Thursday, 2024-07-25

opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: Pull swift-*-info scripts into
opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: Move remaining bin scripts to cli modules
opendevreviewJianjian Huo proposed openstack/swift master: sq: refactoring and more comments
rpittauhi all! we're experiencing a weird issue in the ironic CI when running the openstack object store command to set swift temp urls07:35
rpittauthis is the error message:07:35
rpittau'object store account set --property Temp-URL-Key=secretkey' is not an openstack command. See 'openstack --help'.07:35
rpittauan example of failing job
rpittauany help/hint would be highly appreciated :)07:35
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Parallel distributed task container iteration
opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: Pass timeout as kwarg
opendevreviewYan Xiao proposed openstack/swift master: stats: API for native labeled metrics
fungisomeone asking for help with swift on the python discourse forum15:44
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: statsd: deprecate log_ prefix for options
timburkerpittau, installing a fresh openstackclient (python-openstackclient-6.6.0, osc-lib-3.1.0), `openstack -h | grep obj` seems to only show glance commands17:08
timburkehuh. but after uninstalling/reinstalling a few times, object store commands *are* there... i think i need to try some more with clean venvs...17:12
timburkerpittau, seems like it's caused by osc-lib dropping its simplejson dependency and python-openstackclient not declaring its dependency. i think p 920001 should fix it going forward (by not depending upon simplejson in python-openstackclient either), but in the mean time installing the missing dep should resolve it17:34
patch-bot - python-openstackclient - Drop direct dependency on simplejson (MERGED) - 4 patch sets17:34
timburkefungi, replied18:13
fungitimburke: thanks! just didn't want to see it getting derailed by well-meaning help from people who don't actually know anything about how swift works18:20
opendevreviewMohamed Hassaneen proposed openstack/swift master: container storage-policy modification operator tool
opendevreviewMohamed Hassaneen proposed openstack/swift master: container storage-policy modification operator tool
opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: Implement context manager protocol for logging mutexes

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