Wednesday, 2025-03-12

noonedeadpunkI can continue service as vice-chair if there were no volunteers08:31
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: Update Freezer API ref to V2
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: docs: increasing file descriptor limit
*** elodilles is now known as elodilles_pto13:22
fungii also e-mailed openstack-discuss a few minutes ago linking to the board meeting recap13:27
fricklerbtw., did someone ever find a reference to the budget planning sheet we were talking about some time ago?13:34
fungifrickler: i've seen them presented at the public board meetings and they get exhibit ids in the minutes, but the minutes don't ever seem to link to a copy. i expect they're in the board packets that go to the directors for the december meetings as that's when they're generally voted on, but those are distributed privately to the board members and there are no copies sent to the13:43
fungipublic foundation-board ml that i can find13:43
frickleryes, it was claimed that they were public, but if they only are to be seen if one happens to be at the right place at the right moment in time, that's some weird definition of public13:48
fungiyes, they're presented at a public meeting, but there's no durable public location they're provided, just shown at the meeting and the copies provided by staff to the directors. i asked foundation staff folks and that does seem to be the case13:50
fungiso the (retrospective) irs form 990 filings are the only long-term public financial record other than things that might get mentioned in the foundation's public annual reports13:50
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fungifrickler: jbryce also indicated to me that he's also happy to discuss budget details directly with anyone who's interested14:47
TheJuliaIs there a specific concern aside from wanting access to the information?15:21
gouthamrnoonedeadpunk++ thank you15:49
gmannAs many were asking about board meeting discussions, here is summary available
fungii also posted a link to that on openstack-discuss16:44
gmann++ thanks fungi 17:02
fungithough much earlier today17:03
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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: One of our Zuul job log storage providers is experiencing errors. We have removed that storage target from base jobs. You should be able to safely recheck changes now.20:24
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/governance master: Add 2025.2 TC chair and vice-chair
gouthamrtc-members: doesn't require a formal-vote *, but please +1 if you take a look ^; i'll merge this in a day23:57

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