Wednesday, 2024-11-27

cardoeclarkb: with zero clue, could we do something like for a nodeset?00:01
clarkbwe already have what we call a "buildset registry" which is a stateless registry that lives for the lifetime of the jobs that run in a buildset00:03
clarkbthe idea there is you build a bunch of images and then use them in various other jobs and the buildset registry sorts that out00:03
clarkbbut also running an entire kuberntes for just a simple http fronted data store kinda illustrates the exact problem with this space00:04
clarkbthe overhead is massive for what should be simple00:04
clarkbit is reassuring that that system does garbage collect images. Thats like the main issue with every other registry out there00:07
clarkbI don't want infinite growht I want a cache that evicts cold items and keeps warm items around00:08
clarkbbut I don't think we'd rely on anything that requires k8s or helm00:08
clarkbcurrently we would need to deploy ~10 such registries and I'm not really looking forward to running 10 k8s installations just to have a container registry cache.00:12
clarkblooks like it would only work for pods iwthin the same cluster too?00:16
clarkbso we can't really offer that as a CI level service00:16
clarkbit seems to rely on some containerd tricks to make image fetches go to the correct place00:16
clarkbbut even then to make that work you'd probably need an account to authenticate the central system since I'm pretty sure haivng the central fetch tool was contributing to the rate limit hit rate00:19
clarkb(funnel everything through one IP and you hit the per IP limits quick)00:19
clarkbyou might be able to mitigate that with a special system that refreshes cached images on a rate limit aware timing system (which the apache proxy cache did not)00:20
clarkbbasically spread out image refreshes and accept some staleness to stay under the limits00:20
spotz[m]fungi: dang!00:35
fungiyou took the words right out of my keyboard00:36
spotz[m]I know we're celebrating 15 years this year, 10 seems like yesterday00:37
ralonsohhi folks, is still possible to get a pycharm professional license if you are working on OpenStack?09:10
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fungiralonsoh: most recent mention i find of pycharm licenses on openstack-discuss is from last year:
fungiyou might try reaching out to dmellado and see if he knows anything13:12
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ralonsohfungi, thanks!13:44
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tkajinamgmann, I noticed that oslo_policy options no longer appear in options in startup debug logs since we merged . 16:32
tkajinamgmann, I suspect that we should keep the set_defaults call to register oslo.policy options. testing it in ...16:33
gmanntkajinam: we do not need to register oslo policy opt in main code for tests. it should be in test only. policy initialization does register all the opt. I will fix that.17:58
gmanntkajinam: but can you point me to the failure link so that i can see if its unit tests or functional or both need oslo.policy opt regisration 17:58
gmannhere oslo.policy register all its config option when enforcer is initialized
gmannwe need to register them explicitly only for unit/functional tests18:06
sean-k-mooneywas there a tc call this week?18:13
gmannsean-k-mooney: it was a IRC meeting18:14
sean-k-mooneyah i was just checkign the youtube channel18:14
sean-k-mooneyso i was wonderign where we are with watcher18:14
sean-k-mooneycan we proceed with the launchpad and gerrit group membership changes?18:14
gmannsean-k-mooney: so we discussed the watcher things and from TC side it seems all set. its now on watcher team to onboard new members in gerrit core or LP18:15
gmannsean-k-mooney: yeah, you can discuss it in watcher current team and proceed on your proposal sent on ML18:15
sean-k-mooneyok but since chenker has not been active or responcive and i have not been added we are still kind fo stuck18:16
gmannbut I did not see chenker response on ML or IRC, did you hear anything?18:16
sean-k-mooneyno that partly why i was proposing adding myslef to do the admin of expandign the team18:16
gmannsean-k-mooney: yeah, I will suggest we can propose the conclusion in Watcher meeting and based on agreement there it can be added. for exmaple dansmith or slaweq still in gerrit core so they can help in adding if chenker is not active now18:17
gmannsean-k-mooney: similarly I can help adding in LP as openstack-admin based on agreement from meeting or ML 18:17
sean-k-mooneyack cool i guess we can disucss it in the watcher meeting tomorrow so18:18
sean-k-mooneygmann: i think you are listed as TC liasion yes?18:18
gmann++ for transparency,  that is better as you have waited for chenker to respond or feedback and this week is the time ti take next tep18:18
sean-k-mooneyso im happy if you want to drive that form the tc side18:18
gmannsean-k-mooney: yes18:18
sean-k-mooneyone of the action items we had was also to discuss the lanuchpad team creation18:19
gmannsean-k-mooney: I will not be able to attend watcher meeitng as it is 4 AM for me but will read the log or can discuss with you later on18:19
sean-k-mooneyi was suggestign 3 teams (watcher-driver, watcher-bug and watcher,coresec)18:19
sean-k-mooneybasically i would like to have an open bug team for normal bugs adn a watcher-coresec team for vmt18:20
sean-k-mooneyi.e. secuirty bug tirage18:20
gmannI think there is no issue for this proposal also, it is ok if project team want to manage LP like this. once it is final decision then one of the openstack-admin can help for initial setup18:20
sean-k-mooneyok ill add that to the etherpad for tomorrow18:21
tkajinamgmann, ok that explains why we see oslo.policy options in designate logs...18:33
tkajinamgmann, replied to your comment in but I agree the description is not quite correct and the change is not "fixing" behavior but may affect only logging.18:35
gmanntkajinam: it will be helpful to see where it fail if you can point me to the heat test failure?18:36
sean-k-mooneygeneral question regarding "VMware Migration Working Group" that produced they have in frequiest metting but i dont see it listed in and there does nto seam to be meeting minutes outside fo the eather pad.18:43
sean-k-mooneyhow is htat group functioning currently is it an offical team? is there a fixed/regular cadance for when it meets18:43
gouthamrno frequent meeting yet, sean-k-mooney ... they've been meeting ad hoc.. aprice said they'd set one up soon and share details18:43
gmannyeah aprice ^^ can tell more on this.18:44
sean-k-mooneyok there was one meeting since the ptg on the 11th form the etherpad but i dont recall any public anouchment of that before hand18:44
sean-k-mooneythere was no comunication on the mailing list that i saw so it quite opaque currently18:45
sean-k-mooneyok finsihing for today but i added the adjeda items here 20:40

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