Wednesday, 2022-01-05

gmanntc-members: our next week meeting is on 6th, a video call, I will be in infra tv episode and yoctozepto is also not available. Please let me know who can chair the meeting this week? 00:23
spotzgmann: You need me to +W this? I'm the only +2 on it -
gmannspotz: I was waiting for ianychoi[m] to +W, he added few comments there but need to re-check those02:49
spotzgmann Sounds good, I just didn't want it waiting if it was an emergency02:50
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gmanntc-members: any volunteer to run tomorrow meeting?16:40
Guest10351gmann: I'm going to be partially double-booked for that slot this week already.. if not enough people are around after break, maybe best to punt?16:46
Guest10351oh jeez16:46
*** Guest10351 is now known as dansmith16:46
gmanndansmith: ok. let's check who all available16:49
gmannspotz: belmoreira mnaser jungleboyj ricolin and kendal: who all are available for tomorrow meeting? 16:50
gmannI think Kendall  is on vacation this week so we left with 5 TC members16:54
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spotzgmann does that even make quorum?19:47
jungleboyjI am double booked in a phone meeting and tc meeting so couldn't run it by planning to attend. 20:29
dansmithit's a video one... gonna be on video and phone at the same time?20:50
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gmannspotz: if 5 then it is quorum but we do not need quorum as such to have meeting. few meeting even without quorum is fine.21:19
fungiit doesn't officially count as a "meeting of the tc" if there is no quorum, but it's fine for it to be an unofficial/informal gathering21:20
fungiand at this point, the bylaws only require that the tc "meets" (i.e. with quorum) at least once a year21:21
spotzI can definitely start the meeting room and we can do an informal?21:21
gmannspotz: thanks. I will send the agenda on ML today EOD.21:21
fungiand it's probably even fine to refer to it as a "tc meeting" without quorum, you just have to keep in mind that such a meeting doesn't count from the perspective of the requirement in the foundation bylaws21:22
gmannas these are weekly meeting, hey are formal but not every meeting need quorum (and having only one meeting with quorum complete the bylaw requirement)21:22
fungias long as at least one of them every year achieves quorum, you're set21:22
gmannwe can avoid taking any formal decision in meeting which we do not usually take. its on gerrit always21:23
fungiyes, that was one of the reasons the tc was able to decide to only officially "meet" at in-person events a few times a year21:23
fungithe re-addition of more frequent meetings is a recent choice, relatively speaking21:24
gmannspotz: added you as chair for meeting
gmannspotz: also as it is video call, please record and save so that we can publish (just reminder). 21:25
spotzgmann: How did starting the room become chair?:) 21:26
gmannspotz: we do in IRC startmeeting and end meeting which will record you as chair and video is just you go through the agenda21:27
gmannlike this -
fungimeeting chairperson, not tc chairperson ;)21:28
spotzAllright, hoopefully we'lll have people who can talkl. on the agenda points or it'll be a fast meeting:)21:28
fungithough there is some linguistic irony in having a chair for a standing meeting!21:28
gmannspotz: yeah. not much on agenda though 21:28
gmanntc-members: its short notice (which is what i got :)), for tomorrow infra tv episode, I am preparing these slides about 2021 recap and 2022 plan. Please check and add your feedback or things i missed there to add
gmanndeadline is today EOD.21:31
TheJuliagmann: personally, I'd condense the last two slides together21:33
TheJuliapain points may be a long term thing in varying areas which is going to work into each project just like any community effort... as bandwidth exists to review and iterate.21:33
TheJuliaso there is no guarentee, and thus it is beyond potentially21:33
gmannTheJulia: yeah, I need to add two topic for those but I am still preparing those21:34
TheJuliaAlso, better to under promise and over deliver21:34
gmannwill see how they will look like. but yes pain point is something I will mvoe to 2022 focus area21:34
spotzI know FIPS isn't confirmed yet but do we want to mention the possibility of compliance?21:40
spotzMaybe alllso add the release name on slide 8?21:41
fungimagnum renewed its kubernetes installer conformance, no idea if you want to mention that (or whether you have since i'm not in front of the slides right now) but it might be a big deal21:43
fungialso openstack has recently re-acquired its openssf best practices badge (formerly the core infrastructure initiative)
fungithe requirements for that changed slightly when openssf replaced the cii21:49
gmannspotz: fungi thanks. I will add features things which is still TODO. 21:52
gmannopenssf is nice one to add, thanks for reminding. 21:52
fungiyeah, things like openssf and kubernetes conformance are great for showing cross-community collaboration, in my opinion21:53
gmannagree, +121:54
jungleboyjOk, if tomorrow is a video meeting I will need to figure out how to prioritize the TC meeting.21:55

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