Tuesday, 2022-01-25

opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Rename skyline project repo  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/82624303:34
gmannFYI, board meeting in 15 min from now https://board.openinfra.dev/en/meetings/2022-01-2514:45
gmanntc-members: today is z release name election start date. last call to check and filter-out (which does not match release name criteria or cultural/historical issue ) the name to add in 'Proposed Names that do not meet the criteria' https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Release_Naming/Z_Proposals17:35
gmannI will start the election after ~3-4 hrs from now17:36
dansmithtechnically Zomicron doesn't pass the criteria right?17:42
dansmithdespite being obviously the best choice on the list17:42
dansmithoh, apparently we can make an exception? I motion we do thusly17:42
fungiyou could even make an acception17:43
gmanndansmith: it pass the criteria as per (if I am not missing anything) https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/release-naming.html#release-name-criteria17:44
dansmithokay I thought it needed to be an actual word,17:45
dansmithbut I guess the rule is just it has to be a single lexical token word17:45
fungiit doesn't say it has to be am _english_ word, so it can absolutely be a word in any language you made up just now17:46
fungias long as it can be represented in the latin alphabet17:46
gmannyeah, it does not need to be actual word even.17:46
gmannbut I agree on making it exception to exclude it from election list itself with reasoning of not naming anything on pandemic.17:46
dansmithI want an exception to INCLUDE it17:48
dansmithmaybe an exception to put "pick this one" next to it on the ballot17:48
gmannok, that is there then so no exception needed to be on ballot. 17:49
gmannhonestly saying I abstain on vote since starting process change from voting from community to TC but I am ok on any any name TC prefer like this or Zombie :)17:50
gmanni checked the names and all seems valid for me and no response on ML on any filter community want17:51
gmann 'Zombie' is favorite too :)17:52
dansmithyeah, I can see that one winning17:52
jungleboyjI didn't see anything on the list that looked like it needed to be removed.18:31
jungleboyjI like Zomicron but it might be insensitive to all the people who may not have fared as well through the pandemic.18:31
jungleboyjSo, Zombie is a good one.  It is emblematic of who I think everyone feels in the Pandemic, it is funny because people think OpenStack is dead but it certainly is not and keeps moving forward.18:32
jungleboyjSeems a fitting end to the run through the Alphabet.18:32
gmannthanks for checking jungleboyj 18:33
spotzreading the backscroll!19:07
spotzI lllike Ziggy, but I had a dog named that and not sure it'll pass legal19:09
smcginnisZombie may not be the best choice... plenty of people that would jump on the undead jokes with that one.22:33
TheJuliaI could see reporters joking about it...22:41
TheJuliaand not in good ways22:42
fungized is a nice nod to the end of the alphabet, as it's how ~half the english-speaking world pronounces the letter z. and people who want to make the openstack's dead references can at least tie it into pulp fiction quotes22:42
gouthamr"no openstack's not dead, its zed"22:42
fungiwho's bike is this?22:43
* fungi fails at late evening grammar22:43
TheJuliazed could nicely work to zed -> zed pm. Could the A release provide us fresh Zed PMs22:43
* TheJulia had to make a stargate reference22:44
fungizulu is another nod to the end of the alphabet as it's the icao phonetic pronunciation of the letter z, and a common alternative means of referring to utc in which we faithfully schedule our community meetings22:44
fungiand yes, i wish i had a zpm instead of a ups for my servers22:45
fungiwhat power outage?22:46
* gouthamr just noticed the Z keychain - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ue996GQMC8 -- there, we have a swag idea too22:46
fungiyeah, the keychain was a big part of that scene22:46
fungialmost as iconic as mr. wallace's wallet22:47
fungier, jules's wallet, sorry22:48
* gouthamr will insert zorilla and not raise a stink 22:49
fungithe striped polecat! manila has one of the coolest mascots22:50
* TheJulia feels like she is missing references, but feels it will all be okay22:50
gouthamr:D it does \o/22:53
fungii think i have a zorilla sticker here somewhere. thankfully not the scratch'n'sniff variety22:53
gmanntc-members: I have setup the poll and you might have received the email (please check spam folder too) - Sub: "Poll: This is a poll for the nominated names for the OpenStack Z release cycle" 23:49
gmannpoll will end on 1st Feb or early if all TC votes are done23:50
dansmithgmann: got it23:50
gmannI just realized 50 names are proposed, may be highest till now? :)23:50
dansmithwell, don't expect me to rank them all :D23:52
dansmithZomicron > Zombie > (rest)23:52

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