Wednesday, 2023-04-19

jamespageknikolla[m]: hey - apologies for my inexplained absense at the TC meeting yesterday - I was planning to attend but a family logistics issue presented itself late yesterday afternoon to I had to skip08:26
slaweqaprice hi, can You add me to the list of the attendees on openinfra board meeting in Vancouver? I would like to be there on Monday as I will be in Vancouver on Sunday already10:13
opendevreviewKristi Nikolla proposed openstack/governance master: Add charmed openstack-hypervisor OpenStack Charms
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: Remove redundant "Guide" word
knikolla[m]jamespage: no worries. 12:01
knikolla[m]tc-members: This updates the wording on a community goal and should take <5 minutes to review. Needs 2 more votes. Thank you
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint Tim Burke as Swift PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: TripleO: switch to distributed project leadership
aprice[m]Slaweq: yep - can do!12:57
slaweqaprice ( thx a lot13:47
rosmaitahey tc-members, anyone know if PTLs get a free ticket to the summit, or just the normal contributor code?14:46
noonedeadpunkJust AC code afaik14:46
noonedeadpunkNot sure if even summit moderators will get any discount...14:47
noonedeadpunkWell, I could be always mistaken :)14:47
rosmaitaspeakers used to get a free ticket, not sure if that's still the case14:48
rosmaitatrack chairs definitely do14:48
rosmaita(good reason to agree to review presentation proposals!)14:49
noonedeadpunkyeah speakers still do15:07
bauzasrosmaita: you could get a late ticket if you get accepted for a Forum session15:51
bauzason that note, I'm sad that the operators/nova meet&greet session will only be run for 30 mins, despite my ask for 70 min, but it seems that the Foundation got a massive amount of proposals15:52
rosmaitabauzas: i'm OK, was asking for a friend  :)15:52
rosmaitabauzas: well, you never know how many people will actually show up, so I'm ok with 30 min15:53
bauzaslast time in Berlin, it was a packed room and 30 mins was a stretch15:54
bauzasso I was hoping to get more time for discussing on items that were added15:54
rosmaitai thought we could do a video followup or something15:54
bauzasbut fair enough, this is what it is, and if that helps to have important other Forum sessions, I'm OK with that15:54
bauzasrosmaita: my experience is that I only get massive operator feedback during Summits15:55
rosmaitai don't know that i've ever received massive operator feedback!15:56
fungibauzas: you can also invite interested operators to join nova's table at the ptg too. i know it's not as good but yes we're quite limited on available space this time since we're getting by on a smaller venue for budget purposes16:00
bauzasfungi: again, I totally understand the reasoning16:00
bauzasand yeah, I was planning to propose operators to join us at the PTG16:03
gmannnoonedeadpunk: rosmaita I think forum moderator and presentation speaker should be consider same way.18:32
gmannbauzas: ohk. I am still waiting for my RBAC operator feedback sessions but not sure if that is also going to be 30 min if selected ?18:33
gmannnoonedeadpunk: rosmaita: just checked, yes forum moderator get complimentary ticket 18:35
rosmaitagmann: thanks for checking!18:35
noonedeadpunkgmann: well, I already bought mine and have no idea if forum will be approved...20:58
noonedeadpunkbut thanks for checking)20:58
funginoonedeadpunk: if you get a free ticket you can file for a reimbursement of the one you already paid for, pretty sure21:27
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Etherpad service on will be offline for the next 90 minutes for a server replacement and operating system upgrade21:59

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