Tuesday, 2025-02-11

opendevreviewinspurericzhang proposed openstack/election master: Adding Eric Zhang candidacy for Venus  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/election/+/94117500:55
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elodilles_ptohi TC, thanks for proposing the 2025.2 runtimes patch o/ i've created the py3 job templates updating patches based on it, please review and/or feel free to push another PS if needed: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:2025.214:06
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gouthamrelodilles: nice! thank you!16:34
elodillesnp :)16:37
slaweqgouthamr: hi, sorry for the late notice but I won't be able to attend today's meeting because I have a flu and don't feel well.16:47
fungii hope you get to feeling better quickly!16:48
gouthamrslaweq: ack, sorry to hear that, echo fungi 16:48
gouthamrtc-members: a gentle reminder that our weekly meeting will be on this channel in ~59 mins17:02
gmannelodilles: thanks, will check after TC meeting17:54
gouthamr#startmeeting tc18:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Feb 11 18:00:50 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'18:00
gouthamrWelcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct.18:01
gouthamrToday's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee18:01
gouthamr#topic Roll Call18:01
gouthamrnoted absence: s l a w e q 18:02
gouthamrcourtesy ping: bauzas cardoe 18:03
cardoeapologies. I'm here.18:03
cardoeStaring at a dump out of OVN and spaced.18:03
gouthamr:) good stuff18:04
gouthamrthat's everyone18:04
gouthamrlet's get started18:04
gouthamr#topic Last Week's AIs18:04
gouthamrFollowing up on openstackdocstheme review permissions18:04
gmannthere is some progress on this. we discussed it in oslo meeting and oslo team members agree on the proposal to add gtema in openstackdocstheme core list18:05
gtemathanks gmann18:05
gmannproject-config change for ACl setup is merged 18:05
gouthamrnice, thank you gmann.. 18:05
gmann#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/94084518:05
gmannand I pinged daniel in oslo channel to add gtema in gerrit ACl group. I will follow up on that in coming meeting if not done before that18:06
gouthamrah, assumed you had permissions too? 18:06
gtemafor ref: so far it was not done18:06
gmannI will wait for daniel to do that18:07
gmanngtema: api-ref also can be discussed as separate but I do not think there will be any objection but just for formalities, it is good to discuss in oslo meeting18:07
gtemaperfect, thanks18:08
gouthamrack, oslo is still DPL - i think its worth discussing stuff, but, if the team was in agreement, i think you can make the changes, gmann 18:08
gmannit is in PTL appointment state, we are hoping PTL nomination this week or so18:09
gmannI will add api-ref explicitly also in oslo meeting agenda just in case18:09
gouthamrwhat is PTL appointment state? :D 18:09
gmannit is in PTL leadership model as DPL state is already reset18:10
noonedeadpunkactually I'm super concerned about amount of supplied PTLs nominees18:10
noonedeadpunknot saying there're zero candidates for TC so far18:10
funginote that ~75% (ballpark) of ptls nominate themselves in the final 48 hours or so18:11
gmannnoonedeadpunk: usually it comes at the end even we start early :) 18:11
bauzasyeah, nominations usually arrive late 18:11
gouthamrgmann: sorry, i know you mean well and this effort is for visibility and to drive consensus publicly.. but, hear me out - waiting for the next oslo meeting feels like process :) 18:11
fungii think everyone's hoping someone else will volunteer, before they give up and run again18:11
gouthamr^ next AI is about this18:12
gmanngouthamr: yeah, I know its more of paper work but I will followup it in olso meeting and get it done18:12
gouthamrnomination period began on 5th Feb, and is ending on 19th Feb at 23:45 UTC 18:12
spotz[m]I think PTLs either know who's up next or in the case no one has been in training folks restep up 18:12
noonedeadpunkI guess I was just a bit concerned about rumors going around of one huge contributor pulling out in no time18:12
gouthamroh? 18:13
noonedeadpunkthough they were all coming from not-so-trusted sources, but heard that like 3 times during last 2 weeks18:13
noonedeadpunknah, it's good that there're plenty of question marks - means it only me hearing that :D18:14
gouthamrprobably :) 18:14
noonedeadpunkso doesn't matter, lets go on!18:14
fungirumors can often be false-flag misinformation intended to sow doubt18:14
gouthamrregarding this AI, this is a reminder that 5 seats are up for election on the OpenStack TC - and so far there are no nominees18:14
gouthamri intend to self-nominate after some introspection, just procrastinating on the nomination 18:15
spotz[m]I'm in the same stage, I was waiting to see if anyone step up to speak for the non-technical aspects of the community before I re=run18:16
gouthamri think the other thing about elections is the AC deadline that's coming up this week 18:17
gouthamrwe don't have any extra ACs to add on behalf of the TC18:17
gouthamri did notice however, that the roll generation script doesn't look at technical-committee-repos .. feels like deja vu18:18
gmanngood point, maybe we should send it on ML to remind community leaders/extra ACs also18:18
gouthamrbut also a pbkac moment because we've discussed this in the pact18:18
gouthamrso i have a patch coming for that, and will chat with sla weq and ian18:18
gmannI mean sending extra ACs deadline to ML18:19
gouthamrit was called out in ttx's email, but we can send a separate email18:19
gouthamr#action send an email regarding the extra AC deadline18:19
gmannyeah, separate email might be good. I tried added it in one of steps for election official as email template but that time election officials did not agree on this.18:20
gouthamrack, i'll send this after our meeting18:20
gmannbut having it a step like other email communication will be good idea18:20
spotz[m]Make sure to target the SiGs so they know it's them as well, I've got the only WG18:20
gouthamralright, anything else about the election?18:21
gouthamrnext AI: ensure Freezer and related repos are included in the coordinated release18:21
gouthamri think this may have come up in the release meeting18:22
gouthamrdon't know if there's anything else we need to do now18:22
noonedeadpunkI can recall talking to release team last week and some placeholder patches were proposed for that18:22
gouthamr#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/940768 (Add freezer deliverables to 2025.1 Epoxy)18:23
gouthamri think elodilles left some questions for you18:23
gouthamrnoonedeadpunk ^18:23
noonedeadpunkyeah... I missed it obviously18:23
fungirelated, we discussed in the last release meeting that it might be nice if the emerging/inactive lists were machine parseable in some way (maybe built from projects.yaml content)18:24
gouthamrthe questions subsume my own question about the launchpad tracker for freezer-web-ui18:24
gouthamrfungi: ah, good idea18:24
fungithe release team feels like they have a hard time keeping track of what's inactive from cycle to cycle18:25
fungiand would rather just integrate some automation for that18:25
gouthamrthese projects are already in projects.yaml - so just another property to tag the inactive/emerging ones?18:25
gmannwe discussed in past and to show the Inactive state in project yaml as well as in project doc main page also18:25
gmannbut we did not update those 18:25
fungiyeah, just something for the wishlist while it was fresh in my mind18:26
gmanngouthamr: to show 'INACTIVE' state in project.yaml18:26
gmannand also it will be helpful or more visible to show same state in project doc page18:26
gouthamrany volunteers who want to make this change?18:26
* gouthamr holds gmann's hand down and looks around :D 18:27
fungiif it's tracked in projects.yaml, that would solve the release team's need18:27
noonedeadpunkI totally agree that this should be some readable list18:27
bauzasunfortunately I don't have time for this :(18:27
gmann:) 18:27
fungialso not at all urgent, of course18:28
noonedeadpunkum. I will not able to commit with a fixed deadline...18:28
noonedeadpunkbut overall - would be interesting to do18:28
ttxCould be next cycle at this point 18:28
ttxWe only check that very periodically 18:28
gmannIf no one then  I can do but next month or so when I get some time18:29
gouthamr+1 thanks for the suggestion, i'll add it to the tracker18:29
gmannyeah, that will be helpful if we forgot. thanks18:29
gmannnoonedeadpunk: ++18:30
gouthamranything else on this AI?18:30
gouthamrnext one: EOL transition for the "unmaintained/wallaby" branch18:30
gouthamrthink this one would be non-controversial to pursue, barring the ~70 repos that elodilles has omitted from the unmaintained/victoria branch18:31
gouthamrfrickler: was this something you planned on pursuing, or needed someone else to look into?18:32
fricklerwell I certainly wouldn't object if someone else would propose a patch for that, since then I can review with my release hat on18:32
cardoeDo we have any helpful script to help automate it?18:32
fricklerbut if nobody volunteers I'll get to do that myself eventually18:33
fricklercardoe: we have the "new-release" script, but you need to feed it with the list of repos to deal with18:33
frickleryou'd have to extract that list from the victoria patch that was merged18:33
gouthamrwould this be the one? https://github.com/openstack/releases/blob/master/tools/transition_series.sh18:33
fricklergouthamr: that script would transition everything. but we cannot eol stuff in w that is still active in v18:34
gouthamrack, maybe if we could tweak it to have an exclude list18:35
fricklerbut amending that script with these restrictions might also be a good investment18:35
cardoehrm. I'm going to have to plead ignorance here. frickler, if ya teach me how to fish so to speak I'll help ya in the future18:35
bauzasbut I dunno if we can eol a release using this command18:36
fricklercardoe: yeah, I can do some initial thing and document it in an etherpad I guess18:36
gouthamr++ thanks frickler 18:37
fricklerbauzas: iirc that's what I used for the victoria patch, yes18:37
bauzasI don't see any type for eol, but meh18:37
gouthamralright, we've spent some time on AIs and veered off into related discussions here.. lets get through the agenda 18:37
fricklerthe other related topic that could use a volunteer is check the non-eoled v repos18:37
gouthamrbut real quick, are there any other AIs that you're pursuing that we didn't discuss?18:38
fricklerlike look at the remaining zuul issues and followup with elodilles or other unmaintainers18:38
gouthamrfrickler: we thought of deferring that to the upcoming PTG 18:38
fricklergouthamr: that's some longer term task, I don't see how it could be handled only at the PTG18:39
fricklerand I also don't see any advantage in waiting until then18:39
gouthamrthat = discussing the state of the Unmaintained Core Group18:39
fricklerlike ... discussing to get rid of it?18:40
gouthamrmaybe not, but checking the pulse on it - since its been a couple of release cycles since we started that effort18:40
fricklerok, but that's then a different topic than what I was talking about18:41
gouthamri see18:41
fricklerwhich is enforcing the policy that were not yet retired yet at the promise of elodilles caring about them18:42
frickler*... policy for those repos that ...*18:42
gouthamr^ i am under the impression that this is under the purview of the unmaintained-core group18:42
fricklerI don't see any real activity from that group, but maybe that's just my ignorance18:43
fricklerso yeah, maybe it is a bit related18:43
gmannAs per process, those unmaintained branches/repo goes to EOL like frickler proposed for V and volunteer caring about any will be kept as unmaintained. 18:43
bauzasif we don't have anyone, it's not a problem18:43
bauzasgiven we could EOL indeed18:43
gmannwe do not need to monitor unmaintained-core group or repo as those are going to EOL by default unless opt-in18:44
fricklerwell ... we have a single person claiming to care ... but failing to follow up with approriate action afaict18:44
spotz[m]That's no help then18:44
gmannfrickler: is your concern about the repo which are opt-in but not in good state?18:45
gouthamrfolks, time check, there are a couple of fresh topics to look at; we should talk about this, but, i'd defer it to next week since it didn't figure in the agenda.. 18:45
fricklerwe allowed the opt-in to happen although the conditions we formulated to keep repos alive were not yet satisfied, yes18:45
gmannI see18:45
gouthamr#topic Strategic consideration for OpenInfra Foundation joining the Linux Foundation18:45
gouthamr#link https://lists.openinfra.org/archives/list/foundation@lists.openinfra.org/thread/3B7OWPRXB4KD2DVX7SYYSHYYRNCKVV46/18:45
gmannI added this but most of you know about this topic18:45
gouthamr#link https://board.openinfra.org/en/strategic-consideration 18:46
gmannand most of you might have attended community meeting also today18:46
gouthamrif you missed that one, the next one is Thursday, Feb 13, 01:00 UTC / 9am China Standard Time / 5pm Pacific (Wed, Feb 12)18:46
gmannI do not intend to have any specific discussion over it but just to make sure it is well checked by the tc-members and start the discussion in ML or community meeting18:46
gmannwhich gouthamr already stated last week18:46
gmanngouthamr: ++18:47
gouthamrhttps://board.openinfra.org/strategic-consideration/faq states something jonathan bryce mentioned in the call as well18:47
spotz[m]First community meeting took place already the second is tomorrow at 1:00 UTC18:47
gouthamr"Projects will retain their independent governance, principles (e.g., The Four Opens), project infrastructure, and communication channels and will continue to receive the same Foundation services from the same people. Contributor workflows, systems and infrastructure will stay the same. "18:47
jbryceI'm listening here too and always happy to chat with anyone if there are questions or feedback18:47
gmannas per step, there is no official votes we need from TC on this but ack and feedback from TC is good things to do.18:47
spotz[m]And pleas ask questions on the FOundation thread to keep everything in one place18:48
* gouthamr hey there jbryce 18:48
gmannjbryce: ++ thanks18:48
gouthamri think i got a question regarding teh ICLA18:48
gouthamrif that's expected to change, and impact on existing contributors18:49
noonedeadpunkI guess one of main things I'm a bit concerned about - is that LF has aleready released a recommendation to limit accepting contributions from some countries18:49
noonedeadpunkwhich kind of... kind of... already weird for 4opens18:50
fungiyeah, i brought that up a while back, it sounds like there's an expectation that no icla revision will be required, but if there is then it's a good time for us to look at finally switching to dco (since the board okayed it some years ago)18:50
gmannnoonedeadpunk: ohk, is there any official lin/info on that?18:50
jbryceI will follow up with our legal counsel but my current understanding is existing ones woukd transfer. In the event we merge, we would need to update the entity defined as the "manager" in the CLA. I will get official confirmation though18:50
noonedeadpunkgmann: was reffering to https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2024/dec/12/linux-banned-russian-contributors-do-i-need-to/18:50
gmannfungi: ++ on switching to dco18:50
jbryceAnd yes we can use it as an opportunity to make potential changes, e.g. DCO18:51
noonedeadpunkso getting under US legislation umbrella, right now... when main users are actually outside of US...18:51
gmannnoonedeadpunk: I see, that is really a important point to discuss 18:52
noonedeadpunkand basically one of main strong points of openstack - being an alternative in EU for digital soverignity...18:52
fungiwell, the openinfra foundation is already incorporated in the usa, that's not necessarily a change18:52
gouthamrDCO would be a significant change - a lot of gerrit churn initially, but hopefully short term 18:52
jbryceUnfortunately sanctions apply to us (and companies and individual developers) in any case, whether there's a move or not18:52
noonedeadpunkfungi: but now foundation has regional branches kind of?18:52
fungiso does lf, as i understand it?18:52
jbryceThere are a lot on non-US sanctions as well18:52
noonedeadpunkok, could be...18:53
jbryceCorrect, LF also has regional branches18:53
jbryceIf anything I'm hopeful we can have a bigger impact on getting these regulations to view open source properly18:53
noonedeadpunkI think my biggest concern, with ongoing uncertanty and some kind of "trade war" starting - that EU (which I care most about), were able to consume and contribute...18:54
jbryceThis is something that happened previously around export controls which have a special recognition for publicly available software18:54
gmannI think foundation as a org is one thing which has to be corporated in some country but being a Open Source model/license , it is not restricted to who all can contribute/use etc18:54
noonedeadpunk(but also other regions, ie East)18:54
* bauzas is really a sad panda due to the world change18:54
jbryceThe LF actually has spent a lot of effort on these topics and shared the output with us previously, thankfully18:55
fungialso with openinfra (and me) being in the usa, it hasn't stopped me getting elected to the specification committee for the open regulatory compliance working group (under the eclipse foundation) to guide compliance requirements for the eu cra18:55
fungithese sorts of things can still happen across national borders18:55
jbryceI hope to advocate for a framework like that but for other use cases18:55
noonedeadpunkI gues it depends on what crazy sanctions could be made to whom... 18:56
noonedeadpunkbut yeah, I got that now it's not different18:56
fungiyes, different countries are constantly sanctioning one another and declaring that their citizens can't interact with citizens of certain other countries, unfortunately18:56
noonedeadpunkI was just under a false impression that regional presence is a some way around18:57
knikollathe future is looking quite unpredictable :( 18:57
fungiopen source is global, but everyone has to live somewhere18:57
gmannthough it is good point but if that is cmg then it will be same concern for current OpenInfra also. not only when Openinfra going in LF umbrella 18:57
noonedeadpunkreally sad that globalisation era has ended - that was really great time :(18:57
bauzasI'm afraid they don't know the difference between opensource and IP18:58
noonedeadpunkas borders feel somehow stupid limitation...18:58
gmannwell, not ended maybe just paused for sometime....18:58
jbryceI'm going to keep fighting for open source for everyone, everywhere no matter what18:59
bauzasfwiw, I'm working for a global company operating many local subsidiaries18:59
gmanntrue, and if it is not global then it is not open source18:59
knikollanow if only we could get k8s off github and onto opendev :) 18:59
noonedeadpunkand what happens with foundation members?18:59
noonedeadpunkbauzas: I wonder what would happen with this org prices in case some export tariff would be applied....19:00
gouthamrknikolla: off of prow and onto zuul, off of slack and onto IRC, off of google meet and onto Jitsi - the number of head shakes with k8s 19:01
noonedeadpunkok, let's not exxaturate with slack -> irc. slack -> matrix would be already a win19:01
gouthamr:D we're over the time we have had.. but its not like we need to vacate the room19:02
gmannnoonedeadpunk: your question is for  'foundation members organization' or 'foundation staff' ?19:02
knikollanoonedeadpunk: that's an interesting point. would foundation membership be subject to tariffs? 19:02
gmannyeah, we can continue the discussion after meeting also as it is going on19:02
noonedeadpunkmembers organizations19:02
noonedeadpunkfor staff I saw reply in a thread19:02
ttxIn my understanding, tariffs apply to importing goods19:02
ttxBut then I'm no expert 19:03
bauzaswe don't produce materials19:03
gmannnoonedeadpunk: some answer to that in question 9 https://board.openinfra.org/strategic-consideration/faq19:03
bauzasI mean, at least for myself :)19:03
fungialso the faq is a living document, so as people raise more questions we'll try to get them answered there for reference19:03
* gouthamr will keep the meeting open for a bit longer for the minutes' sake.. 19:04
gouthamr++ in general, this seems like a great new/big step..  i'm curious, and excited around increased avenues/opportunities to collaborate with adjacent communities, a significant number of who are within LF.. 19:04
noonedeadpunkttx: ah, well. ok, importing tarif in EU could be a response to some other thing19:05
spotz[m]I do think collaboration with adjacent communities will hopefully become easier.19:05
bauzaswhat kind of imported goods are we talking about ?19:05
bauzasagain, I probably missed a point19:05
noonedeadpunkwell, I was thinking if IP could be part of that, for instance19:06
bauzasmy brain isn't made of steel, I'm not superman19:06
noonedeadpunkanyway, it's a complete offtop, to be discussed under beer and not in a meeting :)19:06
bauzasnoonedeadpunk: YAY, definitely :crossed_fingers_emoji:19:07
bauzasbut again, I do understand the concerns 19:07
knikollanoonedeadpunk: yay beer19:07
gouthamralright, last call to post any further thoughts for the meeting :) 19:07
bauzasabout the TC impact, I guess given there is no difference, we don't need to vote on any governance resolution, right?19:07
gouthamr+1 no19:08
bauzaswe may have bylaws changes, but that's not something we havez to vote, right?19:08
gmannbauzas: yes, no vote needed as resolution or so19:08
fungisounds like no, unless the parts of the foundation bylaws that require a tc vote need altering in some way19:08
knikollai liked the analogy of project themselves being virtualized and not knowing the difference between bare metal (separate foundation) and VM (under LF)19:08
gouthamr"lift and shift" 19:08
bauzasfungi: that's my question, is there a bylaws change that requires a TC approval ?19:08
gmannyeah bylaw changes we need to vote anyways as foundation members19:08
fungibut i think maybe we don't have any parts of the bylaws that need a tc vote any longer?19:09
spotz[m]There shouldn't been any changed to the bylaws but when there are everyone votes not just TC19:09
bauzasthat was my assumption, bylaws changes are requiring foundation members approval, not TC approval AFAICR19:09
gmannthere were some section still need feedback from project governance but not as a formal vote maybe. 19:09
fungiwell, we did have sections of the bylaws that required permission from the openstack tc to change, but we may not as of the most recent revision19:09
gmannbut if anything comes up for TC, spotz[m] or I will keep eyes on that and bring it here19:10
bauzasdo we then want to support the Foundation by providing a resolution saying "yeah, we do support this change ?"19:10
gmannI think not needed but jbryce what ^^ you say?19:10
gmannor it can be a reply to ML from chair about support/agreement 19:11
bauzasI don't think this is needed but if that can help...19:11
gmanns/chair/TC chair19:11
khyr0nalso... if we "join forces" there is a way to undone that? and also, is there a way to share with the community all the small letter on the contract? 19:12
bauzasyah a formal resolution is maybe too firm19:12
bauzaskhyr0n: look at the FAQ, there is no community impact19:12
knikollabauzas: a celebratory party? 19:12
bauzasknikolla: don't ask me about any physical meetup, I'm pretty burned about virtual PTGs19:13
gmannyeah, resolution is not required as such but a summarized agreement or no objection from OpenStack governance can be done in ML reply19:13
fungikhyr0n: the announcement said that draft documents would be forthcoming19:13
ttxRight, we'll share the documents as they get finalized19:13
ttxgmann: +119:14
bauzasfwiw, I trust the Foundation for the legal documentations...19:14
fungikhyr0n: as i understand it, once we "join forces" it would be hard to untangle later, as the lf would own the project trademarks and hold the contracts19:14
fungiif projects desperately wanted to exit the lf, their communities could fork them under new names i guess19:15
jbryceHa sorry... Unintentional pastebin message19:15
opendevreviewAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack/election master: Add Andriy Kurilin candidacy for Rally  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/election/+/94129219:15
gouthamrwith that note, thank you all for participating.. lets wrap this meeting up.. i'll follow up with gmann's suggestion; but if there are any other comments, please feel free to post them to the ML!19:15
fungiwhich is of course why we need to get feedback from the community and projects19:15
khyr0nbauzas: let me explain a close friend issue with the CNCF as part of LF, he was born in Cuba but now lives in Miami, and wanted to just go to Cuba to talk about Kubernetes and made it official, as is there is not procedure on how to do that, he contacted the "legal" department, answer was a 100% no to that, impossible to do, no way that CNCF can approve that19:15
gouthamr#link https://lists.openinfra.org/archives/list/foundation@lists.openinfra.org/thread/3B7OWPRXB4KD2DVX7SYYSHYYRNCKVV46/19:16
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Feb 11 19:16:26 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:16
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2025/tc.2025-02-11-18.00.html19:16
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2025/tc.2025-02-11-18.00.txt19:16
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2025/tc.2025-02-11-18.00.log.html19:16
bauzasfungi: tbc, by projects, we talk about OpenStack, StarlingX, Kata Containers19:16
khyr0nthat's one of my concerns, I'm and live in LATAM, so the future is blurry 19:17
spotz[m]The goal is to make sure this is what's best for the communities and the foundation. More voices bringing up potential questions we didn't think to ask so we can get answers19:17
bauzaswe had problems in the past with contributors not able to join us due to visa issues19:17
bauzasthat's not an easy problem to solve19:17
bauzasbut at least the Foundation can provide visa letters 19:18
gmanntrue, invitation or so is what event organizer/foundation can do as max and rest is all country wise policies. 19:18
spotz[m]Only the countries involved can deal with Visas when it all comes down to it19:20
fungino matter what country we've hosted events in over the years, there's always someone who has trouble getting an entry visa from somewhere else19:20
knikollaugh, visas...19:20
bauzasexactly, that's a NP problem19:20
gmannand it is not only the case for OpenSouce community/foundation, visa/travel challenges are for organization employee also to travel to their own organization subsidiary in other country.  19:20
bauzasoh yeah, I recently faced the experience (not me, a colleague) 19:21
bauzasfor a business trip19:21
khyr0nI don;'t know if you read a kolla-ansible issue about somebody having issues with the registry... if quay is block from China (a redhat thing and understandable) but it was the solution to docker issues... it seems to me that the foundation should address that providing solutions for all users, not for just a few 19:21
bauzasso I think this is unrelated to the merger proposal19:21
bauzasmaybe even the LF could help more the visa things because the foundation is larger and more known19:22
gmannyes, it is separate topic and problem to solve but I do not think foundation staff can do anything on that especially anything on country wise policies19:22
bauzasbut eventually, all goes to where the event is landed...19:22
spotz[m]Even the LF can't influence travel VISas19:22
fungikhyr0n: kolla's images are unofficial testing materials, not intended for production use. they should be rebuilt ideally, in order to meet the regulatory requirements for the location where they'll be operated19:22
khyr0nif LF can fix that, what do the openinfra foundation to do that? it seems to me that is doable, it's only something we dont have access 19:22
gmannany ideas on how 'that is doable'? I might be missing some point here19:23
khyr0nfungi: cool answer but again, not for everybody, no matter is it's for prod or not 19:23
fungikhyr0n: github also can't be reached from normal ip addresses within mainland china. people there use (sometimes backdoored) copies19:24
bauzasgmann: ditto, I misunderstand the point here19:24
fungii don't think lf "fixes" that19:24
knikollawe're going to see a lot of geopolitical roadblocks arise in the next few years, and the solution to each of those is going to look different. from websites being simply blocked, bypassable with VPNs or other mechanisms, to full blown sanctions that enter into illegal grounds if you try to bypass. 19:24
fungii don't think openinfra can fix it either19:24
knikollaI think this makes the regional hubs of the foundations more important into helping solve this19:25
fungibasically, countries are free to tell their people what resources they're allowed to access. we can't and shouldn't encourage people to circumvent or break laws for the places where they live19:25
bauzaswe had connectivity problems in the past and we'll continue to have them19:25
gmannexactly, this is out of scope from community or any foundation19:25
bauzasI don't again see what's the point with the merger19:25
gmannbauzas: ++19:26
bauzastbh, my main concern was budget-wise but that's been answered in the FAQ19:26
noonedeadpunkso we kind of trade our "independency" and trademarks for lawyers?19:27
bauzasas gmann said, there would also be great opportunities to reach other communities with the merger19:27
khyr0nnoonedeadpunk ++19:27
bauzasnoonedeadpunk: hah, your concern is about the IP ?19:27
bauzasif not the budget or whatever else19:28
noonedeadpunkwell, point that it would be impossible to quit makes me extra nervous19:28
gouthamrwouldn't that be unfounded given the collective fate of a number of really popular projects rests with LF? 19:29
bauzasI see, a governoral change ?19:29
bauzasthat's surely a concern, but I hope the foundation has safebelts19:29
fungilike i said, this is why the board of directors wants feedback from the projects, it's a mostly one-way proposition (also why it's important that our members get to elect board representatives, to represent their concerns in governing these assets)19:29
bauzasreading hard the FAQ19:31
bauzasI see there will still be a board after the merger19:31
fungiyes, with the same basic makeup and electoral process19:31
noonedeadpunkgouthamr: well. I think plenty of projects were small enough and foundation indeed could give them a good start. While I ack that our communities have shrink significantly... I somehow biased towards LF a bit19:32
fungiand this will be encoded into documents similar to our current bylaws, which will be hard for lf to simply change without cooperation from the board19:32
bauzasso, again, my main concern is not about the governance itself, it's about the funding of the governance19:32
noonedeadpunktrue then19:33
bauzasbut I hope the budget will then be fully separated19:33
noonedeadpunkand pretty much events/promotion/etc19:33
spotz[m]Funding will still come from our members(platinum, gold, silver, etc)19:33
* bauzas speaks with a second thought about his own company19:33
* knikolla goes back into hiding. Nice to see you all. 19:34
bauzasspotz[m]: I'm not used to US accounting rules, but I assume there is a specific budget for operating needs19:35
bauzasand that will slighly change 19:35
bauzasbut if that's the sole change, I can accept that19:35
spotz[m]Yes and that comes out of the membership fees. There is the hope that we can share some resources. In the earlier community meeting Jonathan talked about combined events for example19:36
noonedeadpunkI think my most concern was that not to get project become a hostage state19:36
noonedeadpunkbut if there're safety belts against it...19:36
clarkbthe ultimate safety belt for all open source is the license19:36
knikollawe can always fork and become LibreStack19:36
noonedeadpunkhaha, lol19:37
frickleris there some public data about the budget of the OIF and how it is being spent?19:37
spotz[m]It would be the trademarks we'd no longer have, but I'd rathather ttx or jbryce speak on that19:37
bauzasviva la vida.19:37
fungifrickler: our financial statements, yes19:37
clarkbsome board meetings go over the budget as well19:37
spotz[m]The budget was discussed and voted on in the December board meeting or possibly the January one19:37
bauzaswoaw, pardon my ignorance but after 10 years, I never thought the statements were public19:38
bauzasI'm now very curious about those financial statements19:38
spotz[m]Yep they are19:39
gmannbudget is always discussed/approved by board in board meeting which are open for anyone to join. 19:39
bauzasyeah, that totally makes sens19:40
bauzassense* but I never thought a second about it19:40
fungiusa irs 501(c)(6) non-profit organizations, as part of their tax-exempt status, are required to file an irc form 990 annually, and those are public record19:40
fungis/irc/irs/ (finger memory!)19:40
bauzasfungi: ah, gtk19:40
bauzasI can talk about loi 1901 19:41
fungifor example, https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/460618689/202432749349301208/full19:41
bauzasbut I guess that won't help our needs :)19:41
fricklerhttps://board.openinfra.org/meetings/minutes/12102024BoardMinutes mentions the budget as Exhibit B, but that document itself isn't linked?19:42
spotz[m]I'm not sure who's in charge of that page frickler but can ask19:47
fricklerspotz[m]: thx, I assume the degree of detail would be similar to what fungi posted?19:48
spotz[m]Let me look, but I think it was a spreadsheet19:49
fungii think the budget spreadsheets contain more detail19:49
bauzasI unfortunately need to stop now, my brain is pretty fried after something like ~7 hours of meetings for today19:49
spotz[m]That's the gist of it yes19:50
fungithe irs form 990 really just contains the things the usa government cares about knowing, whereas the budget spreadsheets cover things the board and finance committee care about knowing19:50
clarkbI wanted to call out https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/941115 a single patchset (the first one) used 403 test nodes by my calculations (others are welcome to check my math and my numbers are in comments on the change)19:50
spotz[m]Like the 990 doesn't care how much is for marketing each month, but we do:)19:51
clarkbI think that illustrates the concern with certain projects consuming large quantities of resources all at once. I also tried to leave a couple of suggestions on how this might be mitigated witout giving up on the testnig19:51
fungialso the budgets are projections, while the irs filings are retrospective (and there's a window of time after the end of the year before they're due)19:51
fungiso if you want something more recent than 2023 final numbers, the budget is way more useful19:52
noonedeadpunkclarkb: one thing I found not very helpful - is fail-fast. as you can set it only on pipeline as a whole, but not specific job19:57
noonedeadpunkie - I wanted to fail-fast on linters or tox test early instead of running long-time devstack (or whatever), but quickly realized I can't do that19:58
clarkbnoonedeadpunk: I think the reason for that is aborting all jobs is considered a pipeline action. But you can kind of approximate the behavior you describe with job dependencies. That said its completely orthogonal to my example as my example passed all of the cheap quick jobs20:19
clarkbin my example it was the integration testing that went crazy20:19
clarkbmy point was less to try and throw blame around and instead to illustrate how well meaning but flawed ci configuration leads to problems20:20
noonedeadpunkyeah, true,I got that root cause was quite different.20:20
clarkbideally we refactor ci configurations like that to avoid this problem (hence my suggestion that devsatck not run in pre-run when devstack behavior is affected by the changes) and20:20
clarkber and maybe to refactor the tests themselves so that we're not doing a bunch of jobs that are an hour of setup for 1-5 minutes of test cases20:21
clarkbin theory we can collapse those together20:21
noonedeadpunkstill, it might save quite some resources everywhere if it was possible to cancel long-running jobs if basic sanity checks are failing20:21
noonedeadpunkbut yeah, true enough, running devstack in pre is risky20:21
clarkbthe risk with failing fast as you describe is linter errors are often non fatal and you save more resources if you run the linter (and fail) and teh unittests and the integration tests then fix all errors on the next patchset20:22
clarkbbut a lot of that has to do with human behavior20:22
fungimost of my linter failures are non-semantic whitespace issues, not e.g. missing parentheses or mistyped variable names20:24
noonedeadpunkyeah, but if you fail fast on some unit tests - it makes way more sense/ as even if devstack is fine - still you need to publish new patchset20:24
noonedeadpunkI was thnking mainly as ansible molecule tests - if they fail I'm not interested in rest tbh20:25
clarkbthen you can set them up as dependencies for the other jobs20:25
noonedeadpunkoh, huh...20:25
fungibut if unit tests and devstack failed for different reasons, you have the opportunity to fix them both in the next patchset rather than wasting even morre resources with yet an additional round of testing20:25
noonedeadpunkcan I set a project template as a depndency?20:26
clarkbnoonedeadpunk: no20:26
fungiyou can set dependencies in a project-template though20:26
noonedeadpunkand it's not requires/provides?20:26
noonedeadpunk(yeah, I think it's different)20:27
clarkbno requires/provides indicate artifact production and consumption20:27
clarkbjob dependencies are job A must run before job B and pass. A soft dependency will only be considered if it is scheduled. A hard dependency is required and if not scheduled the other job won't run20:27
noonedeadpunkyeah, I that was the only dependncy thing I had in mind and disregarded itback in the days for this purpose20:28
fungirequires/provides are more about relationships between buildsets/queue items too, rather than within a single buildset20:28
noonedeadpunkok, need to read and think about dependencies, thanks!20:29
clarkbI think this also speaks to why efficiency in setup tools (like devstack) is also worthwhile and people have poked at that over time. I think the last major pushes there were parallelization and also using a persistent openstackclient (thank you dansmith)20:31
* dansmith takes a bow21:10
cardoeI've noticed that Canonical projects have been pivoting away from Launchpad for bug tracking. I know we're using it heavily and just wondering if anyone's heard anything from Canonical on why it might be.21:36
fungicardoe: no clue, i hadn't noticed that myself, but maybe jamespage has some idea?21:39
cardoeI just went to report an issue in cloud-init and found myself steered to GitHub for issues. Just don't wanna let us be surprised by any shift is all.21:41
clarkbI think software development for some things (like cloud-init and microk8s etc) may be on github for code and issues. But the distro effort is still in launchpad21:44
clarkband that is/was due to people wanting to use git but lp didn't support git for a long time. Then it added git and by then it was probably too late for some efforts?21:47
spotz[m]I could swear I saw something and they said to report it on Launchpad, but can't remember the what  or where21:50

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