Wednesday, 2025-02-12

opendevreviewjiasirui proposed openstack/election master: Adding JIASIRUI candidacy for Venus
opendevreviewWu Wenxiang proposed openstack/election master: Adding wu.wenxiang candidacy for skyline
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: check_candidacy: check OSF member and print info
opendevreviewwu.chunyang proposed openstack/election master: Add Chunyang Wu PTL Candidacy for Trove
fricklercardoe: in I've now described how I created the eol patch for wallaby15:23
fricklercardoe: maybe you'll want to join the release channel in case there is further discussion there15:23
fricklergmann: (and others): do you think we should also go in single-step mode for the remaining unmaintained branches and give each of the patches a one month notice? or can we do it in one batch up to unmaintained/zed now?15:27
fungifor reference, zed was released 2022-10-05 so that's a little over 2 years 4 months ago15:29
gouthamrfrickler: i think we had less resistence to EOL wallaby and xena15:37
cardoefrickler: awesome. joined.15:38
gouthamrY and Z seem to have more usage, and its possible some more un-maintainers may show up if we started the EOL patches for these15:39
fungiwallaby was 3 years 10 months ago, xena 3 years 4 months15:47
fricklerfungi: so? the unmaintained policy doesn't have any age restriction, it works as long as people claim to care about things15:52
fungifrickler: just neutral data points for people who don't feel like doing the mental math to gauge roughly how long we're keeping branches open15:54
fungihistorically (before the extended maintenance days) we would have tagged them eol and deleted the branches after ~1.5 years15:56
fricklerwe could add an "age" column on ;)15:56
fungiwhich means we would already have eol'd antelope as well under the old timeline15:56
fungican we add cobweb icons too" ;)15:57
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Add Andriy Kurilin candidacy for Rally
elodillesfungi: up till ocata it was even less than 1.5 yrs, more like ~1 year ;)16:56
fungisounds about right16:56
funginewton released 2016-10-06, newton-eol tagged in nova 2018-02-0116:57
elodillesthere are exceptions :]17:03
elodillesGrizzly released 2013-04-04, EOL date 2014-03-2917:04
elodilleswell it's just a couple of days less than a year17:05
elodillesi wanted to say that the average adds up, but meh... :)17:05
elodilles( )17:06
elodilles(and yepp, those dates are probably not matching with the tagging dates :S)17:08
spotz[m]Grizzly was the first release I ever installed:(20:45
fungigrizzly was the first summit i ever attended (i joined too late to swing folsom)20:49
opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/election master: Add Tatiana Ovchinnikova candidacy for Horizon 2025.2 PTL

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