand, we've had at least one case of people relying on them existing (though they switched to using the actual installed script)21:06
timburkeon the other, i don't really *want* to have them any longer than necessary. if the contract is "pip install swift leaves me with executables on my PATH", all those patches preserve it21:07
timburkeand using bin scripts directly from a swift checkout seems very much a developer workflow, not something we'd expect operators to be doing21:08
timburkewhat're everyone else's thoughts about it?21:09
mattoliverwell devs can now just point to the cli scripts themselves and call the main21:10
mattoliverwhich is probably nicer anyway21:10
mattoliverBUT if there is 1 person out there we know about there could be more. So feel torn.21:10
fulecoI taking a look at the patch...21:11
timburkefwiw, the one and only case i'm aware of was from years ago: p 41678721:11
patch-bot - devstack - Use the installed swift scripts (MERGED) - 1 patch set21:11
mattoliverDo we add a decprecated to them in the next release notes and remove them the one after? BUT on the other hand I agree, we're still providing all the scripts just via pip.21:11
mattoliverIt is git. we could rip them out and if anyone complains revert :P But I guess that's hard because it'll have to wait a release 21:12
fulecoIt seems like the code is simply moved around right? I personally think that there is no reason to keep it as individual scripts specifically. Provided the migration to new versions can be solved at most with a search/replace operation I personally think we should proceed with this21:13
timburkeyeah, that's the other route i was considering. call out the deprecation in release notes, add warnings in the bin/ scripts, wait a release or two, *then* remove21:13
fulecoAs mattoliver said, maybe release a deprecation notice before though21:13
mattoliverThe generated scripts are basically identical to the existing ones21:14
mattoliverAnyone packaging swift will have setuptools / pip install and generate the scripts. And we don't point to the old ones in setup.cfg anymore.. 21:15
mattoliverso only only people who will notice any difference are people checking out the code and then trying to run (which is that really supported)? 21:16
mattoliverSo the "we're already supporting/providing the same bin scripts" is a strong one too.21:16
mattoliverfuleco and kota seem to +1 the deprecation route, so let's go with that :)21:17
timburkeall right, i can add that. thanks for thinking about it with me everyone!21:18
timburkenext up21:18
timburke#topic iso timestamps and swift-drive-audit21:18
patch-botpatch 924352 - swift - swift-drive-audit: Work with ISO timestamps (MERGED) - 1 patch set21:18
timburkequick update: it merged! and i made sure that the change was reflected when it moved around in p 92477621:19
patch-bot - swift - Move remaining bin scripts to cli modules - 3 patch sets21:19
timburkethanks mattoliver, jianjian, and DHE for taking a look21:20
timburkenext up21:20
timburke#topic py31321:20
timburkei said a while ago that i'd try out swift under py313, and i finally did!21:20
timburkethe long and short of it is that we're mostly still blocked waiting on deps to support it21:21
mattoliverkk,  I guess that's expected21:21
timburkecffi is currently busted, preventing xattrs from building -- but they've got a merged-but-not-yet-released fix21:21
timburkegreenlet is also busted, but vstinner is working on it21:22
timburkeeventlet's busted, too21:22
mattoliverSo all the things are broken :P 21:23
timburkethere's a PR to get over the immediate error, and by taking all three i could at least get some unit tests running!21:23
mattolivernice one21:23
timburkenot the full suite though; that bombs out during collection because webob (required by keystonemiddleware, required for some s3api tests) still uses the now-removed cgi module21:24
timburkebut -- with at least *some* tests running, it did turn out a couple new issues21:25
patch-botpatch 924768 - swift - Implement context manager protocol for logging mut... - 2 patch sets21:25
patch-botpatch 924771 - swift - Pass timeout as kwarg - 2 patch sets21:25
timburkethe second one just resolves a deprecation warning, but it seems best to nip it in the bud21:26
mattoliveroh cool21:27
timburkethe only other known-issue is our own use of the cgi module -- and jianjian and i had some good back-and-forth on p 887908 recently21:27
patch-bot - swift - Stop using cgi.parse_header - 4 patch sets21:27
mattolivergreat stuff timburke 21:28
timburkethe only other thing i've found so far is a hang in test/unit/common/ -- presumably because eventlet isn't fully happy yet21:30
timburkethat's as far as i've gotten so far -- haven't tried to functionally validate yet, though that hang makes me pessimistic21:31
timburkethe remaining items, i don't know that there's a whole lot to report21:32
mattolivereither way, its a great steps forward21:32
mattoliverand you found some needed improvements, so that's a win21:33
mattoliverthanks for digging in!21:33
timburkewe could check in real quick in case i'm wrong, though21:33
timburke#topic account-reaper and sharded containers21:33
timburkemattoliver, i'm guessing you haven't had a chance to do much with p 924034? i know *i* haven't21:34
patch-bot - swift - WIP: reaper: Support reaping sharded containers - 1 patch set21:34
mattoliverOh yeah, I've been playing with is. My first attempt is that one, and it talks direct client 21:34
mattoliverbut there is a bunch of recursion using direct client which is a little messy. 21:35
mattoliverSo makes me think it might just be better to use internal client that can already speak sharding21:35
mattoliverBut that involves adding an interenalclient to the reaper (which I guess I'm not against).21:35
mattoliverSo the plan is to do a second internal client version and see how that shakes out, and it might look cleaner.21:36
timburkei think the main issue there would be the early 410, but presumably we could get around with some x-backend- header flag21:36
mattoliverand if I did squash an internal client in there, then maybe it makes sense to use it everywhere in the reaper and remove direct client (or maybe having both is ok).21:37
timburkeadding another internal_client user seems perfectly reasonable, though; that seems more and more like a thing that we just expect to have available21:37
timburkewould probably be good for swift-account-audit to use it, too -- could resolve a few bugs21:38
mattoliveryeah, esp because sharding it mostly implemented in the proxy, so internal client gives us that.21:38
mattoliverI noticed that that otherday too21:38
mattoliverSo my plan is to attempt an internal client version. Maybe we can make a decision on direction then21:39
mattoliverI'll try and get something at least basic up by next meeting21:39
timburke#topic multi-policy containers21:39
timburkefuleco, i'm guessing you're still good for now?21:40
fulecoYep, all good.21:40
fulecoWe're working a bit on our clients for now, so little news on my side21:40
timburke#topic operator node exclusion21:41
timburkeand i still haven't responded to the latest on the ML21:41
timburkei should try to do that this week21:42
timburkein part because21:42
timburke#topic no meeting next week21:42
timburkei'm going to be out on vacation next week21:42
mattoliveroh yeah.. I was going to read that, opened it in a tab and never did... sorry too21:42
mattoliveroh kk21:42
mattoliverthat gives me 2 weeks to get the internal client reaper written :P 21:42
timburkei suppose that doesn't preclude there being a meeting, but i won't be around to chair it :-)21:43
mattoliverWell let's plan to skip it for now. If anything major does come up, I'm happy to chair.21:43
timburkesounds good, thanks mattoliver21:43
timburkethat's all i've got21:43
timburke#topic open discussion21:43
timburkeanything else we'd like to bring up?21:43
mattoliverGives kota  and I a good chance to sleep in :) 21:44
mattoliverThe qatar summer students are finishing up this week. But a few have said their interesting in continuing to work to 1 get things finished and to tackle some more of the projects we set.21:45
mattoliver* and 2 tackle some more..21:45
mattoliverSo I think it went well, esp if they want to keep hacking on Swift :) 21:46
mattoliverAlthough it does mean I have to write some kind of report for their uni or something this week.21:46
timburkeoh, right! i should take a look at the still-open patches today21:47
mattoliveryeah, there's21:47
patch-botpatch 922833 - swift - Periodic reaper recon dump showing current progress - 7 patch sets21:47
patch-botpatch 924549 - swift - WIP: account_quota: migrating quota_bytes and quot... - 2 patch sets21:48
mattoliver^ that's the follow up to move things to the x-account-quota-namespace21:48
patch-botpatch 924431 - swift - container storage-policy modification operator tool - 1 patch set21:48
patch-botpatch 924431 - swift - container storage-policy modification operator tool - 1 patch set21:48
mattoliverOh you beat me :P 21:49
timburkethanks mattoliver, and thanks for mentoring them this summer!21:49
mattoliverYeah and that one21:49
mattolivernps, my timezone seemed to match better so it made sense. And they were good peeps.21:49
mattoliverthat all I got21:50
timburkeall right, i think i'll call it then21:50
timburkethank you all for coming, and thank you for working on swift!21:50
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul 24 21:51:03 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:51
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