Thursday, 2025-02-06

*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh07:40
opendevreviewWenping Song proposed openstack/election master: Adding songwenping candidacy for Cyborg
opendevreviewAxel Vanzaghi proposed openstack/election master: Adding Axel Vanzaghi candidacy for Mistral
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Render election schedule to releases properly
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Clarify preference on election official neutrality
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: nominations for the OpenStack PTL and TC positions are now open, for details see
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: 2025.2: Add Michal Nasiadka candidacy for Kolla
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Adding songwenping candidacy for Cyborg
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Adding RenĂ© Ribaud candidacy for Nova 2025.2 PTL
opendevreviewOmer Schwartz proposed openstack/election master: Adding Omer Schwartz for Designate 2025.2 PTL
fungii now have control of , who needed to be added to it?17:56
gouthamrnoonedeadpunk ^17:59
gouthamrnoonedeadpunk: also need to know if you folks plan on using
gouthamrthe maintainer there is now set to "openstack-administrators"18:00
gouthamrfungi: don't know if you can reset the "driver" there? 18:01
gouthamrruinedyourlife tells me we could:
* gouthamr lol at the username18:02
fungiyeah, just did18:02
gouthamrperfect, ty fungi18:02
fungii've also now made it "part of: openstack"18:04
fungimaintainer, driver and part-of are consistent between freezer and freezer-web-ui now18:05
gouthamri suspect and should replace everyone on the "freezer-drivers" team18:05
fungii'll add the two of them to freezer-drivers as team administrators, and they can do the rest of what needs doing (including removing prior members if deemed necessary)18:06
gouthamrthe,members needs a similar cleanup 18:06
gouthamrfungi: good stuff, ty18:06
fungiokay, they're both freezer-drivers admins in lp now18:07
fungiand they're both already in freezer-core on gerrit, so should be able to do any cleanup they like there as well18:08
fungilet me know if you think of anything else you need me to do for this18:09
gouthamr++ nothing from my end, glad to see it resolved quickly :) 18:09
gmanntc-members: important announcement in case anyone missed it
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily while we upgrade for a new jeepyb feature and switch our database container image source repository18:52
gmannas mentioned in fqa, though there will not be any change project governances, TC etc but feel free to ask question on ML or attend scheduled meeting if any18:55
fungiyes, please if you reply, do so to the thread on the foundation ml, not to my post on openstack-discuss18:57
gouthamreh, i saw that you'd set the reply-to headers18:57
fungii tried to make it so that anyone replying to my post on openstack-discuss would only reply to the foundation ml, but apparently gmail likes to ignore that18:57
gouthamri wanted to preserve the thread in both places, did i mess up? :) 18:57
fungiwell, just trying to avoid ending up with two divergent discussions on separate mailing lists18:58
gmannI added this topic in TC meeting agenda also but happy to answer the queries if it comes up here and before meeting18:58
fungibetter to avoid cross-posting messages between multiple mailing lists18:58
clarkbya the problem is that as hard as you try to preserve the thread in both plces if you have discussions in two places they will veer off in different directions18:59
fungiwhen i do this in the future i'll try to be more clear and say something like "please don't reply to this post, only to the one on the other list..."19:01
gouthamrif folks respond to your post, i think it'll thread properly in both places still.. 19:02
gouthamri don't know how many subscribers are there on foundation-discuss, but im definitely interested to get the discussion going in openstack-discuss19:03
fungiunfortunately it didn't, i had to use list owner superpowers to attach your reply on the foundation ml, it ended up not including the in-reply-to reference from my prior post in the references header19:03
fungiso landed on the foundation ml as a separate thread19:03
fungithat's what iw as saying about gmail sort of thumbing their noses at e-mail rfcs19:04
gouthamrthanks and apologies then.. would you have to fix the follow ups too? should anyone else respond liek i did?19:05
fungiyeah, i'll post something on the openstack-discuss thread asking people to not reply to it19:05
fungisome mail clients treat the reply-to/mail-followup-to/in-reply-to/references headers correctly, but apparently gmail doesn't (they have their own threading algorithm and seem to omit things other mail clients expect)19:15
fungiit does seem to have included the earlier references entry, but i guess that on its own was insufficient for mailman to identify it as part of the other thread19:20
fungianyway, i can continue to manually attach messages to the main thread if it becomes necessary19:20

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