Tuesday, 2024-05-28

JayFReminder that I am in UTC/CEST for the next two weeks, and will not be in meetings or responsive during this time. If you all need me, just email or ping me and I'll check it in time.11:28
gmanntc-members: solum repo content fix: anyone would like to approve it https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/solum/+/92020117:12
spotz[m]gmann done17:29
gouthamrtc-members: our weekly IRC meeting will happen here in ~20 mins17:40
gouthamr#startmeeting tc 18:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue May 28 18:00:18 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'18:00
gouthamr#chair frickler 18:00
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: frickler gouthamr18:00
gouthamrWelcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct.18:00
gouthamrToday's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee18:01
gouthamr#topic Roll Call18:01
* frickler likes that extra ping, that's helpful ;)18:01
gouthamrJayF and noonedeadpunk are away today18:02
gouthamrperfect; lets get started.. 18:02
gouthamr#topic AIs from last week18:03
gouthamr#link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/XU4TF7BZVYFD57ORCOE56UA6RTP2M2DP/ (Summary from previous week)18:03
gouthamrits been a quiet week, at least for me; i was out for most of the week :) 18:04
gouthamrso i'm a bit slow on the two AIs we did take (both are on me).. 18:05
gouthamrfungi will bring up PyPi maintainers cleanup in the #opendev channel in ~1 hour where we'll have a few other infra maintainers18:05
gouthamrwe'll take it from there, and make some progress this week18:06
gouthamri've an update incoming to https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/918488 (Show TC and SIG repos in projects page)18:06
gouthamrthis should help with Amy's AC update change, which when we merge will allow us to make tooling changes for the elections18:07
gouthamrspeaking of elections18:08
gouthamr#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/election/+/920092 (Add configuration for 2025.1/"E" elections)18:08
gouthamrwe now have dates18:08
gmannthis can give better view of dates #link https://governance.openstack.org/election/18:08
gouthamrah thank you18:09
gouthamri'll address frickler's comments on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/920145  so we can display this on our release calendar as well18:09
gmann++, that will be helpful. 18:09
gouthamrthat's the story with AIs; did i miss anything?18:10
fungi(technically the opendev meeting happens in #opendev-meeting)18:10
gouthamrnice; ty frickler 18:10
gouthamrnice; ty fungi*18:10
gouthamralright; lets move on.. 18:12
gouthamr#topic 2024.2 TC Tracker18:12
gouthamr#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2024.2-tracker (Technical Committee activity tracker)18:12
fricklerregarding inactive projects, I'm concerned about freezer and monasca. both still prominent with zuul config errors18:13
fricklerand the initial rush to avoid them getting retired seems to have cooled off18:13
dansmithI had a question about watcher too18:13
gmannI think we have time of m-2 for them to be active otherwise we can discuss the retirement18:14
gmannon leaderless projects, 5 project have been retired. 4 projects still pending on action. out of it Trove PTL proposal is there #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/2024.2-leaderless 18:14
gmanndansmith: yeah, watcher also have no clear plan18:14
dansmithI'm trying to evaluate if we care about watcher, and I'm up to three patches just trying to get it to finish devstack18:14
gouthamr#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/2024.2-leaderless (Tracking leaderless projects)18:14
dansmithAFAIK, there are no cores to approve those patches18:14
gouthamr#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/920462 (Appoint ChunYang Wu as PTL of Trove)18:15
gmannyeah, either it needs to be adopted by the existing team (like kuryr) or we can add new core members to maintain this project18:15
dansmithwell, I don't want to commit to being a core, but we kinda need some temporary solution so we can at least merge patches to make it work18:16
dansmithI'm trying to evaluate if we care about it longer term than that, but kinda need to have it fixed to even make that determination18:16
gmann+1, we can add tc group as core there and that will help to merge and handover the core maintenance to new team if there will be any ?18:17
slaweqmaybe all TC members should be added to the core team of such project (just in case we simply need to move it forward temporary)18:17
gouthamrwhat kind of move forward are we talking though?18:17
fricklerI'd prefer to proceed with retirement if nobody wants to even be core, much less PTL18:18
dansmithwell for watcher, I'm trying to determine if we want to adopt it18:18
gouthamrdansmith: noob q: were you trying to get its CI working, because you were interested to lend a hand in its maintenance so it can stay a moderately active project, and probably become active again?18:19
dansmithso IMHO, this needs to go before that hammer18:19
gouthamrah; we here is the "nova" project team?18:19
dansmithgouthamr: I'm trying to get it running locally, so we can get it running in CI, so yeah, we could keep it on life support _if_ we decide to18:19
dansmithgouthamr: not necessarily nova, no..18:19
dansmithgouthamr: but one of the other "we" groups I belong to :)18:20
gouthamrah ty dansmith 18:20
dansmithso if we could just add the tc to watcher-core for the moment,18:20
dansmiththat would mean I could merge (or get someone else to merge) these fixes at least so the jobs will run and we can actually evaluate18:21
gouthamr^ hold; no; i was hoping we could just add you and anyone else interested? because adding the tech-committee seems unorthodox no? 18:21
spotz[m]It almost sounds like it might be beneficial to have the tc group added to any core group that is considered in danger?18:21
dansmithadding the tc in this scenario to all those projects makes sense to me18:21
dansmith(as slaweq and gmann and spotz[m] mentioned)18:22
gmannyes, it will help if we add TC group there to recover this project even there are more volunteer or other direction it goes to18:22
gouthamrack; but hoping it doesn't send the wrong message that the TC has taken over the maintenance of a project?18:22
fricklerI don't think adding the TC as a whole is helpful. if specific persons want to be added, why not do that?18:23
fricklergouthamr: +118:23
dansmiththe TC is the backstop for all core teams technically right?18:23
spotz[m]My thought is it helps things to get through until we aren't needed or to aid in the retirement18:23
fricklerbut not to keep project alive on live support18:23
gmannyes, we do add it in many other places and retirement projects also so that we can handle the cleanup/activity in future18:23
dansmithwhatever, this is not worth the time to argue about.. add me to watcher if that's the desire, but I see no reason not to just use the TC for convenience18:23
gmannwell, adding individual can also leads to have that person be PTL or DPL model otherwise TC will retire it18:24
dansmithyeah, I think the TC being there is an easier "providing life support" indication than a single person, personally18:24
fungiwe already grant the tc members submit rights on retired repos, fwiw18:25
gmannthat is why I am saying until dansmith figure out that where it goes as maintenance, TC can help in intermediate  direction/merges18:25
gouthamr^ lets formalize this a bit; if you'll indulge me.. i want to ensure also that this isn't misconstrued18:26
gouthamr#vote should the TC be added to the gerrit approving group for inactive projects? yes no abstain18:26
gouthamr#startvote should the TC be added to the gerrit approving group for inactive projects? yes no abstain18:26
opendevmeetBegin voting on: should the TC be added to the gerrit approving group for inactive projects? Valid vote options are yes, no, abstain.18:26
opendevmeetVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.18:26
spotz[m]#vote yes18:26
dansmith#vote yes18:26
gmann#vote yes18:26
slaweq#vote yes18:26
frickler#vote no18:26
gtema#vote no18:27
gouthamr#vote no 18:27
opendevmeetgouthamr: no  is not a valid option. Valid options are yes, no, abstain.18:27
gouthamr#vote no18:28
opendevmeetVoted on "should the TC be added to the gerrit approving group for inactive projects?" Results are18:28
opendevmeetyes (4): slaweq, spotz[m], dansmith, gmann18:28
opendevmeetno (3): gtema, gouthamr, frickler18:28
fungihung jury, mistrial?18:28
dansmithsince I wasn't asked before, I think voting is too heavy a tool for this18:28
dansmithI have no idea why this is so controversial, but if it is, ffs, just add me and we can move on18:28
spotz[m]It's all good, and to be honest I can see both sides but I think this is a better option then a call out for people to be cores randomly like docs, refstack, etc18:29
gouthamryeah; i can see that argument.. but, i would like to word this to be "the technical committee can approve critical procedural/release/gate fixes" 18:30
fungithe tc effectively already can, by asking me or another gerrit admin to do so18:30
gmann" and hand over the core group to the next one when it is finalized"18:31
gouthamr+1 and in this case, help seed the core team ^ 18:31
spotz[m]Yeah end goal is us not to remain permantently but help folks revive and then be removed or we retire it18:31
slaweqexactly, it shouldn't mean that "tc is now maintaining the project"18:32
fungithe longer term concerns (setting aside whatever needs doing to expedite a solution to the current situation), might be better addressed in a resolution18:32
gmannyes, it stays in leaderless list 18:33
dansmithif you just add one person to an otherwise empty core team, it also means that person has to +2 their own fixes18:33
gouthamrthat's kinda useless18:33
dansmithit would be a lot nicer to add the tc so I can push up patches and ask gmann or frickler to approve them, since they're CI and requirements-related in most cases18:33
dansmithnot only for that, but also to spread that around a bit... if you just add me and gmann then when gmann is sleeping (which never happens, granted) I'm stuck18:34
fricklerI wouldn't want to do that. if gmann wants to, he can be added, too18:34
fungias a workaround, feel free to get them to +1 and then ask me to elevate my privileges to add the required gating votes, if that works better for you18:34
dansmithI personally see no danger in implying that the tc is "maintaining" the project longer term than what we're discussing, personally18:34
gmannok so do we have agreement here or still need more discussion? 18:34
frickleragreement on what?18:35
gmanni think it is not big deal if we add TC or not but anyways I am ok with either18:35
gmannadding TC group there or not?18:35
frickler4 vs. 3 doesn't sound like consensus to me18:35
dansmithI guess I'm confused.. gouthamr were you doing the vote and hoping for consensus? surely not since you voted no18:35
gmannso what is criteria for consensus in voting? 3/4 ?18:36
fricklerconsensus to me means no objection. a vote could be decided by a majority, but I wouldn't call that agreement18:37
gouthamri would; because we have established precedence on granting the tc membership in groups for projects getting retired18:37
gouthamri wanted to see how everyone felt about extending that to inactive projects that are on their way to retirement18:38
dansmithum, okay.18:38
gmannnot just inactive but 'project with no maintainers'18:38
gouthamrif we were okay with the responsibility - i.e., folks ping you for help to land changes and to help get added to the respective core-team18:38
gouthamryou'd help; and when there are enough maintainers, we step away18:39
fungifinding a middle ground consensus on broader policy like that is usually handled through formal resolution18:39
dansmithcan we move on?18:39
fungisince some stakeholders may object over specific nuances that can be reworded to refine the policy18:39
gouthamr^ yeah i can see that argument... 18:40
gouthamrdansmith: not right now; no, you started a fire.. lets put it :) 18:40
gmannI do not think it need resolution, that will be too much and more blockers/time consuming for people like dansmith who is trying to help fixing the things and we are blocking  him to do so18:40
dansmithI put it out when I said it wasn't worth discussing this at length, so if you want to keep the fire burning, it's yours18:41
fungiif there is a desire for recording a broader solution to address future cases, i don't think that has to hold up immediate solutions18:41
gmannI am ok to be added there help merging the things if those are CI/requirement related 18:41
slaweqme too18:42
gouthamryes.. the immediate solution is we add tech-committee to the watcher group; and pursue a resolution and air out concerns about the other projects18:42
dansmithI'm just going to do what was suggested and ping fungi to merge all the things I have once they're ready18:42
gmannslaweq: thanks 18:42
dansmithso we don't need a resolution18:42
fungidansmith: that works for me, please feel free18:42
fungiif this is something that is likely to come up for other projects in the future, taking time to put forth a resolution with a more concrete process makes sense18:43
fungibut that can presumably be done outside the meeting18:43
gmanngouthamr: leave about tech-committee. and adding me and slaweq will work here18:43
gouthamrokay; totally fine with that approach18:44
gmannthanks 18:44
gouthamrbecause even with a working CI, if the project remains leaderless by M-2, it'll get on our retirement list - i'm hoping dansmith gmann slaweq succeed at seeding the core team ...18:44
gmannyes, those deadlines/next step stay same.18:45
fricklerI'm still unsure about the m-2 deadline, the retirements should be finished by that to avoid issues with release team?18:45
gmanncan I bring next item from tracker 18:45
fungiyes, the tc needs to decide *by* milestone 2 week so that they can let the release team know no later than then18:46
gouthamrack; i misspoke18:46
fungibut ideally they'd decide sooner18:46
gouthamrbut lets move on, gmann 18:46
gmannI think marking Inactive is what gouthamr means18:46
gmannyeah, this is hanging for long time, need more review on this DPL model change #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/91683318:47
gouthamr#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/916833 (Add DPL model & liaison reset policy)18:48
gouthamr(^ for the logs)18:48
gmannif any question on this, we can discuss here or on gerrrit18:48
gouthamryeah; would anyone like to abstain, you can do so with an explicit Roll-Call 0 vote18:48
gmannbut I really want to close this DPL topic either we merge it or abandon it and leave DPL as it is18:48
gouthamrfrickler's concerns may be addressed by the latest patch and its follow-up: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/917516/18:50
gouthamrdo you mind taking a look again, frickler 18:50
fricklersure, will do18:50
gouthamrty 18:50
gouthamrfrickler: you mentioned zuul config errors; were you only concerned about those only for the inactive projects?18:51
gouthamror was it the number of these on "unmaintained" branches18:52
fricklerunmaintained is not in a nice state, either, but that's another topic18:52
gmannyeah, unmaintained branches should not be in scope for project status as Active or Inactive 18:52
fricklerI commented regarding unmaintained on https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2024.2-tracker#L100 some time ago18:53
gouthamrack; i remember18:53
gouthamrmonasca has a PTL (no IRC); and noonedeadpunk is the TaCT liaison for freezer.. so we should probably poke them about the zuul config errors with these projects 18:55
* gouthamr takes that AI18:56
gouthamralright lets get a few mins in for open discussion18:56
gouthamr#topic Open Discussion18:56
gouthamr*crickets* 18:58
fungikeep up the good work, everyone!18:59
gouthamr:) yes18:59
gouthamrthank you all for attending! i'll see you here next week18:59
gouthamr(here and on Video!) 19:00
slaweqsee you!19:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue May 28 19:00:17 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:00
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2024/tc.2024-05-28-18.00.html19:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2024/tc.2024-05-28-18.00.txt19:00
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2024/tc.2024-05-28-18.00.log.html19:00
gmannthanks 19:00
gmannfungi: frickler: can either of you add dansmith slaweq and me in watcher core group to proceed there https://review.opendev.org/admin/groups/77cd139bd57514e98e5e694a82f7e261b4748a8a,members 19:00
gmanntc-members: this is easy one to cleanup the retired projects from inactive list https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/92014619:02
fungigmann: done19:05
gmannfungi: thanks19:05
spotz[m]Oh reminder I won't be here next week, if I'm still about when the agenda is up I'll add myself19:09
gouthamr^ i'll add this for you spotz[m] 19:10
spotz[m]Thanks gouthamr !19:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Remove retired project from Inactive project list  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/92014620:52
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Mark migrate-ci-jobs-to-ubuntu-jammy goal completed  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/92014320:52

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