Tuesday, 2018-11-27

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* ttx grabs coffee08:59
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cdentoffice hours ahoy?09:02
evrardjpso I am wondering what the governance of Firecracker will be, now that they have open sourced it.09:04
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ttxcdent: loved your ML etiquette post. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette09:05
cdentyeah, I linked to that from it09:05
ttxcould be worth checking that wiki page is still valid ^09:06
cdenti gave it very quick skim09:06
cdentthere are definitely some anachronisms09:06
ttxThe issue with the wiki page is that it's less of a prioritized list09:06
ttxI liked the "god please trim answers please" angle09:07
ttxTrimming being a bit lost in that wiki page09:07
cdentyeah, the wiki list is too long and wasn't focused on a particular goal which is why I took the approach I did09:07
cdenttry to give a single reason why and the rest of follows09:08
ttx"ML tip of the week"09:08
cdentI added a comment on the post with a procmail rule to deal with the reply-to issue09:08
evrardjpvery calm...09:26
* ttx is working on a base strawman draft for the role-of-the-tc document09:27
* smcginnis peeks around the office09:31
* cdent glares at smcginnis 09:32
cdentI could hardly drag myself out of bed today and here you are09:32
smcginnisI have the timezone change advantage.09:32
smcginnisThough I don't think "advantage" is really the best word for it.09:33
smcginnisevrardjp: Interesting that firecracker is another "alternative to QEMU".09:34
cdent"minimal device model" is where we've gone wrong in nova ;)09:36
smcginnisInteresting - (there are only 4 emulated devices: virtio-net, virtio-block, serial console, and a 1-button keyboard controller used only to stop the microVM)09:37
cdentconstraints are good09:43
cdentfor their use case that ought to be entirely sufficient09:43
ttxoh, so that is the rust thing09:44
evrardjpsmcginnis: it's using kvm09:53
smcginnisevrardjp: I was thinking - maybe you or dirk should propose a change here - http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/tree/reference/project-testing-interface.rst#n11009:53
evrardjpI am wondering how it could map to multiple initiatives like qinlin09:53
evrardjpsmcginnis: yes I was discussing with him about that.09:54
evrardjpthat's why the conversation started last week about 'what should we do to be in that list' and we ended up starting what could be "Distro Wars 2.0"09:55
smcginnisevrardjp: I hope I haven't given the impression on my patch that I'm against it, just that's not the right place for that discussion.09:55
evrardjpmaybe this is a topic I shouldn't joke with though :p09:55
smcginnisI don't think it would be controversial, FWIW.09:55
smcginnisIf we have tests validating it and SUSE supports it, then someone should propose it be added to the list.09:56
smcginnisBut not sure openSUSE is the right one. Does that have an LTS-like equivalent?09:56
cdentI've come out as saying I'm in favor of just doing one, but if it isn't one it shouldn't just be "some"09:56
evrardjpopenSUSE Leap 15 will stay for a long time, it's just we'll have 15.0 15.1 etc.09:57
evrardjpcdent: I can't parse that sentence, could you clarify?09:58
evrardjpsmcginnis: and I agree it's not the right place in that conversation :)09:58
evrardjpsmcginnis: it just sadly opened my eyes09:59
smcginnisThen I am glad I submitted the patch, even if it doesn't end up being merged.09:59
cdentIn the distro wars discussions I said we should just do debian and nothing else because it's the responsibility of the money earning distros to deal with their own CI and related. However, if we are not going to do that then it is patently incorrect to limit the represented distros to just some and any interested party willing to step up should be able to be listed09:59
smcginnis++ again10:00
* smcginnis tries to go back to sleep10:01
evrardjpwhile I agree on the idea cdent this sounds pragmatically a lot of efforts for not many results?10:01
cdentI may not be making sufficient success  evrardjp because I think we are basically in agreement.10:02
cdentgood luck smcginnis10:02
evrardjphave a good night then s mc ginnis (avoiding pings intentionally!)10:08
ttxOK, here is a base https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/role-of-the-tc10:08
ttxcdent, TheJulia ^10:08
cdentthanks ttx will try to read/review asap, but it might not be today, in a bit of a backlog hole10:10
ttxSure, no hurry. Once we are satisfaied that we covered the basis, we should make it a thread10:11
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dirksmcginnis: I guess I have missed the distro wars story12:03
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TheJuliaGood morning13:35
TheJuliattx: I like it, I have one comment that I added to the bottom of the etherpad13:39
ttxOK I did integrate your feedback (as well as evrardjp's)13:44
evrardjpttx: thanks, looks good13:45
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/governance master: Explicitly declare Stein supported runtimes  https://review.openstack.org/61108015:20
evrardjpsmcginnis: thanks for the update, it's clearer like that15:35
smcginnisCool, thanks.15:35
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fungihogepodge: dhellmann: evrardjp: lbragstad: i think we need a governance change to propose an interim ptl for loci so that the tc can follow process and make it official16:55
evrardjpfungi: agreed.16:55
lbragstadsounds good to me16:56
fungiwrt http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2018-November/000249.html16:56
evrardjpI think it was clear after the summit :)16:57
fungihogepodge: can you propose an edit to https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/tree/reference/projects.yaml#n1690 so that we can register an official rollcall on it16:57
evrardjpif he can't, we'd be in trouble, right, fungi ? :p16:58
fungiwell, yes. poorly phrased. i should have said "please propose an edit..."16:58
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ttxfungi: alternatively it could also be considered a permanent delegation from the current PTL.17:08
ttxbut given how early it is in the cycle, I agree documenting it would be better17:09
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openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack/governance master: Interim appointment of Loci PTL  https://review.openstack.org/62037017:30
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fungithanks hogepodge!17:49
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cdentttx, TheJulia, evrardjp : As a description of what we do I think https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/role-of-the-tc if fairly accurate, but I left one big coment near line 12 that is pretty much why I decided to be in our little group to work on this18:42
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zanebtrying to resist the temptation to go through all the forum etherpads and change the non-word "Räum" to the correct "Raum" in the location fields19:05
cdentnot very mëtäl19:07
smcginnisfungi: Out of curiosity, what was our subscriber count on openstack-dev to compare to the 403 on openstack-discuss?19:11
fungismcginnis: incomparable due to a lot of accumulated dark matter addresses, but 536619:13
cdentlet's leave it at 403, call it a sign from http, and go home19:13
smcginnisfungi: Yeah, kind of getting at that dark matter. I would expect a lot of those subscribers weren't actually paying attention anymore. Interesting.19:14
fungiwell, it's already up to 409 now19:14
fungismcginnis: the openstack general ml has 953519:14
smcginniscdent: I think you've been online too long today. :)19:14
fungithough i ran an analysis over the archives to get at the count of active participants on the lists and it's waaaaay lower19:15
cdentsmcginnis: true. I'm waiting and watching for a race condtion to fire19:15
* cdent suggests stopping at 41819:15
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fungithe stats i gathered prior to starting the conversation in august suggested we had 933 unique addresses post to any of those four lists in 201819:24
smcginnisThat seems more reasonable.19:24
smcginnisBut unfortunately outside the range of fun HTTP codes.19:24
fungirerunning the commands from my notes right now, the total is up to 107119:26
fungi761 posted two or more messages, 578 three or more, 244 posted ten or more messages19:29
fungithe number of subscribers to openstack-discuss right now is roughly the same as the number of people who sent five or more messages to any of the general openstack, openstack-dev, openstack-operators or openstack-sigs mailing lists so far in 201819:30
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