Friday, 2025-02-07

spotz[m]If anything this will get more folks to subscribe to the Foundation mailing list15:50
fungiif only16:08
fungiso far all the replies have been held in moderation because they're all from non-subscribers16:08
spotz[m]So folks are seeing it on the olther lists16:32
TheJuliaLooks like reply-all being clicked on openstack-discuss list posts16:34
fungiyes, reminders and entreaties don't seem to help16:47
TheJuliaYeah, mailing lists are less and less common :(18:09
spotz[m]I like mailing lists!!!18:10
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: check_candidacy: add OSF member validation and print info
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: check_candidacy: check OSF member and print info

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